// This file is part of the MOOSE framework
// https://www.mooseframework.org
// All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
// https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
// Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
// https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
#pragma once
#include "MeshGenerator.h"
#include "MooseEnum.h"
#include "CastUniquePointer.h"
#include "MooseMeshUtils.h"
#include "libmesh/replicated_mesh.h"
#include "libmesh/mesh_modification.h"
#include "libmesh/face_quad4.h"
#include "libmesh/face_quad8.h"
#include "libmesh/face_quad9.h"
#include "libmesh/face_tri3.h"
#include "libmesh/face_tri6.h"
#include "libmesh/face_tri7.h"
#include "libmesh/serial_mesh.h"
#include "libmesh/boundary_info.h"
#include "libmesh/utility.h"
* A base class that contains common members for Reactor module mesh generators.
class PolygonMeshGeneratorBase : public MeshGenerator
static InputParameters validParams();
PolygonMeshGeneratorBase(const InputParameters & parameters);
virtual std::unique_ptr<MeshBase> generate() override;
/// An enum class for style of input polygon size
enum class PolygonSizeStyle
enum INTRISIC_SUBDOMAIN_ID : subdomain_id_type
// boundary_id_type is short int so max is 32,767
enum INTRINSIC_SIDESET_ID : boundary_id_type
SLICE_BEGIN = 30000,
SLICE_END = 31000,
SLICE_ALT = 30500
enum class TRI_ELEM_TYPE
enum class QUAD_ELEM_TYPE
/// Contains multiple blocks's boundary layer related parameters
struct multiBdryLayerParams
std::vector<Real> widths;
std::vector<Real> fractions;
std::vector<unsigned int> intervals;
std::vector<Real> biases;
/// Contains a single block's boundary layer related parameters
struct singleBdryLayerParams
Real width;
Real fraction;
unsigned int intervals;
Real bias;
* Creates a mesh of a slice that corresponds to a single side of the polygon to be generated.
* @param ring_radii radii of the ring regions
* @param ring_layers numbers of radial intervals of the ring regions
* @param ring_radial_biases values used for radial meshing biasing in ring regions
* @param ring_inner_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the inner boundary layer of the ring regions
* @param ring_outer_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the outer boundary layer of the ring regions
* @param ducts_center_dist distance parameters of the duct regions
* @param ducts_layers numbers of radial intervals of the duct regions
* @param duct_radial_biases values used for radial meshing biasing in duct regions
* @param duct_inner_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the inner boundary layer of the duct regions
* @param duct_outer_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the outer boundary layer of the duct regions
* @param pitch twice the distance from the ring center vertex to the side defined by the other
* vertices
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of azimuthal intervals
* @param background_intervals number of radial intervals of the background region
* @param background_radial_bias value used for radial meshing biasing in background region
* @param background_inner_boundary_layer_params width, radial sectors, and growth factor of the
* inner boundary layer of the background region
* @param background_outer_boundary_layer_params width, radial sectors, and growth factor of the
* outer boundary layer of the background region
* @param node_id_background_meta pointer to the first node's id of the background region
* @param side_number number of sides of the polygon
* @param side_index index of the polygon side
* @param azimuthal_tangent vector of tangent values of the azimuthal angles as reference for
* adaptive boundary matching
* @param block_id_shift shift of the subdomain ids generated by this function
* @param quad_center_elements whether the central region contrains quad elements or not
* @param center_quad_factor A fractional radius factor used to determine the radial positions of
* transition nodes in the center region meshed by quad elements (default is 1.0 - 1.0/div_num)
* @param create_inward_interface_boundaries whether inward interface boundary sidesets are
* created
* @param create_outward_interface_boundaries whether outward interface boundary sidesets are
* created
* @param boundary_id_shift shift of the interface boundary ids
* @param generate_side_specific_boundaries whether the side-specific external boundaries are
* generated or not
* @param tri_elem_type type of the triangular elements to be generated
* @param quad_elem_type type of the quadrilateral elements to be generated
* @return a mesh of a polygon slice
buildSimpleSlice(std::vector<Real> ring_radii,
const std::vector<unsigned int> ring_layers,
const std::vector<Real> ring_radial_biases,
const multiBdryLayerParams & ring_inner_boundary_layer_params,
const multiBdryLayerParams & ring_outer_boundary_layer_params,
std::vector<Real> ducts_center_dist,
const std::vector<unsigned int> ducts_layers,
const std::vector<Real> duct_radial_biases,
const multiBdryLayerParams & duct_inner_boundary_layer_params,
const multiBdryLayerParams & duct_outer_boundary_layer_params,
const Real pitch,
const unsigned int num_sectors_per_side,
const unsigned int background_intervals,
const Real background_radial_bias,
const singleBdryLayerParams & background_inner_boundary_layer_params,
const singleBdryLayerParams & background_outer_boundary_layer_params,
dof_id_type & node_id_background_meta,
const unsigned int side_number,
const unsigned int side_index,
const std::vector<Real> azimuthal_tangent = std::vector<Real>(),
const subdomain_id_type block_id_shift = 0,
const bool quad_center_elements = false,
const Real center_quad_factor = 0.0,
const bool create_inward_interface_boundaries = false,
const bool create_outward_interface_boundaries = true,
const boundary_id_type boundary_id_shift = 0,
const bool generate_side_specific_boundaries = true,
const TRI_ELEM_TYPE tri_elem_type = TRI_ELEM_TYPE::TRI3,
const QUAD_ELEM_TYPE quad_elem_type = QUAD_ELEM_TYPE::QUAD4);
* Creates a mesh of a general polygon slice with a triangular shape and circular regions on one
* of its vertex.
* @param ring_radii radii of the ring regions
* @param ring_layers numbers of radial intervals of the ring regions
* @param ring_radial_biases values used for radial meshing biasing in ring regions
* @param ring_inner_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the inner boundary layer of the ring regions
* @param ring_outer_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the outer boundary layer of the ring regions
* @param ducts_center_dist distance parameters of the duct regions
* @param ducts_layers numbers of radial intervals of the duct regions
* @param duct_radial_biases values used for radial meshing biasing in duct regions
* @param duct_inner_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the inner boundary layer of the duct regions
* @param duct_outer_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the outer boundary layer of the duct regions
* @param primary_side_length length of the first side (i.e., the side that is parallel to y-axis
* when rotation_angle is zero) that involves the ring center vertex
* @param secondary_side_length length of the second side (obtained by clockwise rotating the fist
* side by azimuthal_angle) that involves the ring center vertex
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of azimuthal intervals
* @param background_intervals number of radial intervals of the background region
* @param background_radial_bias value used for radial meshing biasing in background region
* @param background_inner_boundary_layer_params width, radial sectors, and growth factor of the
* inner boundary layer of the background region
* @param background_outer_boundary_layer_params width, radial sectors, and growth factor of the
* outer boundary layer of the background region
* @param node_id_background_meta pointer to the first node's id of the background region
* @param azimuthal_angle the angle defined by the primary and secondary sides
* @param azimuthal_tangent vector of tangent values of the azimuthal angles as reference for
* adaptive boundary matching
* @param side_index index of the polygon side
* @param quad_center_elements whether the central region contains quad elements or not
* @param center_quad_factor A fractional radius factor used to determine the radial positions of
* transition nodes in the center region meshed by quad elements (default is 1.0 - 1.0/div_num)
* @param rotation_angle azimuthal angle of the primary side
* @param generate_side_specific_boundaries whether the side-specific external boundaries are
* generated or not
* @return a mesh of a general slice
buildGeneralSlice(std::vector<Real> ring_radii,
const std::vector<unsigned int> ring_layers,
const std::vector<Real> ring_radial_biases,
const multiBdryLayerParams & ring_inner_boundary_layer_params,
const multiBdryLayerParams & ring_outer_boundary_layer_params,
std::vector<Real> ducts_center_dist,
const std::vector<unsigned int> ducts_layers,
const std::vector<Real> duct_radial_biases,
const multiBdryLayerParams & duct_inner_boundary_layer_params,
const multiBdryLayerParams & duct_outer_boundary_layer_params,
const Real primary_side_length,
const Real secondary_side_length,
const unsigned int num_sectors_per_side,
const unsigned int background_intervals,
const Real background_radial_bias,
const singleBdryLayerParams & background_inner_boundary_layer_params,
const singleBdryLayerParams & background_outer_boundary_layer_params,
dof_id_type & node_id_background_meta,
const Real azimuthal_angle,
const std::vector<Real> azimuthal_tangent,
const unsigned int side_index,
const bool quad_center_elements,
const Real center_quad_factor,
const Real rotation_angle,
const bool generate_side_specific_boundaries = true);
* Generates a mesh of a polygon slice, which is the foundation of both buildGeneralSlice and
* buildSimpleSlice.
* @param ring_radii radii of the ring regions
* @param ring_layers numbers of radial intervals of the ring regions
* @param ring_radial_biases values used for radial meshing biasing in ring regions
* @param ring_inner_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the inner boundary layer of the ring regions
* @param ring_outer_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the outer boundary layer of the ring regions
* @param ducts_center_dist distance parameters of the duct regions
* @param ducts_layers numbers of radial intervals of the duct regions
* @param duct_radial_biases values used for radial meshing biasing in duct regions
* @param duct_inner_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the inner boundary layer of the duct regions
* @param duct_outer_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the outer boundary layer of the duct regions
* @param pitch twice of the length of the first side times cosine of the azimuthal angle
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of azimuthal intervals
* @param background_intervals number of radial intervals of the background region
* @param background_radial_bias value used for radial meshing biasing in background region
* @param background_inner_boundary_layer_params width, radial sectors, and growth factor of the
* inner boundary layer of the background region
* @param background_outer_boundary_layer_params width, radial sectors, and growth factor of the
* outer boundary layer of the background region
* @param node_id_background_meta pointer to the first node's id of the background region
* @param virtual_side_number 360.0 over the azimuthal angle of the slice (happens to be number of
* sides of the polygon if a regular polygon is to be generated)
* @param side_index index of the polygon side
* @param azimuthal_tangent vector of tangent values of the azimuthal angles as reference for
* adaptive boundary matching
* @param block_id_shift shift of the subdomain ids generated by this function
* @param quad_center_elements whether the central region contrains quad elements or not
* @param center_quad_factor A fractional radius factor used to determine the radial positions of
* transition nodes in the center region meshed by quad elements (default is 1.0 - 1.0/div_num)
* @param create_inward_interface_boundaries whether inward interface boundary sidesets are
* created
* @param create_outward_interface_boundaries whether outward interface boundary sidesets are
* created
* @param boundary_id_shift shift of the interface boundary ids
* @param pitch_scale_factor the ratio between the secondary side length to the primary side
* length.
* @param generate_side_specific_boundaries whether the side-specific external boundaries are
* generated or not
* @param tri_elem_type type of the triangular elements to be generated
* @param quad_elem_type type of the quadrilateral elements to be generated
* @return a mesh of a slice
buildSlice(std::vector<Real> ring_radii,
const std::vector<unsigned int> ring_layers,
const std::vector<Real> ring_radial_biases,
const multiBdryLayerParams & ring_inner_boundary_layer_params,
const multiBdryLayerParams & ring_outer_boundary_layer_params,
std::vector<Real> ducts_center_dist,
const std::vector<unsigned int> ducts_layers,
const std::vector<Real> duct_radial_biases,
const multiBdryLayerParams & duct_inner_boundary_layer_params,
const multiBdryLayerParams & duct_outer_boundary_layer_params,
const Real pitch,
const unsigned int num_sectors_per_side,
const unsigned int background_intervals,
const Real background_radial_bias,
const singleBdryLayerParams & background_inner_boundary_layer_params,
const singleBdryLayerParams & background_outer_boundary_layer_params,
dof_id_type & node_id_background_meta,
const Real virtual_side_number,
const unsigned int side_index,
const std::vector<Real> azimuthal_tangent = std::vector<Real>(),
const subdomain_id_type block_id_shift = 0,
const bool quad_center_elements = false,
const Real center_quad_factor = 0.0,
const bool create_inward_interface_boundaries = false,
const bool create_outward_interface_boundaries = true,
const boundary_id_type boundary_id_shift = 0,
const Real pitch_scale_factor = 1.0,
const bool generate_side_specific_boundaries = true,
const TRI_ELEM_TYPE tri_elem_type = TRI_ELEM_TYPE::TRI3,
const QUAD_ELEM_TYPE quad_elem_type = QUAD_ELEM_TYPE::QUAD4);
* Creates nodes of the very central mesh layer of the polygon for quad central elements.
* @param mesh input mesh to add the nodes onto
* @param virtual_side_number virtual number of sides of the polygon (360/slice_azimuthal)
* @param div_num division number of the central mesh layer
* @param ring_radii_0 radius of the central mesh layer
* @param nodes pointer to the mesh's nodes
* @param nodes vector that contains the nodes with basic geometry information
void centerNodes(ReplicatedMesh & mesh,
const Real virtual_side_number,
const unsigned int div_num,
const Real ring_radii_0,
std::vector<std::vector<Node *>> & nodes) const;
* Creates nodes for the ring-geometry region of a single slice.
* @param mesh input mesh to add the nodes onto
* @param ring_radii radii of the ring regions
* @param ring_layers numbers of radial intervals of the ring regions
* @param biased_terms normalized spacing values used for radial meshing biasing in ring regions
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of azimuthal intervals
* @param corner_p[2][2] array contains the coordinates of the corner positions
* @param corner_to_corner diameter of the circumscribed circle of the polygon
* @param azimuthal_tangent vector of tangent values of the azimuthal angles as reference for
* adaptive boundary matching
void ringNodes(ReplicatedMesh & mesh,
const std::vector<Real> ring_radii,
const std::vector<unsigned int> ring_layers,
const std::vector<std::vector<Real>> biased_terms,
const unsigned int num_sectors_per_side,
const Real corner_p[2][2],
const Real corner_to_corner,
const std::vector<Real> azimuthal_tangent = std::vector<Real>()) const;
* Creates nodes for the ring-to-polygon transition region (i.e., background) of a single slice.
* @param mesh input mesh to add the nodes onto
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of azimuthal intervals
* @param background_intervals number of radial intervals of the background region
* @param biased_terms normalized spacing values used for radial meshing biasing in background
* region
* @param background_corner_distance center to duct (innermost duct) corner distance
* @param background_corner_radial_interval_length radial interval distance
* @param corner_p[2][2] array contains the coordinates of the corner positions
* @param corner_to_corner diameter of the circumscribed circle of the polygon
* @param background_in radius of the inner boundary of the background region
* @param azimuthal_tangent vector of tangent values of the azimuthal angles as reference for
* adaptive boundary matching
* @return a mesh with background region nodes created
void backgroundNodes(ReplicatedMesh & mesh,
const unsigned int num_sectors_per_side,
const unsigned int background_intervals,
const std::vector<Real> biased_terms,
const Real background_corner_distance,
const Real background_corner_radial_interval_length,
const Real corner_p[2][2],
const Real corner_to_corner,
const Real background_in,
const std::vector<Real> azimuthal_tangent = std::vector<Real>()) const;
* Creates nodes for the duct-geometry region of a single slice.
* @param mesh input mesh to add the nodes onto
* @param ducts_center_dist distance parameters of the duct regions
* @param ducts_layers numbers of radial intervals of the duct regions
* @param biased_terms normalized spacing values used for radial meshing biasing in duct region
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of azimuthal intervals
* @param corner_p[2][2] array contains the coordinates of the corner positions
* @param corner_to_corner diameter of the circumscribed circle of the polygon
* @param azimuthal_tangent vector of tangent values of the azimuthal angles as reference for
* adaptive boundary matching
void ductNodes(ReplicatedMesh & mesh,
std::vector<Real> * const ducts_center_dist,
const std::vector<unsigned int> ducts_layers,
const std::vector<std::vector<Real>> biased_terms,
const unsigned int num_sectors_per_side,
const Real corner_p[2][2],
const Real corner_to_corner,
const std::vector<Real> azimuthal_tangent = std::vector<Real>()) const;
* Defines quad elements in the very central region of the polygon.
* @param mesh input mesh to create the elements onto
* @param div_num division number of the central mesh layer
* @param block_id_shift shift of the subdomain ids generated by this function
* @param create_outward_interface_boundaries whether outward interface boundary sidesets are
* created
* @param boundary_id_shift shift of the interface boundary ids
* @param id_array pointer to a vector that contains the node_ids with basic geometry information
* @param assign_external_boundary whether the external boundary ids are assigned
* @param side_index index of the polygon side (only used if external boundary ids are assigned)
* @param generate_side_specific_boundaries whether the side-specific external boundaries are
* generated or not
* @param quad_elem_type type of the quadrilateral elements to be generated
void cenQuadElemDef(ReplicatedMesh & mesh,
const unsigned int div_num,
const subdomain_id_type block_id_shift,
const bool create_outward_interface_boundaries,
const boundary_id_type boundary_id_shift,
std::vector<std::vector<Node *>> & nodes,
const bool assign_external_boundary = false,
const unsigned int side_index = 0,
const bool generate_side_specific_boundaries = true,
const QUAD_ELEM_TYPE quad_elem_type = QUAD_ELEM_TYPE::QUAD4) const;
* Defines triangular elements in the very central region of the polygon.
* @param mesh input mesh to create the elements onto
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of azimuthal intervals
* @param azimuthal_tangent vector of tangent values of the azimuthal angles as reference for
* adaptive boundary matching
* @param block_id_shift shift of the subdomain ids generated by this function
* @param create_outward_interface_boundaries whether outward interface boundary sidesets are
* created
* @param boundary_id_shift shift of the interface boundary ids
* @param assign_external_boundary whether the external boundary ids are assigned
* @param side_index index of the polygon side (only used if external boundary ids are assigned)
* @param generate_side_specific_boundaries whether the side-specific external boundaries are
* generated or not
* @param tri_elem_type type of the triangular elements to be generated
void cenTriElemDef(ReplicatedMesh & mesh,
const unsigned int num_sectors_per_side,
const std::vector<Real> azimuthal_tangent = std::vector<Real>(),
const subdomain_id_type block_id_shift = 0,
const bool create_outward_interface_boundaries = true,
const boundary_id_type boundary_id_shift = 0,
const bool assign_external_boundary = false,
const unsigned int side_index = 0,
const bool generate_side_specific_boundaries = true,
const TRI_ELEM_TYPE tri_elem_type = TRI_ELEM_TYPE::TRI3) const;
* Defines general quad elements for the polygon.
* @param mesh input mesh to create the elements onto
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of azimuthal intervals
* @param subdomain_rings numbers of radial intervals of all involved subdomain layers
* @param side_index index of the polygon side
* @param azimuthal_tangent vector of tangent values of the azimuthal angles as reference for
* adaptive boundary matching
* @param block_id_shift shift of the subdomain ids generated by this function
* @param nodeid_shift shift of the node_ids of these elements
* @param create_inward_interface_boundaries whether inward interface boundary sidesets are
* created
* @param create_outward_interface_boundaries whether outward interface boundary sidesets are
* created
* @param boundary_id_shift shift of the interface boundary ids
* @param generate_side_specific_boundaries whether the side-specific external boundaries are
* generated or not
* @param quad_elem_type type of the quadrilateral elements to be generated
void quadElemDef(ReplicatedMesh & mesh,
const unsigned int num_sectors_per_side,
const std::vector<unsigned int> subdomain_rings,
const unsigned int side_index,
const std::vector<Real> azimuthal_tangent = std::vector<Real>(),
const subdomain_id_type block_id_shift = 0,
const dof_id_type nodeid_shift = 0,
const bool create_inward_interface_boundaries = false,
const bool create_outward_interface_boundaries = true,
const boundary_id_type boundary_id_shift = 0,
const bool generate_side_specific_boundaries = true,
const QUAD_ELEM_TYPE quad_elem_type = QUAD_ELEM_TYPE::QUAD4) const;
* Makes radial correction to preserve ring area.
* @param azimuthal_list azimuthal angles (in degrees) of all the nodes on the circle
* @param full_circle whether the circle is a full or partial circle
* @param order order of mesh elements
* @param is_first_value_vertex whether the first value of the azimuthal_list belongs to a vertex
* instead of a midpoint
* @return a correction factor to preserve the area of the circle after polygonization during
* meshing
Real radiusCorrectionFactor(const std::vector<Real> & azimuthal_list,
const bool full_circle = true,
const unsigned int order = 1,
const bool is_first_value_vertex = true) const;
* Based on a pair of azimuthal angles, calculates the volume of a TRI6 element with one vertex at
* the origin, the other two vertices on the unit circle. Here, the second vertex is on the
* x-axis, the third vertex has an azimuthal angle the summation of the two input angles, and the
* mid-edge node between the second and third vertices has an azimuthal angle of the first of the
* two input angles.
* @param azi_pair a pair of the input azimuthal angles
* @return the volume of the TRI6 element
Real dummyTRI6VolCalculator(const std::pair<Real, Real> & azi_pair) const;
* Creates peripheral area mesh for the patterned hexagon mesh. Note that the function create the
* peripheral area for each side of the unit hexagon mesh before stitching. An edge unit hexagon
* has two sides that need peripheral areas, whereas a corner unit hexagon has three such sides.
* The positions of the inner and outer boundary nodes are pre-calculated as positions_inner and
* d_positions_outer; This function performs interpolation to generate the mesh grid.
* @param mesh input mesh to create the peripheral area mesh onto
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of azimuthal intervals
* @param peripheral_invervals number of radial intervals of the peripheral region
* @param position_inner key positions of the inner side of the peripheral region
* @param d_position_outer key inremental positions of the outer side of the peripheral region
* @param id_shift shift of subdomain id of the peripheral region
* @param create_inward_interface_boundaries whether inward interface boundary sidesets are
* created
* @param create_outward_interface_boundaries whether outward interface boundary sidesets are
* created
* @param quad_elem_type type of quad element to be created
* @return a mesh with the peripheral region added to a hexagon input mesh
buildSimplePeripheral(const unsigned int num_sectors_per_side,
const unsigned int peripheral_invervals,
const std::vector<std::pair<Real, Real>> & position_inner,
const std::vector<std::pair<Real, Real>> & d_position_outer,
const subdomain_id_type id_shift,
const QUAD_ELEM_TYPE quad_elem_type,
const bool create_inward_interface_boundaries = false,
const bool create_outward_interface_boundaries = true);
* Adjusts the mid-edge node locations in boundary regions when using quadratic elements with
* uniform boundary node spacing enabled.
* @param out_mesh mesh to be adjusted.
* @param boundary_quad_elem_type boundary quad element type.
void adjustPeripheralQuadraticElements(MeshBase & out_mesh,
const QUAD_ELEM_TYPE boundary_quad_elem_type) const;
* Calculates the point coordinates of within a parallelogram region using linear interpolation.
* @param pi_1_x x coordinate of the first inner side point (parallelogram vertex)
* @param pi_1_y y coordinate of the first inner side point (parallelogram vertex)
* @param po_1_x x coordinate of the first outer side point (parallelogram vertex)
* @param po_1_y y coordinate of the first outer side point (parallelogram vertex)
* @param pi_2_x x coordinate of the second inner side point (parallelogram vertex)
* @param pi_2_y y coordinate of the second inner side point (parallelogram vertex)
* @param po_2_x x coordinate of the second outer side point (parallelogram vertex)
* @param po_2_y y coordinate of the second outer side point (parallelogram vertex)
* @param i passed loop index 1
* @param j passed loop index 2
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of azimuthal intervals
* @param peripheral_invervals number of radial intervals of the peripheral region
* @return an interpolated position within a parallelogram
std::pair<Real, Real> pointInterpolate(const Real pi_1_x,
const Real pi_1_y,
const Real po_1_x,
const Real po_1_y,
const Real pi_2_x,
const Real pi_2_y,
const Real po_2_x,
const Real po_2_y,
const unsigned int i,
const unsigned int j,
const unsigned int num_sectors_per_side,
const unsigned int peripheral_intervals) const;
* Calculates x and y coordinates after rotating by theta angle.
* @param x x coordinate of the node to be rotated
* @param y y coordinate of the node to be rotated
* @param theta rotation angle
* @return n/a
void nodeCoordRotate(Real & x, Real & y, const Real theta) const;
* Deforms peripheral region when the external side of a polygon assembly of stitched meshes
* cuts off the stitched meshes.
* @param mesh input mesh to be deformed
* @param orientation orientation angle of the input mesh (move the deformation direction to y)
* @param y_max_0 original maximum y position
* @param y_max_n maximum y position after deformation
* @param y_min minimum y position that is affected by the deformation
* @param mesh_type whether the peripheral region is for a corner or a side hexagon mesh.
* @param tols tolerance used to determine the boundary of deformation region
* @param unit_angle unit angle of the geometry, which is 60.0 for hexagonal and 90.0 for square
* @return n/a (input mesh is directly altered)
void cutOffPolyDeform(MeshBase & mesh,
const Real orientation,
const Real y_max_0,
const Real y_max_n,
const Real y_min,
const unsigned int mesh_type,
const Real unit_angle = 60.0,
const Real tols = 1E-5) const;
* Finds the center of a quadrilateral based on four vertices.
* @param p1 vertex 1
* @param p2 vertex 2
* @param p3 vertex 3
* @param p4 vertex 4
* @return the intecept point coordinate x and y
std::pair<Real, Real> fourPointIntercept(const std::pair<Real, Real> & p1,
const std::pair<Real, Real> & p2,
const std::pair<Real, Real> & p3,
const std::pair<Real, Real> & p4) const;
* Collects sorted azimuthal angles of the external boundary.
* @param mesh input mesh whose boundary node azimuthal angles need to be collected
* @param boundary_points reference vector to contain the Points corresponding to the collected
* azimuthal angles
* @param lower_azi lower boundary of the azimuthal angles to be collected
* @param upper_azi upper boundary of the azimuthal angles to be collected
* @param return_type whether angle values or tangent values are returned
* @param num_sides number of sides of the input mesh (only used if return type is ANGLE_TANGENT)
* @param bid id of the boundary of which the nodes' azimuthal angles are collected
* @param calculate_origin whether the mesh origin is calculated based on the centroid position
* @param input_origin_x precalculated mesh origin coordinate x
* @param input_origin_y precalculated mesh origin coordinate y
* @param tol tolerance that the minimum azimuthal angle is
* @return the list of azimuthal angles of all the nodes on the external grain boundary within the
* given range
std::vector<Real> azimuthalAnglesCollector(ReplicatedMesh & mesh,
std::vector<Point> & boundary_points,
const Real lower_azi = -30.0,
const Real upper_azi = 30.0,
const unsigned int return_type = ANGLE_TANGENT,
const unsigned int num_sides = 6,
const boundary_id_type bid = OUTER_SIDESET_ID,
const bool calculate_origin = true,
const Real input_origin_x = 0.0,
const Real input_origin_y = 0.0,
const Real tol = 1.0E-10) const;
* Collects sorted azimuthal angles of the external boundary.
* @param mesh input mesh whose boundary node azimuthal angles need to be collected
* @param lower_azi lower boundary of the azimuthal angles to be collected
* @param upper_azi upper boundary of the azimuthal angles to be collected
* @param return_type whether angle values or tangent values are returned
* @param num_sides number of sides of the input mesh (only used if return type is ANGLE_TANGENT)
* @param bid id of the boundary of which the nodes' azimuthal angles are collected
* @param calculate_origin whether the mesh origin is calculated based on the centroid position
* @param input_origin_x precalculated mesh origin coordinate x
* @param input_origin_y precalculated mesh origin coordinate y
* @param tol tolerence that the minimum azimuthal angle is
* @return the list of azimuthal angles of all the nodes on the external grain boundary within the
* given range
std::vector<Real> azimuthalAnglesCollector(ReplicatedMesh & mesh,
const Real lower_azi = -30.0,
const Real upper_azi = 30.0,
const unsigned int return_type = ANGLE_TANGENT,
const unsigned int num_sides = 6,
const boundary_id_type bid = OUTER_SIDESET_ID,
const bool calculate_origin = true,
const Real input_origin_x = 0.0,
const Real input_origin_y = 0.0,
const Real tol = 1.0E-10) const;
* Creates bias terms for multiple blocks.
* @param radial_biases bias growth factors of the elements within the main regions of the blocks
* @param intervals radial interval numbers of the main regions of the blocks
* @param inner_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the inner boundary layers
* @param outer_boundary_layer_params widths, radial fractions, radial sectors, and growth
* factors of the outer boundary layers
* @return bias list of terms describing the cumulative radial fractions of the nodes within
* multiple blocks
biasTermsCalculator(const std::vector<Real> radial_biases,
const std::vector<unsigned int> intervals,
const multiBdryLayerParams inner_boundary_layer_params,
const multiBdryLayerParams outer_boundary_layer_params) const;
* Creates bias terms for a single block.
* @param radial_bias bias growth factor of the elements within the main region of the block
* @param intervals radial interval number of the main region of the block
* @param inner_boundary_layer_params width, radial fraction, radial sector, and growth
* factor of the inner boundary layer
* @param outer_boundary_layer_params width, radial fraction, radial sector, and growth
* factor of the outer boundary layer
* @return bias terms describing the cumulative radial fractions of the nodes within a single
* block
std::vector<Real> biasTermsCalculator(
const Real radial_bias,
const unsigned int intervals,
const singleBdryLayerParams inner_boundary_layer_params = {0.0, 0.0, 0, 1.0},
const singleBdryLayerParams outer_boundary_layer_params = {0.0, 0.0, 0, 1.0}) const;
* Add InputParameters which are used by ring and sector IDs
* @param params InputParameters to be modified with the added params
static void addRingAndSectorIDParams(InputParameters & params);
* assign sector extra ids to polygon mesh
* @param mesh input mesh where sector extra ids are assigned
* @param id_name sector extra ID name
* @param num_side number of polygon sides
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of sections of each side of the polygon
void setSectorExtraIDs(MeshBase & mesh,
const std::string id_name,
const unsigned int num_sides,
const std::vector<unsigned int> num_sectors_per_side);
* assign ring extra ids to polygon mesh
* @param mesh input mesh where ring extra ids are assigned
* @param id_name ring extra id name
* @param num_sides number of polygon sides
* @param num_sectors_per_side number of sectors of each side of the polygon
* @param ring_intervals number of rings in each circle
* @param ring_wise_id whether ring ids are assigned to each ring or to each block
* @param quad_center_elements whether center elements are quad or triangular
void setRingExtraIDs(MeshBase & mesh,
const std::string id_name,
const unsigned int num_sides,
const std::vector<unsigned int> num_sectors_per_side,
const std::vector<unsigned int> ring_intervals,
const bool ring_wise_id,
const bool quad_center_elements);
* reassign interface boundary IDs on the input mesh by applying the boundary ID shift
* @param mesh input mesh
* @param id_shift ID shift value to be applied
* @param boundary_ids list of boundary IDs to be reassigned
* @param reverse remove boundary ID shift
void reassignBoundaryIDs(MeshBase & mesh,
const boundary_id_type id_shift,
const std::set<boundary_id_type> & boundary_ids,
const bool reverse = false);
* returns a list of interface boundary IDs on the mesh generated by this mesh generator
* @param pattern pattern of cells used in this mesh generator
* @param interface_boundary_id_shift_pattern 2D pattern of shift values applied to the boundary
* IDs inside each pattern cells
* @param boundary_ids list of boundary IDs on the mesh generated by this mesh generator
* @param input_interface_boundary_ids list of interface boundary IDs of the pattern cells
* @param use_interface_boundary_id_shift whether ID shifts are applied to interface boundary IDs
* of the pattern cells
* @param create_interface_boundary_id whether interface boundary IDs are generated by this
* mesh generator
* @param num_extra_layers number of extra layers to define background and duct regions on the
* patterned mesh generated by this mesh generator
std::set<boundary_id_type> getInterfaceBoundaryIDs(
const std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> & pattern,
const std::vector<std::vector<boundary_id_type>> & interface_boundary_id_shift_pattern,
const std::set<boundary_id_type> & boundary_ids,
const std::vector<std::set<boundary_id_type>> & input_interface_boundary_ids,
const bool use_interface_boundary_id_shift,
const bool create_interface_boundary_id,
const unsigned int num_extra_layers) const;
* Modifies the input multi boundary layer parameters for node generation, especially for the
* quadratic elements
* @param original_multi_bdry_layer_params original multi boundary layer parameters
* @param order order of the elements
* @return modified multi boundary layer parameters
modifiedMultiBdryLayerParamsCreator(const multiBdryLayerParams & original_multi_bdry_layer_params,
const unsigned int order) const;
* Modifies the input single boundary layer parameters for node generation, especially for the
* quadratic elements
* @param original_single_bdry_layer_params original single boundary layer parameters
* @param order order of the elements
* @return modified single boundary layer parameters
singleBdryLayerParams modifiedSingleBdryLayerParamsCreator(
const singleBdryLayerParams & original_single_bdry_layer_params,
const unsigned int order) const;
* Generate a string that contains the detailed metadata information for inconsistent input mesh
* metadata error messages
* @param input_names list of input mesh generator names
* @param metadata_vals list of input mesh metadata values
* @param metadata_name name of the input mesh metadata
* @return a string that contains the detailed metadata information
std::string pitchMetaDataErrorGenerator(const std::vector<MeshGeneratorName> & input_names,
const std::vector<Real> & metadata_vals,
const std::string & metadata_name) const;