- inertiaMoment of inertia from the motor [N-m]
C++ Type:FunctionName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Moment of inertia from the motor [N-m]
- torqueDriving torque supplied by the motor [kg-m^2]
C++ Type:FunctionName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Driving torque supplied by the motor [kg-m^2]
This component connects to a Shaft and applies a torque and moment of inertia from user-supplied functions. While this is named as a "motor" component, its applications are more generic; for example, it can be used to apply friction or other losses (such as the work applied to a generator) by applying negative torque.
The parameters "torque" and "inertia" take the names of Functions. The shaft speed is used in place of the time variable in these functions (and the space variables are discarded); therefore, the user is actually specifying the functions and , not and .
If dependence on time is desired, the ControlLogic System can be used. To do this, supply an arbitrary constant value instead of a function name. Then use a TimeFunctionComponentControl. See the motor
component in open_brayton_cycle.i for an example.
Input Parameters
- adTrueUse AD version or not
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Use AD version or not
Optional Parameters
- control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
- enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.
Advanced Parameters
C++ Type:FunctionName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Driving torque supplied by the motor [kg-m^2]
C++ Type:FunctionName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Moment of inertia from the motor [N-m]
# This input file is used to demonstrate a simple open-air Brayton cycle using
# a compressor, turbine, shaft, motor, and generator.
# The flow length is divided into 5 segments as illustrated below, where
# - "(I)" denotes the inlet
# - "(C)" denotes the compressor
# - "(T)" denotes the turbine
# - "(O)" denotes the outlet
# - "*" denotes a fictitious junction
# Heated section
# (I)-----(C)-----*--------------*-----(T)-----(O)
# 1 2 3 4 5
# Initially the fluid is at rest at ambient conditions, the shaft speed is zero,
# and no heat transfer occurs with the system.
# The transient is controlled as follows:
# * 0 - 100 s: motor ramps up torque linearly from zero
# * 100 - 200 s: motor ramps down torque linearly to zero, HTC ramps up linearly from zero.
# * 200 - 300 s: (no changes; should approach steady condition)
I_motor = 1.0
motor_torque_max = 400.0
I_generator = 1.0
generator_torque_per_shaft_speed = -0.00025
motor_ramp_up_duration = 100.0
motor_ramp_down_duration = 100.0
post_motor_time = 100.0
t1 = ${motor_ramp_up_duration}
t2 = ${fparse t1 + motor_ramp_down_duration}
t3 = ${fparse t2 + post_motor_time}
D1 = 0.15
D2 = ${D1}
D3 = ${D1}
D4 = ${D1}
D5 = ${D1}
A1 = ${fparse 0.25 * pi * D1^2}
A2 = ${fparse 0.25 * pi * D2^2}
A3 = ${fparse 0.25 * pi * D3^2}
A4 = ${fparse 0.25 * pi * D4^2}
A5 = ${fparse 0.25 * pi * D5^2}
L1 = 10.0
L2 = ${L1}
L3 = ${L1}
L4 = ${L1}
L5 = ${L1}
x1 = 0.0
x2 = ${fparse x1 + L1}
x3 = ${fparse x2 + L2}
x4 = ${fparse x3 + L3}
x5 = ${fparse x4 + L4}
x2_minus = ${fparse x2 - 0.001}
x2_plus = ${fparse x2 + 0.001}
x5_minus = ${fparse x5 - 0.001}
x5_plus = ${fparse x5 + 0.001}
n_elems1 = 10
n_elems2 = ${n_elems1}
n_elems3 = ${n_elems1}
n_elems4 = ${n_elems1}
n_elems5 = ${n_elems1}
A_ref_comp = ${fparse 0.5 * (A1 + A2)}
V_comp = ${fparse A_ref_comp * 1.0}
I_comp = 1.0
A_ref_turb = ${fparse 0.5 * (A4 + A5)}
V_turb = ${fparse A_ref_turb * 1.0}
I_turb = 1.0
c0_rated_comp = 351.6925137
rho0_rated_comp = 1.146881112
rated_mfr = 0.25
speed_rated_rpm = 96000
speed_rated = ${fparse speed_rated_rpm * 2 * pi / 60.0}
speed_initial = 0
eff_comp = 0.79
eff_turb = 0.843
T_hot = 1000
T_ambient = 300
p_ambient = 1e5
orientation = '1 0 0'
gravity_vector = '0 0 0'
initial_p = ${p_ambient}
initial_T = ${T_ambient}
initial_vel = 0
initial_vel_x = 0
initial_vel_y = 0
initial_vel_z = 0
fp = fp_air
closures = closures
f = 0
scaling_factor_1phase = '1 1 1e-5'
scaling_factor_rhoV = 1
scaling_factor_rhouV = 1
scaling_factor_rhovV = 1
scaling_factor_rhowV = 1
scaling_factor_rhoEV = 1e-5
rdg_slope_reconstruction = none
type = PiecewiseLinear
x = '0 ${t1} ${t2}'
y = '0 ${motor_torque_max} 0'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'torque * speed'
symbol_names = 'torque speed'
symbol_values = 'motor_torque shaft:omega'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'slope * t'
symbol_names = 'slope'
symbol_values = '${generator_torque_per_shaft_speed}'
type = ParsedFunction
expression = 'torque * speed'
symbol_names = 'torque speed'
symbol_values = 'generator_torque shaft:omega'
type = PiecewiseLinear
x = '0 ${t1} ${t2}'
y = '0 0 1e3'
type = IdealGasFluidProperties
emit_on_nan = none
type = Closures1PhaseSimple
type = Shaft
connected_components = 'motor compressor turbine generator'
initial_speed = ${speed_initial}
type = ShaftConnectedMotor
inertia = ${I_motor}
torque = 0 # controlled
type = ShaftConnectedMotor
inertia = ${I_generator}
torque = generator_torque_fn
type = InletStagnationPressureTemperature1Phase
input = 'pipe1:in'
p0 = ${p_ambient}
T0 = ${T_ambient}
type = FlowChannel1Phase
position = '${x1} 0 0'
length = ${L1}
n_elems = ${n_elems1}
A = ${A1}
type = ShaftConnectedCompressor1Phase
position = '${x2} 0 0'
inlet = 'pipe1:out'
outlet = 'pipe2:in'
A_ref = ${A_ref_comp}
volume = ${V_comp}
omega_rated = ${speed_rated}
mdot_rated = ${rated_mfr}
c0_rated = ${c0_rated_comp}
rho0_rated = ${rho0_rated_comp}
speeds = '0.5208 0.6250 0.7292 0.8333 0.9375'
Rp_functions = 'rp_comp1 rp_comp2 rp_comp3 rp_comp4 rp_comp5'
eff_functions = 'eff_comp1 eff_comp2 eff_comp3 eff_comp4 eff_comp5'
min_pressure_ratio = 1.0
speed_cr_I = 0
inertia_const = ${I_comp}
inertia_coeff = '${I_comp} 0 0 0'
# assume no shaft friction
speed_cr_fr = 0
tau_fr_const = 0
tau_fr_coeff = '0 0 0 0'
use_scalar_variables = false
type = FlowChannel1Phase
position = '${x2} 0 0'
length = ${L2}
n_elems = ${n_elems2}
A = ${A2}
type = JunctionOneToOne1Phase
connections = 'pipe2:out pipe3:in'
type = FlowChannel1Phase
position = '${x3} 0 0'
length = ${L3}
n_elems = ${n_elems3}
A = ${A3}
type = JunctionOneToOne1Phase
connections = 'pipe3:out pipe4:in'
type = FlowChannel1Phase
position = '${x4} 0 0'
length = ${L4}
n_elems = ${n_elems4}
A = ${A4}
type = ShaftConnectedCompressor1Phase
position = '${x5} 0 0'
inlet = 'pipe4:out'
outlet = 'pipe5:in'
A_ref = ${A_ref_turb}
volume = ${V_turb}
treat_as_turbine = true
omega_rated = ${speed_rated}
mdot_rated = ${rated_mfr}
c0_rated = ${c0_rated_comp}
rho0_rated = ${rho0_rated_comp}
speeds = '0 0.5208 0.6250 0.7292 0.8333 0.9375'
Rp_functions = 'rp_turb0 rp_turb1 rp_turb2 rp_turb3 rp_turb4 rp_turb5'
eff_functions = 'eff_turb1 eff_turb1 eff_turb2 eff_turb3 eff_turb4 eff_turb5'
min_pressure_ratio = 1.0
speed_cr_I = 0
inertia_const = ${I_turb}
inertia_coeff = '${I_turb} 0 0 0'
# assume no shaft friction
speed_cr_fr = 0
tau_fr_const = 0
tau_fr_coeff = '0 0 0 0'
use_scalar_variables = false
type = FlowChannel1Phase
position = '${x5} 0 0'
length = ${L5}
n_elems = ${n_elems5}
A = ${A5}
type = Outlet1Phase
input = 'pipe5:out'
p = ${p_ambient}
type = HeatTransferFromSpecifiedTemperature1Phase
flow_channel = pipe3
T_wall = ${T_hot}
Hw = htc_wall_fn
type = TimeFunctionComponentControl
component = motor
parameter = torque
function = motor_torque_fn
type = ADHeatRateConvection1Phase
block = 'pipe3'
T = T
T_wall = T_wall
Hw = Hw
P_hf = P_hf
type = RealComponentParameterValuePostprocessor
component = motor
parameter = torque
type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
function = motor_power_fn
indirect_dependencies = 'motor_torque shaft:omega'
type = ShaftConnectedComponentPostprocessor
quantity = torque
shaft_connected_component_uo = generator:shaftconnected_uo
type = FunctionValuePostprocessor
function = generator_power_fn
indirect_dependencies = 'generator_torque shaft:omega'
type = ScalarVariable
variable = 'shaft:omega'
type = PointValue
variable = p
point = '${x2_minus} 0 0'
type = PointValue
variable = p
point = '${x2_plus} 0 0'
type = ParsedPostprocessor
pp_names = 'p_in_comp p_out_comp'
expression = 'p_out_comp / p_in_comp'
type = PointValue
variable = p
point = '${x5_minus} 0 0'
type = PointValue
variable = p
point = '${x5_plus} 0 0'
type = ParsedPostprocessor
pp_names = 'p_in_turb p_out_turb'
expression = 'p_in_turb / p_out_turb'
type = ADFlowJunctionFlux1Phase
boundary = pipe1:out
connection_index = 0
equation = mass
junction = compressor
type = ADFlowJunctionFlux1Phase
boundary = pipe4:out
connection_index = 0
equation = mass
junction = turbine
type = SMP
full = true
type = Transient
scheme = 'bdf2'
end_time = ${t3}
dt = 0.1
abort_on_solve_fail = true
solve_type = NEWTON
nl_rel_tol = 1e-50
nl_abs_tol = 1e-11
nl_max_its = 15
l_tol = 1e-4
l_max_its = 10
type = CSV
file_base = 'open_brayton_cycle'
execute_vector_postprocessors_on = 'INITIAL'
type = Console
show = 'shaft_speed p_ratio_comp p_ratio_turb compressor:pressure_ratio turbine:pressure_ratio'
# compressor pressure ratio
type = PiecewiseLinear
data_file = 'rp_comp1.csv'
x_index_in_file = 0
y_index_in_file = 1
format = columns
extrap = true
type = PiecewiseLinear
data_file = 'rp_comp2.csv'
x_index_in_file = 0
y_index_in_file = 1
format = columns
extrap = true
type = PiecewiseLinear
data_file = 'rp_comp3.csv'
x_index_in_file = 0
y_index_in_file = 1
format = columns
extrap = true
type = PiecewiseLinear
data_file = 'rp_comp4.csv'
x_index_in_file = 0
y_index_in_file = 1
format = columns
extrap = true
type = PiecewiseLinear
data_file = 'rp_comp5.csv'
x_index_in_file = 0
y_index_in_file = 1
format = columns
extrap = true
# compressor efficiency
type = ConstantFunction
value = ${eff_comp}
type = ConstantFunction
value = ${eff_comp}
type = ConstantFunction
value = ${eff_comp}
type = ConstantFunction
value = ${eff_comp}
type = ConstantFunction
value = ${eff_comp}
# turbine pressure ratio
type = ConstantFunction
value = 1
type = PiecewiseLinear
data_file = 'rp_turb1.csv'
x_index_in_file = 0
y_index_in_file = 1
format = columns
extrap = true
type = PiecewiseLinear
data_file = 'rp_turb2.csv'
x_index_in_file = 0
y_index_in_file = 1
format = columns
extrap = true
type = PiecewiseLinear
data_file = 'rp_turb3.csv'
x_index_in_file = 0
y_index_in_file = 1
format = columns
extrap = true
type = PiecewiseLinear
data_file = 'rp_turb4.csv'
x_index_in_file = 0
y_index_in_file = 1
format = columns
extrap = true
type = PiecewiseLinear
data_file = 'rp_turb5.csv'
x_index_in_file = 0
y_index_in_file = 1
format = columns
extrap = true
# turbine efficiency
type = ConstantFunction
value = ${eff_turb}
type = ConstantFunction
value = ${eff_turb}
type = ConstantFunction
value = ${eff_turb}
type = ConstantFunction
value = ${eff_turb}
type = ConstantFunction
value = ${eff_turb}