
This page contains an inexhaustive list of publications using Cardinal, categorized according to which type of system they are modeling. Because some papers cover multiple applications, they may be repeated under different categories.

If you use Cardinal for your work, please consider citing the following.

   author = {A.J. Novak and D. Andrs and P. Shriwise and J. Fang and H. Yuan and D. Shaver and E. Merzari and P.K. Romano and R.C. Martineau},
    title = {{Coupled {Monte} {Carlo} and Thermal-Fluid Modeling of High Temperature Gas Reactors Using {Cardinal}}},
  journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy},
     year = 2022,
   volume = 177,
    pages = {109310},
      DOI = {10.1016/j.anucene.2022.109310},
      url = {}

If you use MOOSE for your work, please consider citing the following.

   title = {{MOOSE}: Enabling massively parallel multiphysics simulation},
  author = {C.J. Permann and D.R. Gaston and D. Andr{\v{s}} and R.W. Carlsen and F.
            Kong and A.D. Lindsay and J.M. Miller and J.W. Peterson and A.
            E. Slaughter and R.H. Stogner and R.C. Martineau},
    year = {2020},
 journal = {{SoftwareX}},
  volume = {11},
   pages = {100430},
    issn = {2352-7110},
     doi = {},
keywords = {Framework, Finite-element, Parallel, Multiphysics, Multiscale}

If you use NekRS for your work, please consider citing the following.

   author = {P. Fischer and S. Kerkemeier and M. Min and Y. Lan and M. Phillips and T. Rathnayake and E. Merzari and A. Tomboulides and A. Karakus and N. Chalmers and T. Warburton},
    title = {{NekRS, a GPU-Accelerated Spectral Element Navier-Stokes Solver}},
  journal = {Parallel Computing},
     year = 2022,
   volume = 114,
    pages = {102982},
      doi = {10.1016/j.parco.2022.102982}

If you use OpenMC for your work, please consider citing the following.

   author = {P.K. Romano and N.E. Horelik and B.R. Herman and A.G. Nelson and B. Forget and K. Smith},
    title = {{OpenMC: A State-of-the-Art {Monte} {Carlo} Code for Research and Development}},
  journal = {Annals of Nuclear Energy},
     year = 2015,
   volume = 82,
    pages = {90--97},
      DOI = {10.1016/j.anucene.2014.07.048},
      url = {}


A.J. Novak, P. Shriwise, P. Romano, D. Shaver, J. Fang, H. Yuan, D. Gaston, E. Merzari, H. Brooks, and A. Huxford, "High-Fidelity Multiphysics for Fission: Challenges, Accomplishments, and Future Directions" Proceedings of Nureth (2023)

Pebble Bed Reactors

E. Merzari, H. Yuan, M. Min, D. Shaver, R. Rahaman, P. Shriwise, P. Romano, A. Talamo, Y. Lan, D. Gaston, R. Martineau, P. Fischer, and Y. Hassan, "Cardinal: A Lower Length-Scale Multiphysics Simulator for Pebble Bed Reactors" Nuclear Technology (2021)

M. Min, Y. Lan, P. Fischer, E. Merzari, S. Kerkemeier, M. Phillips, T. Rathnayake, A. Novak, D. Gaston, N. Chalmers, and T. Warburton, "Optimization of Full-Core Reactor Simulations on Summit" Proceedings of Supercomputing (2022)

A.J. Novak, D. Shaver, and B. Feng "Conjugate Heat Transfer Coupling of NekRS and MOOSE for Bypass Flow Modeling" Proceedings of ANS (2021)

High Temperature Gas Reactors

A. Hegazy, A.J. Novak, and R. Uddin, "Multiphysics Simulation of TRISO Fuel Compacts and the Effects of Homogenization" Proceedings of Physor (2024)

A. Hegazy, A.J. Novak, and R. Uddin, "Multiphysics Explicit Simulation of Randomly Distributed TRISO Fuel Particles" Proceedings of ANS Student Conference (2024)

A.J. Novak, D. Andrs, P. Shriwise, J. Fang, H. Yuan, D. Shaver, E. Merzari, P.K. Romano, and R.C. Martineau, "Coupled Monte Carlo and Thermal-Fluid Modeling of High Temperature Gas Reactors Using Cardinal" 177 (109310) Annals of Nuclear Energy (2022)

A.J. Novak, D. Andrs, P. Shriwise, D. Shaver, P.K. Romano, E. Merzari, and P. Keutelian, "Coupled Monte Carlo and Thermal-Hydraulics Modeling of a Prismatic Gas Reactor Fuel Assembly Using Cardinal" Proceedings of PHYSOR (2022)

Heat Pipe Reactors

M. Eltawila, A.J. Novak, and Y. Miao, "Coupled Multiphysics Modeling of Heat Pipe Microreactors using Cardinal, BISON, and Sockeye" Proceedings of Physor (2024)

M. Eltawila, A.J. Novak, "Coupled Multiphysics Modeling of the Kilowatt Reactor Using Stirling TechnologY (KRUSTY)" Proceedings of ANS Student Conference (2024)

Molten Salt Reactors

A.J. Novak, H. Brooks, P. Shriwise, and A. Davis, "Monte Carlo Multiphysics Simulation on Adaptive Unstructured Mesh Geometry" 429 (113589) Nuclear Engineering and Design (2024)

A.J. Novak, H. Brooks, P. Shriwise, A. Hegazy, and A. Davis, "Multiphysics Coupling of OpenMC CAD-Based Transport to MOOSE using Cardinal and Aurora" Proceedings of M&C (2023)

Lead Fast Reactors

H. Park, Y. Yu, E. Shemon, and A. Novak, "Development of a Coupled Code System with Griffin, MOOSE and NekRS for Hot Channel Factor Evaluation in Fast Reactor" Proceedings of M&C (2023)

H. Park, Y. Yu, E. Shemon, and A. Novak, "Progress on Demonstration of a MOOSE-Based Coupled Capability for Hot Channel Factors in Fast Reactors" Argonne National Laboratory, ANL/NSE-22/45 (2022)

Sodium Fast Reactors

A.J. Novak, C. Bourdot Dutra, D. Shaver, and E. Merzari, "NekRS CFD Simulations of Interassembly Flow in Sodium Fast Reactors" Proceedings of Nureth (2023)

A.J. Novak, P. Shriwise, P.K. Romano, R. Rahaman, E. Merzari, and D. Gaston, "Coupled Monte Carlo Transport and Conjugate Heat Transfer for Wire-Wrapped Bundles Within the MOOSE Framework Nuclear Science and Engineering (2023)

A.J. Novak, A. Chaube, D.R. Shaver, C.S. Brooks, "Validation of NekRS-MOOSE Conjugate Heat Transfer Coupling for a 7-Pin Bare Bundle" Proceedings of ANS (2022)

A.J. Novak, P. Shriwise, R. Rahaman, P.K. Romano, E. Merzari, and D. Gaston, "Coupled Monte Carlo Transport and Conjugate Heat Transfer for Wire-Wrapped Bundles Within the MOOSE Framework" Proceedings of Nureth (2022)

Fusion Devices

A.J. Novak, H. Brooks, P. Shriwise, A. Hegazy, and A. Davis, "Multiphysics Coupling of OpenMC CAD-Based Transport to MOOSE using Cardinal and Aurora" Proceedings of M&C (2023)

Pressurized Thermal Shock

Y. Yu, A. Novak, D. Shaver, and E. Merzari, "Coupled Simulation of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Subjected to Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) Using Cardinal" Proceedings of ATH (2022)

Y. Yu, A. Novak, D. Shaver, and E. Merzari, "Multi-Physics Simulation on Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Subjected to Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS)" Argonne National Laboratory, ANL/NSE-22/30 (2022)

Systems-Level Analysis

A. Huxford, V. Coppo Leite, E. Merzari, L. Zou, V. Petrov, and A. Manera "A Hybrid Domain Overlapping Method for Coupling System Thermal Hydraulics and CFD Codes" Annals of Nuclear Energy (2023)

A. Huxford, V. Petrov, A. Manera, V. Coppo Leite, E. Merzari, and L. Zou "Development of Innovative Overlapping-Domain Coupling Between SAM and nekRS" Proceedings of Nureth (2022)

Fluid-Structure Interaction

A. Chaube, A. Novak, H. Yuan, E. Merzari, D.R. Shaver, P.F. Fischer, and C. Brooks, "A Preliminary Fluid-Structure Coupling of NekRS and MOOSE via Cardinal" Proceedings of M&C (2023)


V.C. Leite, E. Merzari, A. Novak, R. Ponciroli, and L. Ibarra, "Application of a Physically Informed Convolutional Neural Network for Monitoring the Temperature Field in Advanced Reactors" Proceedings of Nureth (2023)

Verification and Validation

L. Gross, A.J. Novak, P. Shriwise, and P.P.H. Wilson, "Verification of the Cardinal Multiphysics Solver for 1-D Coupled Heat Transfer and Neutron Transport" Proceedings of M&C (2023)

A. Hegazy and A.J. Novak, "Verification of the Cardinal Multiphysics Solver with the Doppler Slab Benchmark" Proceedings of M&C (2023)

A.J. Novak, P. Shriwise, P.K. Romano, R. Rahaman, E. Merzari, and D. Gaston, "Coupled Monte Carlo Transport and Conjugate Heat Transfer for Wire-Wrapped Bundles Within the MOOSE Framework Nuclear Science and Engineering (2023)

E. Merzari, H. Yuan, M. Min, D. Shaver, R. Rahaman, P. Shriwise, P. Romano, A. Talamo, Y. Lan, D. Gaston, R. Martineau, P. Fischer, and Y. Hassan, "Cardinal: A Lower Length-Scale Multiphysics Simulator for Pebble Bed Reactors" Nuclear Technology (2021)

Virtual Test Bed Documentation

G.L. Giudicelli, A. Abou-Jaoude, A.J. Novak, A. Abdelhameed, P. Balestra, L. Charlot, J. Fang, B. Feng, T. Folk, R. Freile, T. Freyman, D. Gaston, L. Harbour, S. Harper, T. Hua, W. Jiang, N. Martin, Y. Miao, J. Miller, D. O'Grady, D. Reger, E. Shemon, N. Stauff, M. Tano, S. Walker, and C. Permann, "The Virtual Test Bed (VTB) Repository: A Library of Multiphysics Reference Reactor Models Using NEAMS Tools" Nuclear Science and Engineering (2023)

A. Abou-Jaoude, E. Shemon, G. Giudicelli, S. Walker, T. Folk, M. Tano, J. Fang, and A. Novak, "Status of New Models Hosted on the Virtual Test Bed (VTB) in 2022" Proceedings of ANS (2022)

B. Feng, J. Fang, T. Hua, N. Stauff, A. Novak, L. Zou, R. Hu, P. Balestra, D. Reger, N. Martin, G. Giudicelli, and A. Abou-Jaoude, "Single- and Multi-Physics Models of Advanced Reactors in the Virtual Test Bed" Proceedings of ANS (2021)

B. Feng, J. Fang, N. Stauff, T. Hua, L. Zou, R. Hu, D. Shaver, and A. Novak, "Development of Advanced Reactor Models for Virtual Test Bed Using NEAMS Tools" Argonne National Laboratory, ANL-21/28 (2021)