
This class couples OpenMC cell-based models (e.g. Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) or DAGMC) to MOOSE. The crux is to identify a mapping between OpenMC cells and a MooseMesh. The data flow contains two major steps:

  • Temperature and/or density field data on the MooseMesh are volume-averaged and applied to the corresponding OpenMC cells.

  • Tallies are mapped from OpenMC into CONSTANT MONOMIAL fields on the MooseMesh through the tally system.

The smallest possible input file to run OpenMC is shown below. This page describes this syntax, plus more advanced settings.

Listing 1: Smallest possible OpenMC wrapped input file.

  type = FileMesh
  file = pincell.e

  type = OpenMCCellAverageProblem
  power = 1000.0

  temperature_blocks = '1 2 3'
  density_blocks = '3'

  cell_level = 0

      type = CellTally
      blocks = '1'

  type = Transient

  exodus = true

Initializing Variables

We first initialize (MooseVariables) to communicate OpenMC's solution with MOOSE. These variables will be viewable in the MOOSE output files (e.g., via Paraview). Depending on the user settings, the following CONSTANT MONOMIAL variables will be added:

  • Variable(s) representing the OpenMC tally(s) added by the [Tallies] block

  • Variable(s) representing the temperature to read into OpenMC. Temperature will be read from the mesh subdomains indicated by temperature_blocks.

  • Variable(s) representing the density to read into OpenMC. Density will be read from the mesh subdomains indicated by density_blocks.

  • A variable (cell_id) storing the mapping of OpenMC cell IDs onto the mesh

  • A variable (cell_instance) storing the mapping of OpenMC cell instances onto the mesh


These variables have default names, but you can also control their names using the temperature_variables, and density_variables parameters. The names of the tally variables can be customized with the tally_name parameter in each tally object. If you want to see the names, run with verbose = true and tables will print out on initialization with this information.


You do not need to add/initialize ANY of these variables manually - it all happens behind the scenes!

As an example, let's start with a complicated case first. Suppose our [Problem] block looks like the following. We want to apply temperature feedback from four blocks (fuel, cladding, water, helium). We also want to apply density feedback, but only from two blocks (water and fluid). Suppose we also want to keep separate track of different variables representing each of these physical fields, so we will want to read temperature from a variable named temp0 in the fuel and cladding blocks, but from a variable named nek_temp in the helium block (and so on for density).

  type = OpenMCCellAverageProblem

  temperature_variables = 'temp0;         t_water;  nek_temp'
  temperature_blocks    = 'fuel cladding;   water;    helium'

  density_variables = 'rho_water; rho_helium'
  density_blocks = 'water; helium'

      type = CellTally
      score = 'heating flux'
      name = 'power openmc_flux'

Then Cardinal is building the following automatically for you:

  [temp0] # added for all corresponding 'temperature_blocks'
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    block = 'fuel cladding'
  [t_water] # added for all corresponding 'temperature_blocks'
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    block = 'water'
  [nek_temp] # added for all corresponding 'temperature_blocks'
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    block = 'helium'
  [rho_water] # added for all corresponding 'density_blocks'
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    blocks = 'water'
  [rho_helium] # added for all corresponding 'density_blocks'
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    blocks = 'helium'
  [power] # the first tally we added (score is 'heating', but we set a custom name)
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
  [openmc_flux] # the second tally we added (score is 'flux', but we set a custom name)
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT

By default, Cardinal will name all temperature feedback with the temp variable, all density feedback with the density variable, and all tally scores with the same name as the score. Suppose we instead wanted to rely on defaults; we would set our [Problem] block as:

  type = OpenMCCellAverageProblem
  density_blocks = 'water helium'
  temperature_blocks = 'fuel cladding water helium'

      type = CellTally
      score = 'heating flux'

Then Cardinal is instead building the following automatically for you:

  [temp] # added for all temperature_blocks
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    block = 'fuel cladding water helium'
  [density] # added for all density_blocks
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    blocks = 'water helium'
  [heating] # the first tally we added (score is 'heating')
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
  [flux] # the second tally we added (score is 'flux')
    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT

Cell to Element Mapping

Next, a mapping from the elements in the MooseMesh (i.e. the mesh in the [Mesh] block) is established to the OpenMC cell geometry.


The OpenMC geometry is always specified in length units of centimeters. Most other MOOSE applications use SI units, i.e. meters for the length unit. See Mesh Scaling to learn how to couple OpenMC models to non-centimeter-based MOOSE applications.

In the [Mesh] block, you should provide a mesh onto which OpenMC will write its tally values, as well as read temperature and density. This mesh is only used for reading/writing data, so there are no requirements on node continuity across elements. We loop over all the elements and map each to an OpenMC cell according to the element centroid. As an example, Figure 1 depicts an OpenMC geometry, a mesh on which temperature feedback is to be applied, and a visualization of the mapping from these elements to the OpenMC cells. There are no requirements on alignment of elements/cells or on preserving volumes - the OpenMC cells and mesh mirror elements do not need to be conformal. Elements that don't map to an OpenMC cell simply do not participate in the multiphysics coupling (and vice versa for the cells). This feature can be used to exclude regions such as reflectors from multiphysics feedback.

Figure 1: Illustration of OpenMC cells and the mapping to a mesh.


You can visualize how the OpenMC cells map to the mesh by viewing the cell_id and cell_instance variables Cardinal automatically outputs. For more information on how to interpret these variables, see: CellIDAux and CellInstanceAux.

The cell-to-element mapping should be established with care. There are two general behavior patterns that are typically undesirable. In Figure 2, consider the case where the [Mesh] has four equal-sized elements, each of volume , while the OpenMC domain has three equal-sized cells. Assume that the power produced by each OpenMC cell is , so that the total power of the OpenMC domain is . By nature of the centroid mapping, one OpenMC cell will map to a much larger region of space than the other two cells. Even though the fission power in each OpenMC cell is , the power density will differ by a factor of two once mapped to the [Mesh]. In practice, this might not have a detrimental or even noticeable effect on temperature solutions due to the smoothing nature of heat conduction, but you should be aware of it.

Figure 2: Element to cell mapping for OpenMC cells coarser than the [Mesh]


You can monitor the mapping by checking the mesh volumes that each OpenMC cell maps to by setting verbose = true, which will print a mapping table. You can also add an OpenMCVolumeCalculation which will run a stochastic volume calculation and print out the actual volume of the OpenMC cells in the "Actual Vol" column (not just the volume of the mesh elements the cells map to in the "Mapped Vol" column!).

|         Cell          |   T   | T+rho | Other | Mapped Vol | Actual Vol |
| 1, instance 0 (of 10) |   168 |     0 |     0 | 5.298e-01  |            |
| 1, instance 1 (of 10) |   168 |     0 |     0 | 5.298e-01  |            |
| 1, instance 2 (of 10) |   168 |     0 |     0 | 5.298e-01  |            |

If you know that all the tallied OpenMC cells are actually the same volume, you can also use the check_equal_mapped_tally_volumes parameter to automatically check that the mapped volue for each tally bin is identical.

In Figure 3, consider the case where the [Mesh] has two equal-sized elements, while the OpenMC domain has three equal-sized cells. By nature of the centroid mapping, one OpenMC cell will not participate in coupling because no elements in the [Mesh] have a centroid within the cell. This situation is more difficult to detect, but can be monitored by setting verbose = true and monitoring the table outputs.

Figure 3: Element to cell mapping for OpenMC cells finer than the [Mesh]

Of course, the situations shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3 can occur even if the number of mesh elements exactly match the number of OpenMC cells, depending on where the element centroids are located. Therefore, we recommend using verbose = true when getting started.

Cell Levels

A unique temperature and density will be assigned to each OpenMC cell that has a unique combination of a cell ID and instance. As such, the cell "level" on which to apply multiphysics feedback must be defined, using either the cell_level or lowest_cell_level parameter.

The cell "level" is the coordinate "level" in the OpenMC geometry to "stop at" for identifying the cell ID/instance pairs. Cell-based geometries can be constructed by nesting repeated universes/lattices at multiple locations in the domain, but you may not be interested in always coupling cells at the lowest level to MOOSE. This feature was added to Cardinal specifically for TRISO applications, where heat conduction feedback is usually not explicitly resolving TRISO particles (instead, you'd prefer to set each fuel pebble or compact to a single temperature, requiring Cardinal to figure out the list of cells (TRISO layers, matrix) filling some higher-level cell (the pebble surface, the compact cylinder surface). The cell_level and lowest_cell_level parameters indicate the coordinate level (relative to 0, the highest level in the geometry) at which to "stop" the find cell routine.


You can visualize your OpenMC model at different geometry hierarchies using OpenMC plots and setting the level.

As an example, the figure below shows a TRISO-fueled High Temperature Gas Reactor (HTGR) fuel assembly from the gas assembly tutorial. This image shows the geomtery, colored by cell, at different levels in the geometry. If we wanted to apply a single temperature value to all the TRISO particles nested inside a compact, we would set cell_level = 1 for this problem. If we chose cell_level = 2, we'd be trying to set a unique temperature for every individual TRISO particle. If we chose cell_level = 3, we'd be trying to set a unique temperature for every layer in every TRISO particle.

Figure 4: Cell level concept, using a TRISO assembly as an example

In many cases, the coordinate levels on which you would like to couple OpenMC to MOOSE are not the same everywhere in the OpenMC geometry. This was the case in Figure 4 (levels 2 and 3 only exist in parts of the domain). You can use lowest_cell_level to indicate that coupling should be performed on the specified level except in regions where there are no cells at that level.

Adding Tallies

Mapped Tallies

This class takes the tally objects initialized by the [Tallies] block and uses them to construct tally auxvariables. At the moment there are two options for discretizing tallies spatially in Cardinal:

  1. cell tallies (CellTally)

  2. libMesh unstructured mesh tallies (MeshTally)

If no tallies are specified by the [Tallies] block, this class adds no tally auxvariables. Each is normalized according to the specified power or source_strength (depending on whether you are running a -eigenvalue or fixed-source problem). By default, the normalization is done against a global tally added over the entire OpenMC domain. By setting normalize_by_global_tally to false, however, the tally is instead normalized by the sum of the tally itself.

Mapped Tally Scores

You can customize the type of score that Cardinal uses to normalize tallies to power with the source_rate_normalization parameter. Options include:

  • heating: total nuclear heating

  • heating_local: same as the heating score, except that energy from secondary photons is deposited locally

  • kappa_fission: recoverable energy from fission, including prompt sources (fission fragments, prompt neutrons, prompt gammas) and delayed sources (delayed neutrons, delayed gammas, delayed betas). Neutrino energy is neglected. The energy from photons is assumed to deposit locally.

  • fission_q_prompt: the prompt components of the kappa_fission score, except that the energy released is a function of the incident energy by linking to optional fission energy release data.

  • fission_q_recoverable: same as the kappa_fission score, except that the score depends on the incident energy by linking to optional fission energy release data

For more information on the specific meanings of these various scores, please consult the OpenMC tally documentation. All of the tallies added are normalized with the same source_rate_normalization score when running in eigenvalue mode. Table 1 compares the units from OpenMC and the units of the AuxVariables created for all tally scores supported by Cardinal. Note that for all area or volume units in Table 1, that those units match whatever unit is used in the [Mesh].

Table 1: Tally units from OpenMC and the conversion in Cardinal.

Tally scoreOpenMC UnitsCardinal Units
heatingeV / source particleW / volume
heating_localeV / source particleW / volume
kappa_fissioneV / source particleW / volume
fission_q_prompteV / source particleW / volume
fission_q_recoverableeV / source particleW / volume
damage_energyeV / source particleW / volume
fluxparticle - cm / source particleparticle / area / second
H3_productiontritium / source particletritium / volume / second

Tally Normalization

The tally units-transformation process involves division by a volume. In Cardinal, there are two different notions of volume:

  • The volume of the [Mesh] elements which map to a tally bin region

  • The actual volume of the tally bin region in OpenMC

Take Figure 5 as an example; on the left is a [Mesh], and on the right is a spherical OpenMC cell we are mapping to the [Mesh]. For this case, the two volumes are different, because of the faceted nature of the sphere surface. The tallies in Cardinal are all normalized by the [Mesh] volume (0.96 cm in this example). This is a good choice for heating-related tallies, because this will ensure we properly preserve a total integral (power) when integrated on the [Mesh]. For heating tallies, it is much more important to preserve the total power, as opposed to the raw pointwise value of the heat deposition (units of W/m).

Figure 5: Illustration of OpenMC particle transport geometry and the mapping of OpenMC cells to a user-supplied "mesh mirror."

However, for some other tallies (e.g. the 'flux' tallies), dividing by the [Mesh] volume indicates instead that we're normalizing so as to preserve a reaction rate (reactions/sec), as if you integrated over the [Mesh]. This will not give the same raw pointwise tally value as what OpenMC is actually predicting, if the volumes of the [Mesh] and the tally bin regions are significantly different. If the pointwise value is very important for your use case, you can post-multiply your AuxVariables by (in this example, 0.96 / 1.00), where is the volume of the [Mesh] elements which map to the tally bin, and is the volume of the corresponding tally region.


If your OpenMC tally bins and corresponding [Mesh] elements already are exactly the same volume, then no special thought is needed for the tally normalization, and the value will be exactly consistent with the interpretation used in OpenMC.

Tally and Filter Editors

Cardinal provides UserObjects for editing tallies and filters:

- OpenMCTallyEditor: online control of tally parameters - OpenMCDomainFilterEditor: online control of domain filter parameters

These objects can be used to interact with tallies and/or filters that are present in a tallies.xml file for the problem being run (in other words, tallies the user manually sets up when building the OpenMC model). These objects can be used to create tallies and/or filters as well. In either case, these objects do not interact with tallies and filters used to map data to the mesh mirror (Mapped Tallies ).

Other Features

While this class mainly facilitates data transfers to and from OpenMC, a number of other features are implemented.

CAD Geometry Skinning

OpenMC is currently limited to setting a single constant temperature and a single constant density in each cell. For CSG geometries, the user needs to manually set up sub-divisions in the geometry in order to capture spatial variation in temperature and density. For DAGMC geometries, you can instead optionally re-generate the OpenMC cells after each Picard iteration according to contours in temperature and/or density. With this approach, the OpenMC model can receive spatially-varying temperature and density without the user needing to manually subdivide regions of space a priori. To use this feature, set the skinner parameter to the name of a MoabSkinner user object. For more information, consult the documentation for MoabSkinner.


This skinning feature is only available for DAGMC geometries for which the [Mesh] obeys the same material boundaries in the starting .h5m file.

Mesh Scaling

OpenMC always uses a length unit of centimeters, but a coupled MOOSE application often uses a length unit of meters. When transferring field data, it is important to account for the length units of the coupled MOOSE application. The scaling parameter is used to apply a multiplicative factor to the [Mesh] and mesh_template (if using a file-based mesh tally) to get to units of centimeters assumed by OpenMC. This multiplicative factor is then used to

  • "Find cell" routines in OpenMC in order to map a centimeters-based OpenMC geometry to a different length unit`

  • Scale the fission power in OpenMC (units of W/cm) to a different volume unit

  • If an unstructured mesh tally is used, scale the mesh_template and mesh_translations/mesh_translations_file to units of centimeters

For instance, if the [Mesh] is specified in units of meters, then scaling should be set to 100.0 to indicate that the [Mesh] is specified in a unit 100.0 times larger than the OpenMC unit of centimeters.

Tally Optimizations

"Spatially separate" tallies are tallies where a particle can only score to one bin for a given event - for instance, a tally with one bin per fuel pebble in a pebble bed reactor is a spatially separate tally because a particle scoring to fission in pebble cannot also score to fission in pebble . OpenMC allows you to specify that tallies are spatially separate, which can offer a big performance improvement. If your OpenMC input files do not contain any of their own tallies (i.e. in a tallies.xml), you can try using this feature to speed up your calculation.


OpenMC is coupled to MOOSE via fixed point iteration, also referred to as Picard iteration. For many problems, instabilities can exist between OpenMC and the coupled thermal-fluid physics. The OpenMC wrapping offers several options by which the tally can be "relaxed" between iterations to effectively damp these oscillations. For all these relaxation schemes, the tally that gets coupled to MOOSE for iteration is taken as a weighted sum of the previous iterate and the most-recent Monte Carlo calculation:


where is the weighting factor, indicates the -th Monte Carlo solve, and the number of samples is . For the very first fixed point iteration, because there is no previous iterate, . For , Eq. (1) is referred to as "over-relaxation" because more than a full step is taken in the direction of the most recent iterate. Conversely, for , Eq. (1) is referred to as "under-relaxation" because less than a full step is taken in the direction of the most recent iterate. Several options are available for selecting and . These are chosen with the relaxation parameter. Options include:

  • constant: choose a constant and

  • robbins_monro: and constant ; applying the recursion in Eq. (1) shows that the solution at iteration is the average of the previous Monte Carlo solutions


  • dufek_gudowski: variable and ; the step size is selected based on the fraction of samples in the -th Monte Carlo solve relative to the total number of samples performed so far. The number of samples is then based on the notion that the step size should be proportional to the convergence rate of the central limit theorem (inversely proportional to the square root of the total number of simulated particles):


Controlling OpenMC Termination

OpenMC's tally triggers allow OpenMC to automatically end its active batches once reaching certain criteria in and/or the tally uncertainties, including:

  • standard deviation

  • variance

  • relative error

  • tally relative error

Setting k_trigger enables triggers based on , and setting k_trigger_threshold sets the required convergence criteria. Individual tally triggers can be set in the tally_trigger and tally_trigger_threshold parameters of the tally classes (CellTally and MeshTally). Both and multiple tally triggers can be used simultaneously.

Controlling the OpenMC Settings

This class provides minimal capabilities to control the OpenMC simulation settings directly from the Cardinal input file:

  • batches: the number of batches (inactive plus active)

  • inactive_batches: the number of inactive batches

  • openmc_verbosity: verbosity level in OpenMC

  • particles: the number of particles per batch

For all of the above, a setting in the Cardinal input file will override any settings in the OpenMC XML files.

Volume Calculations

It can be helpful for debugging problem setup to compare actual OpenMC cell volumes against the [Mesh] element volumes to which they map. A well-designed mapping should have good agreement between actual cell volumes and the [Mesh] volumes they map to. To add a volume calculation, set the volume_calculation parameter to the name of a OpenMCVolumeCalculation object. If you then set verbose = true, you will be able to compare the cell volumes with the MOOSE elements.

Symmetric Data Transfers

Many neutronics problems are symmetric - such as half-core or quarter-core symmetry. However, some MOOSE mesh generators don't yet support symmetric geometries by slicing along arbitrary planes. This class supports both half-symmetric OpenMC models and general -th symmetric rotational models by coupling symmetric OpenMC models to full-system thermal-fluid models.

The symmetric mapping is specified with the symmetry_mapper parameter, a SymmetryPointGenerator user object. Note that if asymmetries exist in whatever physics OpenMC is coupled to, they will be averaged on both sides of the plane before sending temperatures and densities to OpenMC. Please consult the SymmetryPointGenerator for more information.

Input Parameters

  • assume_separate_talliesFalseWhether to assume that all tallies added in the XML files or by Cardinal are spatially separate. This is a performance optimization


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to assume that all tallies added in the XML files or by Cardinal are spatially separate. This is a performance optimization

  • batch_interval1Trigger batch interval


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Trigger batch interval

  • batchesNumber of batches to run in OpenMC; this overrides the setting in the XML files.

    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Number of batches to run in OpenMC; this overrides the setting in the XML files.

  • cell_levelCoordinate level in OpenMC (across the entire geometry) to use for identifying cells

    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Coordinate level in OpenMC (across the entire geometry) to use for identifying cells

  • check_identical_cell_fillsFalseWhether to check that your model does indeed have identical cell fills, allowing you to set 'identical_cell_fills' to speed up initialization


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to check that your model does indeed have identical cell fills, allowing you to set 'identical_cell_fills' to speed up initialization

  • check_tally_sumFalseWhether to check consistency between the local tallies with a global tally sum


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to check consistency between the local tallies with a global tally sum

  • density_blocksBlocks corresponding to each of the 'density_variables'. If not specified, there will be no density feedback to OpenMC.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::vector<SubdomainName>>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Blocks corresponding to each of the 'density_variables'. If not specified, there will be no density feedback to OpenMC.

  • density_variablesVector of variable names corresponding to the densities sent into OpenMC. Each entry maps to the corresponding entry in 'density_blocks.' If not specified, each entry defaults to 'density'

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Vector of variable names corresponding to the densities sent into OpenMC. Each entry maps to the corresponding entry in 'density_blocks.' If not specified, each entry defaults to 'density'

  • export_propertiesFalseWhether to export OpenMC's temperature and density properties to an HDF5 file after updating them from MOOSE.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to export OpenMC's temperature and density properties to an HDF5 file after updating them from MOOSE.

  • first_iteration_particlesNumber of particles to use for first iteration when using Dufek-Gudowski relaxation

    C++ Type:int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Number of particles to use for first iteration when using Dufek-Gudowski relaxation

  • identical_cell_fillsBlocks on which the OpenMC cells have identical fill universes; this is an optimization to speed up initialization for TRISO problems while also reducing memory usage. It is assumed that any cell which maps to one of these subdomains has exactly the same universe filling it as all other cells which map to these subdomains. We HIGHLY recommend that the first time you try using this, that you also set 'check_identical_cell_fills = true' to catch any possible user errors which would exclude you from using this option safely.

    C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Blocks on which the OpenMC cells have identical fill universes; this is an optimization to speed up initialization for TRISO problems while also reducing memory usage. It is assumed that any cell which maps to one of these subdomains has exactly the same universe filling it as all other cells which map to these subdomains. We HIGHLY recommend that the first time you try using this, that you also set 'check_identical_cell_fills = true' to catch any possible user errors which would exclude you from using this option safely.

  • inactive_batchesNumber of inactive batches to run in OpenMC; this overrides the setting in the XML files.

    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Number of inactive batches to run in OpenMC; this overrides the setting in the XML files.

  • initial_propertiesmooseWhere to read the temperature and density initial conditions for OpenMC


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:hdf5, moose, xml


    Description:Where to read the temperature and density initial conditions for OpenMC

  • k_triggernoneTrigger criterion to determine when OpenMC simulation is complete based on k


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:variance, std_dev, rel_err, none


    Description:Trigger criterion to determine when OpenMC simulation is complete based on k

  • k_trigger_thresholdThreshold for the k trigger

    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Threshold for the k trigger

  • lowest_cell_levelLowest coordinate level in OpenMC to use for identifying cells. The cell level for coupling will use the value set with this parameter unless the geometry does not have that many layers of geometry nesting, in which case the locally lowest depth is used

    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Lowest coordinate level in OpenMC to use for identifying cells. The cell level for coupling will use the value set with this parameter unless the geometry does not have that many layers of geometry nesting, in which case the locally lowest depth is used

  • map_density_by_cellTrueWhether to apply a unique density to every OpenMC cell (the default), or instead apply a unique density to every OpenMC material (even if that material is filled into more than one cell). If your OpenMC model has a unique material in every cell you want to receive density feedback, these two options are IDENTICAL


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to apply a unique density to every OpenMC cell (the default), or instead apply a unique density to every OpenMC material (even if that material is filled into more than one cell). If your OpenMC model has a unique material in every cell you want to receive density feedback, these two options are IDENTICAL

  • max_batchesMaximum number of batches, when using triggers

    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Maximum number of batches, when using triggers

  • normalize_by_global_tallyTrueWhether to normalize local tallies by a global tally (true) or else by the sum of the local tally (false)


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to normalize local tallies by a global tally (true) or else by the sum of the local tally (false)

  • openmc_verbosityOpenMC verbosity level; this overrides the setting in the XML files. Note that we cannot influence the verbosity of OpenMC's initialization routines, since these are run before Cardinal is initialized.

    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:OpenMC verbosity level; this overrides the setting in the XML files. Note that we cannot influence the verbosity of OpenMC's initialization routines, since these are run before Cardinal is initialized.

  • output_cell_mappingTrueWhether to automatically output the mapping from OpenMC cells to the [Mesh], usually for diagnostic purposes


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to automatically output the mapping from OpenMC cells to the [Mesh], usually for diagnostic purposes

  • particlesNumber of particles to run in each OpenMC batch; this overrides the setting in the XML files.

    C++ Type:int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Number of particles to run in each OpenMC batch; this overrides the setting in the XML files.

  • powerPower (Watts) to normalize the OpenMC tallies; only used for k-eigenvalue mode

    C++ Type:PostprocessorName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Power (Watts) to normalize the OpenMC tallies; only used for k-eigenvalue mode

  • regard_general_exceptions_as_errorsFalseIf we catch an exception during residual/Jacobian evaluaton for which we don't have specific handling, immediately error instead of allowing the time step to be cut


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:If we catch an exception during residual/Jacobian evaluaton for which we don't have specific handling, immediately error instead of allowing the time step to be cut

  • relaxationnoneType of relaxation to apply to the OpenMC solution


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:constant, robbins_monro, dufek_gudowski, none


    Description:Type of relaxation to apply to the OpenMC solution

  • relaxation_factor0.5Relaxation factor for use with constant relaxation


    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Relaxation factor for use with constant relaxation

  • reuse_sourceFalseWhether to take the initial fission source for interation n to be the converged source bank from iteration n-1


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to take the initial fission source for interation n to be the converged source bank from iteration n-1

  • scaling1Scaling factor to apply to [Mesh] to get to units of centimeters that OpenMC expects; setting 'scaling = 100.0', for instance, indicates that the [Mesh] is in units of meters


    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Scaling factor to apply to [Mesh] to get to units of centimeters that OpenMC expects; setting 'scaling = 100.0', for instance, indicates that the [Mesh] is in units of meters

  • skinnerWhen using DAGMC geometries, an optional skinner that will regenerate the OpenMC geometry on-the-fly according to iso-contours of temperature and density

    C++ Type:UserObjectName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:When using DAGMC geometries, an optional skinner that will regenerate the OpenMC geometry on-the-fly according to iso-contours of temperature and density

  • skip_statepointFalseWhether to skip writing any statepoint files from OpenMC; this is a performance optimization for scenarios where you may not want the statepoint files anyways


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to skip writing any statepoint files from OpenMC; this is a performance optimization for scenarios where you may not want the statepoint files anyways

  • solveTrueWhether or not to actually solve the Nonlinear system. This is handy in the case that all you want to do is execute AuxKernels, Transfers, etc. without actually solving anything


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether or not to actually solve the Nonlinear system. This is handy in the case that all you want to do is execute AuxKernels, Transfers, etc. without actually solving anything

  • source_rate_normalizationScore to use for computing the particle source rate (source/sec) for a certain tallies in eigenvalue mode. In other words, the source/sec is computed as (power divided by the global value of this tally)

    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:heating, heating_local, kappa_fission, fission_q_prompt, fission_q_recoverable


    Description:Score to use for computing the particle source rate (source/sec) for a certain tallies in eigenvalue mode. In other words, the source/sec is computed as (power divided by the global value of this tally)

  • source_strengthNeutrons/second to normalize the OpenMC tallies; only used for fixed source mode

    C++ Type:PostprocessorName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Neutrons/second to normalize the OpenMC tallies; only used for fixed source mode

  • symmetry_mapperUser object (of type SymmetryPointGenerator) to map from a symmetric OpenMC model to a full-domain [Mesh]. For example, you can use this to map from a quarter-symmetric OpenMC model to a whole-domain [Mesh].

    C++ Type:UserObjectName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:User object (of type SymmetryPointGenerator) to map from a symmetric OpenMC model to a full-domain [Mesh]. For example, you can use this to map from a quarter-symmetric OpenMC model to a whole-domain [Mesh].

  • tally_typeType of tally to use in OpenMC

    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:cell, mesh, none


    Description:Type of tally to use in OpenMC

  • temperature_blocksBlocks corresponding to each of the 'temperature_variables'. If not specified, there will be no temperature feedback to OpenMC.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::vector<SubdomainName>>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Blocks corresponding to each of the 'temperature_variables'. If not specified, there will be no temperature feedback to OpenMC.

  • temperature_variablesVector of variable names corresponding to the temperatures sent into OpenMC. Each entry maps to the corresponding entry in 'temperature_blocks.' If not specified, each entry defaults to 'temp'

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Vector of variable names corresponding to the temperatures sent into OpenMC. Each entry maps to the corresponding entry in 'temperature_blocks.' If not specified, each entry defaults to 'temp'

  • verboseFalseWhether to print diagnostic information


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to print diagnostic information

  • volume_calculationUser object that will perform a stochastic volume calculation to get the OpenMC cell volumes. This can be used to check that the MOOSE regions to which the cells map are of approximately the same volume as the true cells.

    C++ Type:UserObjectName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:User object that will perform a stochastic volume calculation to get the OpenMC cell volumes. This can be used to check that the MOOSE regions to which the cells map are of approximately the same volume as the true cells.

Optional Parameters

  • allow_initial_conditions_with_restartFalseTrue to allow the user to specify initial conditions when restarting. Initial conditions can override any restarted field


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:True to allow the user to specify initial conditions when restarting. Initial conditions can override any restarted field

  • restart_file_baseFile base name used for restart (e.g. / or /LATEST to grab the latest file available)

    C++ Type:FileNameNoExtension

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:File base name used for restart (e.g. / or /LATEST to grab the latest file available)

Restart Parameters

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • default_ghostingFalseWhether or not to use libMesh's default amount of algebraic and geometric ghosting


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether or not to use libMesh's default amount of algebraic and geometric ghosting

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

Advanced Parameters

  • kernel_coverage_block_listList of subdomains for kernel coverage check. The meaning of this list is controlled by the parameter 'kernel_coverage_check' (whether this is the list of subdomains to be checked, not to be checked or not taken into account).

    C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:List of subdomains for kernel coverage check. The meaning of this list is controlled by the parameter 'kernel_coverage_check' (whether this is the list of subdomains to be checked, not to be checked or not taken into account).

  • material_coverage_block_listList of subdomains for material coverage check. The meaning of this list is controlled by the parameter 'material_coverage_check' (whether this is the list of subdomains to be checked, not to be checked or not taken into account).

    C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:List of subdomains for material coverage check. The meaning of this list is controlled by the parameter 'material_coverage_check' (whether this is the list of subdomains to be checked, not to be checked or not taken into account).

  • material_coverage_checkTRUEControls, if and how a material subdomain coverage check is performed. With 'TRUE' or 'ON' all subdomains are checked (the default). Setting 'FALSE' or 'OFF' will disable the check for all subdomains. To exclude a predefined set of subdomains 'SKIP_LIST' is to be used, while the subdomains to skip are to be defined in the parameter 'material_coverage_block_list'. To limit the check to a list of subdomains, 'ONLY_LIST' is to be used (again, using the parameter 'material_coverage_block_list').


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)



    Description:Controls, if and how a material subdomain coverage check is performed. With 'TRUE' or 'ON' all subdomains are checked (the default). Setting 'FALSE' or 'OFF' will disable the check for all subdomains. To exclude a predefined set of subdomains 'SKIP_LIST' is to be used, while the subdomains to skip are to be defined in the parameter 'material_coverage_block_list'. To limit the check to a list of subdomains, 'ONLY_LIST' is to be used (again, using the parameter 'material_coverage_block_list').

Simulation Checks Parameters

  • parallel_barrier_messagingFalseDisplays messaging from parallel barrier notifications when executing or transferring to/from Multiapps (default: false)


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Displays messaging from parallel barrier notifications when executing or transferring to/from Multiapps (default: false)

  • verbose_multiappsFalseSet to True to enable verbose screen printing related to MultiApps


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set to True to enable verbose screen printing related to MultiApps

  • verbose_setupfalseSet to 'true' to have the problem report on any object created. Set to 'extra' to also display all parameters.


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:false, true, extra


    Description:Set to 'true' to have the problem report on any object created. Set to 'extra' to also display all parameters.

Verbosity Parameters

  • show_invalid_solution_consoleTrueSet to true to show the invalid solution occurance summary in console


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set to true to show the invalid solution occurance summary in console

Solution Validity Control Parameters

Input Files