Stochastic Simulations with NekRS

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Stochastically perturb multiphysics NekRS simulations for forward Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) using the MOOSE Stochastic Tools Module.

The MOOSE Stochastic Tools Module (STM) is an open-source module in the MOOSE framework for seamlessly integrating massively-parallel UQ, surrogate modeling, and machine learning with MOOSE-based simulations. Here, we will perform a "parameter study" of a conjugate heat transfer coupling of MOOSE heat conduction and NekRS. We will stochastically sample a parameter (the thermal conductivity in the NekRS model) from a distribution times, each time re-running the multiphysics simulation. For each independent run, we will compute a Quantity of Interest (QOI) (maximum NekRS temperature) and evaluate various statistical quantities for that QOI (e.g. mean, standard deviation, confidence intervals).

Cardinal's interface between NekRS and the STM is designed in an infinitely-flexible manner. Any quantity in NekRS which can be modified from the .udf and .oudf files can be stochastically perturbed by MOOSE. In this example, we will just perturb one quantity (thermal conductivity), though you can simultaneously perturb an arbitrary number of parameters. Other notable features include:

  • You can perturb parameters nested arbitrarily "beneath" the driver stochastic application. We will use this to send a thermal conductivity value from the STM, to a solid heat conduction sub-app, which then passes the value to a NekRS sub-sub app.

  • You can use a single perturbed value in multiple locations in dependent applications. For example, if you use a multiscale fluid model with NekRS in one part of the domain and the MOOSE Navier-Stokes module in another region of space, you could send a single perturbed value for fluid density to both applications concurrently.

Before reading this tutorial, we recommend reading through Examples 1 through 3 on the STM page to familiarize yourself with the basic syntax for stochastic simulations.

To access this tutorial,

cd cardinal/tutorials/nek_stochastic

Problem Setup

In this problem, we couple a MOOSE solid heat conduction model with a NekRS heat conduction model in two adjacent domains, shown in Figure 1. A uniform heat flux of 1000 W/m is applied on the left face of the MOOSE region, whereas a fixed Dirichlet temperature of 500 K is applied on the right face of the NekRS region. MOOSE and NekRS are coupled via heat flux and temperature on the interface. MOOSE will send a heat flux boundary condition to NekRS, while NekRS will return an interface temperature to MOOSE for use as a Dirichlet condition. All other surfaces are insulated.

Figure 1: Two-region heat conduction model used for demonstrating stochastic simulations

We choose this problem for demonstration because the steady-state solution has a simple analytic form. The general shape for the temperature distribution is shown as the orange line in the right of Figure 1, where the slopes of the temperature in the two blocks are governed by their respective thermal conductivities. The temperature at the interface, , between MOOSE and NekRS is governed by


where is the imposed heat flux on the solid model, is the thermal conductivity of the NekRS domain, is the width of the NekRS region. Similarly, the temperature at the left face, , is governed by

where is the thermal conductivity of the MOOSE domain and is the width of the MOOSE region. We will stochastically perturb , the thermal conductivity of the NekRS domain, by sampling it from a normal distribution with mean value of 5.0 and standard deviation of 1.0. For each choice of , we will run this coupled heat transfer model, and predict as our QOI.

NekRS Model

First, we need to build a mesh for NekRS. We use MOOSE mesh generators to build the rectangular prism with . Because NekRS's sidesets must be numbered contiguously beginning from 1, we need to shift the default sideset IDs created by the GeneratedMeshGenerator.

    type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
    dim = 3
    nx = 10
    ny = 4
    nz = 4
    xmin = 0.0
    xmax = 1.0
    ymin = 0.0
    ymax = 1.0
    zmin = 0.0
    zmax = 2.0
    bias_x = 1.2
    elem_type = HEX20
    type = RenameBoundaryGenerator
    input = box
    old_boundary = '0 1 2 3 4 5'
    new_boundary = '1 2 3 4 5 6'

We can generate an Exodus mesh by running in --mesh-only mode:

cardinal-opt -i channel.i --mesh-only
mv channel_in.e channel.exo

Then, we convert into NekRS's custom .re2 mesh format by running the exo2nek script. Alternatively, you can simply use the channel.re2 file already checked into the repository. The remaining NekRS input files are:

  • channel.par: High-level settings for the solver, boundary condition mappings to sidesets, and the equations to solve

  • channel.udf: User-defined C++ functions for on-line postprocessing and model setup

  • channel.oudf: User-defined Open Concurrent Compute Abstraction (OCCA) kernels for boundary conditions and source terms

In channel.par, we specify that we want to solve for temperature while disabling the fluid solve by setting solver = none in the [VELOCITY] block. The default initial condition for velocity is a zero value, so this input file is essentially solving for solid heat conduction,

where and will be specified by MOOSE. Normally, all that you need to do to set thermal conductivity in NekRS is to set the conductivity parameter in the [TEMPERATURE] block. Here, we will instead retrieve this value from MOOSE through the .udf.


However, the user must still set conductivity in the .par file because this value is used to initialize the elliptic solvers in NekRS. Do not simply put an arbitrary value here, because an unrealistic value will hamper the convergence of the elliptic solvers for the entire NekRS simulation. In order to initialize the elliptic solvers and preconditioners, we recommend setting the properties in the .par file to their mean values.

  backend = CPU

  stopAt = numSteps
  numSteps = 400
  dt = 1.0
  timeStepper = tombo2
  writeControl = steps
  writeInterval = 500
  polynomialOrder = 5

  solver = none


  rhoCp = 50.0
  boundaryTypeMap = insulated, insulated, t, insulated, flux, insulated
  residualTol = 1.0e-6

  # You should set the mean values for any material properties you are
  # perturbing, because these are used to initialize the elliptic solvers
  # for the entire simulation, and you want to use a reasonably representative
  # value here.
  conductivity = 5.0

Next, in the channel.oudf we specify our boundary conditions in the NekRS model – a Dirichlet temperature of 500 on sideset 3 and a heat flux from MOOSE on sideset 5.

void scalarDirichletConditions(bcData * bc)
  bc->s = 500.0;

void scalarNeumannConditions(bcData * bc)
  // note: when running with Cardinal, Cardinal will allocate the usrwrk
  // array. If running with NekRS standalone (e.g. nrsmpi), you need to
  // replace the usrwrk with some other value or allocate it youself from
  // the udf and populate it with values.
  bc->flux = bc->usrwrk[bc->idM];

Finally, the channel.udf file contains user-defined functions. Here, we are going to use the to apply custom material properties. In the uservp function, we are reading thermal conductivity from the scratch space nrs->usrwrk (to be described in more detail soon). This scratch space is where MOOSE writes any data going into NekRS – which we have used extensively so far to send heat flux, volumetric heating, etc. from MOOSE to NekRS. Now, we will use this same scratch space to fetch a stochastically sampled value for thermal conductivity.

This value is then passed into the thermal conductivity array, slot 0 in o_SProp, by calling the platform->linAlg->fill function. If you wanted to stochastically perturb other quantities, like the fluid viscosity, you would access those in a different way. For a summary of how to access other quantities in NekRS, we will provide a table at the end of this tutorial.

#include "udf.hpp"

void uservp(nrs_t *nrs, double time, occa::memory o_U, occa::memory o_S, occa::memory o_UProp, occa::memory o_SProp)
  if (!nrs->usrwrk)

  dfloat k = nrs->usrwrk[1 * nrs->fieldOffset + 0];

  // apply that value; in nekRS, the 0th slot in o_SProp represents the 'conductivity'
  // field in the par file
  auto mesh = nrs->cds->mesh[0];
  auto o_diff = o_SProp + 0 * nrs->fieldOffset * sizeof(dfloat);
  platform->linAlg->fill(mesh->Nlocal, k, o_diff);

void UDF_LoadKernels(occa::properties & kernelInfo)

void UDF_Setup(nrs_t *nrs)
{ = &uservp;

  auto mesh = nrs->cds->mesh[0];

  int n_gll_points = mesh->Np * mesh->Nelements;
  for (int n = 0; n < n_gll_points; ++n)
    nrs->cds->S[n + 0 * nrs->cds->fieldOffset[0]] = 500.0; // temperature

In order to ensure that the most up-to-date stochastic data from MOOSE is used in each scalar and flow solver, we add an extra call to in Cardinal each time MOOSE sends new data to NekRS. So, is called:

  1. Once before time stepping begins (within nekrs::setup). At this point, nrs->usrwrk does not exist yet, which is why we return without doing anything if nrs->usrwrk is a null pointer (the if (!nrs->usrwrk) line). This means that when the elliptic solvers are initialized, they are using whatever property values are set in the .par file (as already described).

  2. (special to Cardinal) Immediately after MOOSE sends new stochastic data to NekRS

  3. Between each scalar solve and the ensuing flow solve

Steps 1 and 3 already occur in standalone NekRS simulations, so Cardinal is just adding an extra call to ensure consistency.

The last thing we need is the thin wrapper input file which runs NekRS. We start by building a mesh mirror of the NekRS mesh, as a NekRSMesh. We will couple via conjugate heat transfer through boundary 5 in the NekRS domain. Next, we use NekRSProblem to specify that we will replace MOOSE solves with NekRS solves. The NekTimeStepper finally will then allow NekRS to control its time stepping, aside from synchronization points imposed by the main app.

  type = NekRSMesh
  boundary = '5'

  type = NekRSProblem
  casename = 'channel'

  type = Transient

    type = NekTimeStepper

Next, we add a NekScalarValue to be the receiving point for a stochastic number coming from "higher up" in the multiapp hierarchy (to be described soon). Then, we define a number of postprocessors. The max_temp postprocessor will be our QOI evaluating which will get passed upwards in the multiapp hierarchy. The NekScalarValuePostprocessor is added for convenience to display the value held by the NekScalarValue userobject to the console so that we can easily see each random value for getting received. For sanity check, we also add expect_max_T to compute the analytic value for according to Eq. (1).

    type = NekScalarValue

    type = NekVolumeExtremeValue
    field = temperature
  [k_from_stm] # this will just print to the screen the value of k received
    type = NekScalarValuePostprocessor
    userobject = k
    type = ParsedPostprocessor
    function = '1000.0 / k_from_stm + 500.0'
    pp_names = k_from_stm

  csv = true
  hide = 'flux_integral'

Lastly, we need to have a SamplerReceiver, which will actually facilitate receiving the stochastic data into the NekScalarValue object. Any input file receiving stochastic data just needs to have one of these objects.

    type = SamplerReceiver

Heat Conduction Model

For the MOOSE heat conduction model, we firt set up a mesh and create the nonlinear variables, kernels, and boundary conditions to solve the solid heat conduction equation. The flux auxiliary variable will be used to compute the interface heat flux (which will get sent to NekRS), while the nek_temp auxiliary variable will be a receiver for interface temperature from NekRS. NekRS must run using a transient executioner, so we will use the steady_state_detection feature here to ensure that each NekRS simulation has reached the pseudo-steady state.

    type = GeneratedMeshGenerator
    dim = 3
    nx = 10
    ny = 10
    nz = 10
    xmin = -0.2
    xmax = 0.0
    ymin = 0.0
    ymax = 1.0
    zmin = 0.0
    zmax = 2.0

    initial_condition = 500.0

    type = HeatConduction
    variable = temperature
    diffusion_coefficient = thermal_conductivity

    type = NeumannBC
    variable = temperature
    value = 1000.0
    boundary = 'left'
    type = MatchedValueBC
    variable = temperature
    v = nek_temp
    boundary = 'right'

    family = MONOMIAL
    order = CONSTANT
    initial_condition = 500.0

    type = DiffusionFluxAux
    variable = flux
    diffusion_variable = temperature
    component = normal
    diffusivity = thermal_conductivity
    boundary = 'right'

    type = GenericConstantMaterial
    prop_names = 'thermal_conductivity'
    prop_values = '1.5'

    type = SideIntegralVariablePostprocessor
    variable = flux
    boundary = 'right'

  type = Transient
  dt = 10.0
  nl_abs_tol = 1e-8

  steady_state_detection = true
  steady_state_tolerance = 5e-4
  steady_state_start_time = 30.0

Next, we add NekRS as a sub-app, and define the transfers. The temperature, flux, and flux_integral transfers we have seen many times before – these are transferring data necessary to apply the heat flux and temperature coupled boundary conditions on the interfaces. The MultiAppReporterTransfer is used to fetch the value held by the max_temp postprocessor in the nek.i input file. A Reporter is basically a vector-valued postprocessor which could be used to hold multiple QOIs. In this example, we are just interested in one value.

    type = TransientMultiApp
    input_files = 'nek.i'
    sub_cycling = true
    execute_on = timestep_end
    wait_for_first_app_init = true

    type = MultiAppGeneralFieldNearestLocationTransfer
    source_variable = temp
    from_multi_app = nek
    variable = nek_temp
    type = MultiAppGeneralFieldNearestLocationTransfer
    source_variable = flux
    to_multi_app = nek
    variable = avg_flux
    from_boundaries = 'right'
    type = MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
    to_postprocessor = flux_integral
    from_postprocessor = flux_integral
    to_multi_app = nek
    type = MultiAppReporterTransfer
    from_multi_app = nek
    from_reporters = 'max_temp/value'
    to_reporters = 'receive/nek_max_T'

  print_linear_residuals = false
  hide = 'flux_integral'

Finally, we declare a ConstantReporter to be the receiving point of the data fetched by the get_qoi transfer. Note that we do not need a SamplerReceiver in this input file because the MOOSE heat conduction model itself is not receiving any stochastic inputs - the NekRS thermal conductivity passes straight from the STM to NekRS.

    type = ConstantReporter
    real_names = 'nek_max_T'

    # This value doesnt do anything - you just need to have a dummy here
    real_values = 0.0

Stochastic Tools Module

For stochastic simulations, a STM input "drives" the entire simulation as the main app. First, we define random distributions and sampling methods for our random data. Here, we will use a normal distribution for . We choose a MonteCarlo sampler to randomly sample from this normal distribution. Here, num_rows is the number of independent samples to take.


    type = Normal
    mean = 5.0
    standard_deviation = 1.0

    type = MonteCarlo
    num_rows = 3
    distributions = 'dist'

Next, we add the MOOSE heat conduction model as a SamplerFullSolveMultiApp, which will launch one new physics simulation for each random sample. We next use a SamplerParameterTransfer to send the random numbers from the sample object into the k UserObject in the sub-sub app named nek. In order to fetch the QOI from the nested physics apps, we use a SamplerReporterTransfer to get the from the sub-app. This will be held by the storage StochasticMatrix. Finally, we use a StatisticsReporter to conduct some statistical analysis on our QOI.

    type = SamplerFullSolveMultiApp
    input_files = ht.i
    sampler = sample
    mode = batch-restore
    wait_for_first_app_init = true

    type = SamplerParameterTransfer
    to_multi_app = ht
    sampler = sample

    # you can send data down to arbitrarily-nested sub-apps
    parameters = 'nek:UserObjects/k/value'
    type = SamplerReporterTransfer
    from_multi_app = ht
    sampler = sample
    stochastic_reporter = storage
    from_reporter = 'receive/nek_max_T'

    type = StochasticMatrix
    sampler = sample
    parallel_type = ROOT
    type = StatisticsReporter
    reporters = 'storage/results:receive:nek_max_T'
    compute = 'mean stddev'
    ci_method = 'percentile'
    ci_levels = '0.05 0.95'

  execute_on = timestep_end
    type = JSON


Figure 2 summarizes the data flow for this stochastic simulation. The only specialization for NekRS is the use of NekScalarValue to receive the data, which the user is then responsible for applying in the NekRS input files as appropriate.

Figure 2: Summary of major data transfers and objects used to accomplish stochastic simulations with NekRS

Execution and Postprocessing

To run the stochastic simulation

mpiexec -np 2 cardinal-opt -i driver.i

When you first run this input file, you will see a table print at the beginning of the NekRS solve which shows:

  ===================>     MAPPING FROM MOOSE TO NEKRS      <===================

           Slice:  entry in NekRS scratch space
        Quantity:  physical meaning or name of data in this slice
   How to Access:  C++ code to use in NekRS files; for the .udf instructions,
                   'n' indicates a loop variable over GLL points

 | Quantity |            How to Access (.oudf)          |         How to Access (.udf)          |
 | flux     | bc->usrwrk[0 * bc->fieldOffset + bc->idM] | nrs->usrwrk[0 * nrs->fieldOffset + n] |
 | k        | bc->usrwrk[1 * bc->fieldOffset + 0]       | nrs->usrwrk[1 * nrs->fieldOffset + 0] |
 | unused   | bc->usrwrk[2 * bc->fieldOffset + bc->idM] | nrs->usrwrk[2 * nrs->fieldOffset + n] |
 | unused   | bc->usrwrk[3 * bc->fieldOffset + bc->idM] | nrs->usrwrk[3 * nrs->fieldOffset + n] |
 | unused   | bc->usrwrk[4 * bc->fieldOffset + bc->idM] | nrs->usrwrk[4 * nrs->fieldOffset + n] |
 | unused   | bc->usrwrk[5 * bc->fieldOffset + bc->idM] | nrs->usrwrk[5 * nrs->fieldOffset + n] |
 | unused   | bc->usrwrk[6 * bc->fieldOffset + bc->idM] | nrs->usrwrk[6 * nrs->fieldOffset + n] |

This table will show you how the NekScalarValues map to particular locations in the scratch space. It is from this table that we knew the value of thermal conductivity would be located at nrs->usrwrk[1 * nrs->fieldOffset + 0], which is what we used in the channel.udf.


When you run this input file, the screen output from NekRS itself is very messy, because NekRS will output any print statements which occur on rank 0 of the local communicator. For running stochastic simulations via MOOSE, we split a starting communicator into smaller pieces, which means that multiple NekRS cases are all trying to print to the console at the same time, clobbering each other. We are working on a better solution.

Because we specified JSON output in the driver.i, this will create a number of output files:

  • driver_out.json, which contains the stochastic results for QOIs. We used parallel_type = ROOT in the StochasticMatrix, which will collect all the stochastic data into one file at the end of the simulation. If you had omitted this value, you would end up with JSON output files, where is the number of processors.

  • driver_out_ht<n>_nek0.csv, CSV files with the NekRS postprocessors, where <n> is each independent coupled simulation (i.e. each represents a conjugate heat transfer simulation with a different value for ).

We can use Python scripts in the MOOSE stochastic tools module to plot our QOI as a histogram. Using the script, we can indicate that we want to plot the results:receive:nek_max_T data we fetched with the StochasticMatrix, and save the histogram in a file named Ti.pdf, shown in Figure 3 for 200 samples.

python ../../contrib/moose/modules/stochastic_tools/python/ driver_out.json* -v results:receive:nek_max_T --xlabel 'Interface Temperature' --output Ti.pdf

Figure 3: Histogram of when running with num_rows = 200 samples

We can also directly plot the random values sampled, i.e. the input distribution. These are shown in Figure 4.

python ../../contrib/moose/modules/stochastic_tools/python/ driver_out.json* -v sample_0 --xlabel 'Input Distribution' --output samples.pdf

Figure 4: Actual sampled input distribution for

Because we added the the StatisticsReporter, we also have access to the mean, standard deviation, and confidence intervals automatically (of course, you could post-compute those as well). We can output this data as a table, using the script.

python ../../contrib/moose/modules/stochastic_tools/python/ driver_out.json --markdown-table --names '{"storage_results:receive:nek_max_T":"Interface Temperature"}'

which will output

| Values                                 | MEAN                 | STDDEV              |
| Interface Temperature (5.0%, 95.0%) CI | 714.4 (709.3, 719.8) | 45.1 (39.98, 50.22) |

We invite you to explore these plotting scripts and documentation in the STM, as this tutorial only scratches the surface with the simulations performed. You can make bar plots and many other data presentation formats.

Other Features

By default, when you run NekRS in a stochastic simulation, each individual run will write the NekRS solution to the same field files – <case>0.f*. These will all clobber eachother. If you want to preserve a unique output file for each of the NekRS runs, you can set write_fld_files = true in the [Problem] block, which will write output files labeled as a00case, a01case, ..., z98case, z99case, giving you 2574 possible output files.

Perturbing NekRS Parameters

In this example, we perturbed the thermal conductivity, but there are many other parameters which can be modified in NekRS via the function. Table 1 summarizes the parameters which can be modified by the function. Because NekRS simulations can be run with any number of passive scalars, the content and ordering will depend on how many scalars you have. So, to be as general as possible, we've written Table 1 assuming you have a simulation with 3 passive scalars.

Table 1: Commmon parameters to modify in NekRS via

ParameterHow to Access
Coefficient on time derivative of 0th scalar equation0th slot in o_SProp
Coefficient on time derivative of 1st scalar equation1st slot in o_SProp
Coefficient on time derivative of 2nd scalar equation2nd slot in o_SProp
Coefficient on diffusion operator of 0th scalar equation3rd slot in o_SProp
Coefficient on diffusion operator of 1st scalar equation4th slot in o_SProp
Coefficient on diffusion operator of 2nd scalar equation5th slot in o_SProp
Fluid dynamic viscosity0th slot in o_UProp
Fluid density1st slot in o_UProp

Other quantities which you can perturb include:

  • Boundary conditions

  • Anything in a GPU kernel, such as momentum or heat source terms

  • Geometry