

CellTally can only be added to problems when the input files contains a OpenMCCellAverageProblem in the [Problem] block. Otherwise, attempting to add this tally will result in an error.


The CellTally class wraps an OpenMC tally with a distributed cell filter to enable data transfer from CSG cells to a MooseMesh mirror of the OpenMC geometry. The cell to element mapping established by the OpenMCCellAverageProblem is used to facilitate this data transfer to the mesh mirror. When using a CellTally, tally_blocks specifies which blocks in the [Mesh] should be tallied. Then, any OpenMC cells that map to those blocks are added to a cell tally, with one bin for each unique cell ID/instance combination. check_equal_mapped_tally_volumes is used to confirm whether each cell in the CellTally has the same mapped volume on the MooseMesh (to a tolerance specified in equal_tally_volume_abs_tol).

Cardinal supports several tally scores which can be specified in the score parameter when adding a tally. Options include:

  • heating: total nuclear heating

  • heating_local: same as the heating score, except that energy from secondary photons is deposited locally

  • kappa_fission: recoverable energy from fission, including prompt sources (fission fragments, prompt neutrons, prompt gammas) and delayed sources (delayed neutrons, delayed gammas, delayed betas). Neutrino energy is neglected. The energy from photons is assumed to deposit locally.

  • fission_q_prompt: the prompt components of the kappa_fission score, except that the energy released is a function of the incident energy by linking to optional fission energy release data.

  • fission_q_recoverable: same as the kappa_fission score, except that the score depends on the incident energy by linking to optional fission energy release data

  • damage_energy: damage energy production

  • flux: particle scalar flux

  • H3_production: tritium production reaction rate

  • total: the total reaction rate

  • absorption: the absorption reaction rate

  • scatter: the scattering reaction rate

  • fission: the fission reaction rate

For more information on the specific meanings of these various scores, please consult the OpenMC tally documentation. The names of the tally auxvariables added by the OpenMCCellAverageProblem can be modified by specifying a name for each score in name.

This tally is capable of controlling OpenMC execution through the use of tally triggers. Tallies currently support active batch termination through a relative error indicator, which can be enabled by setting trigger to rel_err for each score in the tally. Scores which do not need to control active batch termination can have a value of none set. If enabled, an appropriate relative error must be set for each score in trigger_threshold.

Certain aspects of tally results can be output as auxiliary variables to the mesh:

  • unrelaxed_tally: unrelaxed tally; this will append _raw to the tally name and output to the mesh mirror

  • unrelaxed_tally_rel_error: unrelaxed tally relative error; this will append _rel_error to the tally name and output to the mesh mirror

  • unrelaxed_tally_std_dev: unrelaxed tally standard deviation; this will append _std_dev to the tally and output to the mesh mirror

Example Input File Syntax

As an example, this CellTally scores kappa_fission (the default tally score) on block 0 and stores the result in a variable named heat_source. This corresponds to tallying the heating for three different fuel pebbles.

  type = OpenMCCellAverageProblem
  verbose = true
  power = 1500.0
  temperature_blocks = '0'
  cell_level = 1
  scaling = 100.0

      type = CellTally
      blocks = '0'
      name = heat_source

Input Parameters

  • blocksSubdomains for which to add tallies in OpenMC. If not provided, cell tallies will be applied over the entire mesh.

    C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Subdomains for which to add tallies in OpenMC. If not provided, cell tallies will be applied over the entire mesh.

  • check_equal_mapped_tally_volumesFalseWhether to check if the tallied cells map to regions in the mesh of equal volume. This can be helpful to ensure that the volume normalization of OpenMC's tallies doesn't introduce any unintentional distortion just because the mapped volumes are different. You should only set this to true if your OpenMC tally cells are all the same volume!


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to check if the tallied cells map to regions in the mesh of equal volume. This can be helpful to ensure that the volume normalization of OpenMC's tallies doesn't introduce any unintentional distortion just because the mapped volumes are different. You should only set this to true if your OpenMC tally cells are all the same volume!

  • equal_tally_volume_abs_tol1e-08Absolute tolerance for comparing tally volumes


    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Absolute tolerance for comparing tally volumes

  • estimatorType of tally estimator to use in OpenMC

    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:collision, tracklength, analog


    Description:Type of tally estimator to use in OpenMC

  • filtersExternal filters to add to this tally.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:External filters to add to this tally.

  • nameAuxiliary variable name(s) to use for OpenMC tallies. If not specified, defaults to the names of the scores

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Auxiliary variable name(s) to use for OpenMC tallies. If not specified, defaults to the names of the scores

  • outputUNRELAXED field(s) to output from OpenMC for each tally score. unrelaxed_tally_std_dev will write the standard deviation of each tally into auxiliary variables named *_std_dev. unrelaxed_tally_rel_error will write the relative standard deviation (unrelaxed_tally_std_dev / unrelaxed_tally) of each tally into auxiliary variables named *_rel_error. unrelaxed_tally will write the raw unrelaxed tally into auxiliary variables named *_raw (replace * with 'name').

    C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:unrelaxed_tally_std_dev, unrelaxed_tally_rel_error, unrelaxed_tally


    Description:UNRELAXED field(s) to output from OpenMC for each tally score. unrelaxed_tally_std_dev will write the standard deviation of each tally into auxiliary variables named *_std_dev. unrelaxed_tally_rel_error will write the relative standard deviation (unrelaxed_tally_std_dev / unrelaxed_tally) of each tally into auxiliary variables named *_rel_error. unrelaxed_tally will write the raw unrelaxed tally into auxiliary variables named *_raw (replace * with 'name').

  • scoreScore(s) to use in the OpenMC tallies. If not specified, defaults to 'kappa_fission'

    C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:heating, heating_local, kappa_fission, fission_q_prompt, fission_q_recoverable, damage_energy, flux, H3_production, total, absorption, scatter, fission


    Description:Score(s) to use in the OpenMC tallies. If not specified, defaults to 'kappa_fission'

  • triggerTrigger criterion to determine when OpenMC simulation is complete based on tallies. If multiple scores are specified in 'score, this same trigger is applied to all scores.

    C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:rel_err, none


    Description:Trigger criterion to determine when OpenMC simulation is complete based on tallies. If multiple scores are specified in 'score, this same trigger is applied to all scores.

  • trigger_ignore_zeros0 Whether tally bins with zero scores are ignored when computing the tally trigger. If only one value of 'trigger_ignore_zeros' is provided, that value is applied to all tally scores.


    C++ Type:std::vector<bool>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether tally bins with zero scores are ignored when computing the tally trigger. If only one value of 'trigger_ignore_zeros' is provided, that value is applied to all tally scores.

  • trigger_thresholdThreshold for the tally trigger

    C++ Type:std::vector<double>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Threshold for the tally trigger

Optional Parameters

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

Advanced Parameters

Input Files