Software Quality Assurance Extension

The Software Quality Assurance (SQA) extension is design to aid in tracking documentation for satisfying the NQA-1 standard for software quality. It is simply a tool to aid MOOSE-based software projects for being sure that all the necessary information exists to meet this standard. The first section details the use of templates for building software quality documentation, the second explains the extension level configuration, and the final section briefly discuss each of the available extension commands and the intended purpose. For a working example please refer to the MOOSE SQA documentation.

SQA Templates

The SQA extension leverages the templates to aid in setting up the necessary documents to satisfy the NQA-1 standard. For details of how to utilize the template system please refer to the Template Extension documentation. There are two sets of templates, the general set and the MOOSE-based application.

commentnote:Naming of files is important

When using the MOOSE-based application documentation templates, the file names used are critical for the system to correctly operate. See MOOSE-based Application Templates for details.

The general set is comprised of templates that implement the standard INL templates using MooseDocs. This is used by the framework to define the core of the SQA documentation that MOOSE-based applications can link against or could be used by other applications that desire to utilize MooseDocs, but are not a traditional MOOSE-based application.

The set of MOOSE-based application templates should be the starting point for most application developers adding SQA documentation. Using the templates will automatically link in the necessary documents from the framework and modules with the documents from an application to make a complete set of documents.

MOOSE-based Application Templates

The following is a complete list of templates that should be included within an application to complete the SQA documentation. With the exception of the index template ( the names of the files that load the templates should begin with the category name and be followed by the three letter suffix used by the template being loaded. The category name is the name provided in the "categories" configuration of the extension. Please refer to the Extension Configuration section below for details. For example, if in the configuration the category was named "bull_frog" then the "" file should be loaded in a file named "".

    This is used as the SQA landing page and will automatically link to the other SQA documents listed below. The name of the file loading this template is not restricted, but in general it is recommended that it be the index file within an "sqa" folder (e.g., "sqa/").

    This will comprise the application Software Test Plan.

    This will comprise the application Software Design Document.

    This will comprise the application Software Requirement Specification.

    This will comprise the application Requirement Traceability Matrix.

    This will comprise the application Verification and Validation Report.

    This will comprise the application Failure Analysis Report.

    This will comprise the application Software Library List.

    This will comprise the application Communications and Contact Information.

    This will comprise the application Software Coding Standards.

MOOSE Module Templates

The following is a list of templates that should be included within a MOOSE module to complete the SQA documentation. Similar naming conventions that applied to MOOSE-based Application Templates apply to MOOSE module templates. There are no Communication and Contact Information (CCI) or Software Coding Standards (SCS) templates for modules because they follow the framework versions of the Communication and Contact Information and Software Coding Standards documents.

    This will comprise the module Software Test Plan.

    This will comprise the module Software Design Document.

    This will comprise the module Software Requirement Specification.

    This will comprise the module Requirement Traceability Matrix.

    This will comprise the module Verification and Validation Report.

    This will comprise the module Failure Analysis Report.

    This will comprise the module Software Library List.

General Templates

The available general SQA templates are listed below. Unlike the MOOSE-based application or module versions above, a landing page template does not exist and there is no naming convention required for loading these templates. These templates based on the INL templates and are stand-alone to aid in creating SQA documentation for unique non-MOOSE applications. They are also used for the framework documents on which all MOOSE-based applications depend.

    INL template for the Software Test Plan.

    INL template for the Software Design Document.

    INL template for the Software Requirement Specification.

    INL template for the Requirement Traceability Matrix.

    A template to build a Verification and Validation Report, INL does not supply a template.

    A template to build a Failure Analysis Report, INL does not supply a template.

    A template to build a Software Library List, INL does not supply a template.

    A template to build a Communication and Contact Information, INL does not supply a template.

    A template to build a Software Coding Standards, INL does not supply a template.

Extension Configuration

Table 1 lists the available configuration settings for the SQA extension. These configuration items should be included in the MooseDocs configuration file (e.g., config.yml). The options for this extension are fairly intricate and thus each of the options shall be discussed in detail.

Table 1: Configuration options for the SQA extension.

activeFalseToggle for disabling the extension. This only changes the initial active state, use setActive to control at runtime.
urlhttps://github.comDeprecated, see 'repos'.
repoNoneDeprecated, see 'repos'.
repos{'default': ''}The repository locations for linking issues, set 'default' to allow '#1234' or add additional keys to allow for foo#1234.
categories{}A dictionary of category names that includes a dictionary with 'directories' and optionally 'specs' , 'dependencies', 'repo', 'reports'.
include_non_testable_requirementsFalseControl display of skipped requirements.
requirement-groups{}Allows requirement group names to be changed
reportsNoneBuild SQA reports for dashboard creation.
default_collectionFUNCTIONALThe default requirement collection.
append_run_exception_to_failure_analysisTrueAutomatically include RunException tests in the 'FAILURE_ANALYSIS' collection.


This option is a dictionary of names to URLs that can be used when linking issues within a test specification. By default this option is populated with a dictionary that links the "default" keyword to the MOOSE repository. Any test specification that includes an "issues" list will default to using the MOOSE repository for linking to that issue. As such, MOOSE-based applications should specify this option with the correct repository as the default. For example, Listing 1 sets the default URL. This example also demonstrates how to add additional URLs (i.e., pika) to the list of available URLs.

Listing 1: Example use of "repos" configuration option.


Within a test specification the 'issues' can then include issue numbers from multiple repositories. Again, using the example in Listing 1 a possible 'issues' list could look as follows, where the number without a prefix would link to the URL listed in 'default' and the number with the "pika" prefix would link to the 'pika' URL.

  issues = '#123 pika#123'
commentnote:MOOSE and libMesh are always available.

The MOOSE and libMesh repositories are automatically added using the "moose" and "libmesh" keywords. Therefore issues numbers such as moose#1234 and libmesh#1234 will always be available and do not need to be specified in the repos option.


This option defines the various sources of SQA documentation to include in the documentation for an application. This allows one application to include SQA documentation from another application. The point of this feature is allow SQA documents to build on each other—in the same way that MOOSE allows physics to build on each other—to minimize the effort needed to build complete SQA documents.

The categories option is a dictionary of dictionaries that include four keys: specs, dependencies, repo, and reports. Listing 2 is an example of the nested dictionary used for this option. These sub-options are detailed as follows.

  • directories: A list of directories to search for requirements that are defined within test specifications.

  • specs: A list of test specifications names.

  • dependencies: A list of category dependencies. For example, in Listing 2 the "heat_transfer" category depends on the "framework" category. This list allows the dependency lists within the various SQA documents.

  • reports: Options for SQA report generation, see MOOSE SQA Tools for additional details.

Listing 2: Example use of "categories" configuration option.

                - ${MOOSE_DIR}/test/tests
                - tests
            repo: moose
                - ${MOOSE_DIR}/modules/heat_transfer/test/tests
                - tests
                - framework
            repo: moose
            reports: !include ${MOOSE_DIR}/modules/heat_transfer/doc/sqa_reports.yml


A dictionary that links the default requirement group names to the desired group names. The MOOSE SQA Tools package automatically groups requirements by top level folders within the list of directories provided in each category defined in each item of the "categories" configuration option (see categories). When listed this group is used to organize the requirements. The "requirement-groups" allows the group name to be modified. For example, Listing 3 demonstrates the use of this option.

Listing 3: Example use of "requirement-groups" configuration option.

        dgkernels: DGKernel Objects
        interfacekernels: InterfaceKernel Objects


This option provides information for generating of an application level set of SQA reports; please refer to MOOSE SQA Tools for additional details.


An option that includes a single string that provides the default collection name (see Requirements List) for requirements. This option defaults to "FUNCTIONAL", thus all requirements gathered from the specifications are considered to be functional requirements by default.


A boolean that when true (the default) adds the "FAILURE_ANALYSIS" collection (see Requirements List) to all RunException tests.

Requirements List

The sqa requirements command will list all the requirements located in the test specifications for a project; Table 2 lists all the available settings for this command.

Table 2: Configuration options for the SQA extension requirements command.

styleNoneThe style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag.
classNoneThe class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag.
idNoneThe class settings to be passed to the rendered tag.
categoryNoneProvide the category, as listed in the extension 'categories' configuration.
collectionsNoneLimit the Requirement list to the specified collections (e.g., 'FUNCTIONAL FAILURE_ANALYSIS').
typesNoneLimit the Requirement list to the specified test types (e.g., 'RunException Exodiff').
linkTrueEnable/disable the linking of test specifications and test files.
link-specTrueEnable/disable the link of the test specification only, the 'link' setting must be true.
link-designTrueEnable/disable the link of the test design only, the 'link' setting must be true.
link-issuesTrueEnable/disable the link of the test issues only, the 'link' setting must be true.
link-prerequisitesTrueEnable/disable the link of the test prerequisites, the 'link' setting must be true.
link-resultsTrueEnable/disable the link to the test results.
link-collectionsTrueEnable/disable the collections badge(s).
link-typesTrueEnable/disable the types badge(s).
link-verificationTrueEnable/disable the verification file link.
link-validationTrueEnable/disable the validation file link.

The available options for the "collections" settings are listed below.

  • FUNCTIONAL: Requirements that define uses cases and are correct, unambiguous, complete, consistent, verifiable, and traceable.

  • USABILITY: Requirements for the system that include measurable effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction criteria in specific contexts of use.

  • PERFORMANCE: Requirements to define the critical performance conditions and associated capabilities.

  • SYSTEM: Requirements for interfaces among system elements and with external entities.

  • FAILURE_ANALYSIS: Requirements that perform check for simulation integrity such as error handling and convergence failures.

Extension Commands

The following sections provide information regarding each of the

Requirement Cross-Reference List

The sqa cross-reference command provides a list of requirements in the same fashion as the Requirements List, but organized by design document rather than the folder group.

Table 3: Configuration options for the SQA extension cross-reference command.

styleNoneThe style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag.
classNoneThe class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag.
idNoneThe class settings to be passed to the rendered tag.
categoryNoneProvide the category, as listed in the extension 'categories' configuration.
collectionsNoneLimit the Requirement list to the specified collections (e.g., 'FUNCTIONAL FAILURE_ANALYSIS').
typesNoneLimit the Requirement list to the specified test types (e.g., 'RunException Exodiff').
linkTrueEnable/disable the linking of test specifications and test files.
link-specTrueEnable/disable the link of the test specification only, the 'link' setting must be true.
link-designTrueEnable/disable the link of the test design only, the 'link' setting must be true.
link-issuesTrueEnable/disable the link of the test issues only, the 'link' setting must be true.
link-resultsTrueEnable/disable the link to the test results.
link-collectionsTrueEnable/disable the collections badge(s).
link-typesTrueEnable/disable the types badge(s).
link-verificationTrueEnable/disable the verification file link.
link-validationTrueEnable/disable the validation file link.

Verification/Validation List

The sqa verification or sqa validation command provides a list of requirements in the same fashion as the Requirements List, but organized to only include requirements that include a "verification" and/or "validation" item in the test specification. Table 4 lists the available options for these commands. To illustrate the use, the following specification includes a "verification" item. As such, this requirement would be included in the requirements list generated by the sqa verification command.

    type = RunApp
    input = example.i
    verification = ''
    requirement = "The system shall have an example that demonstrates verification."

Table 4: Configuration options for the SQA extension verification and validation commands.

styleNoneThe style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag.
classNoneThe class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag.
idNoneThe class settings to be passed to the rendered tag.
categoryNoneProvide the category, as listed in the extension 'categories' configuration.
collectionsNoneLimit the Requirement list to the specified collections (e.g., 'FUNCTIONAL FAILURE_ANALYSIS').
typesNoneLimit the Requirement list to the specified test types (e.g., 'RunException Exodiff').
linkTrueEnable/disable the linking of test specifications and test files.
link-specTrueEnable/disable the link of the test specification only, the 'link' setting must be true.
link-designTrueEnable/disable the link of the test design only, the 'link' setting must be true.
link-issuesTrueEnable/disable the link of the test issues only, the 'link' setting must be true.
link-resultsTrueEnable/disable the link to the test results.
link-collectionsTrueEnable/disable the collections badge(s).
link-typesTrueEnable/disable the types badge(s).

Dependencies List

The sqa dependencies command creates a list of dependent documents using the information from the "categories" extension configuration. For example, the MOOSE SRS contains links to the various SRS documents that together form the SQA for the entire MOOSE project. In general, this command should not be needed by MOOSE-based applications developers that are using the available templates.

Table 5: Configuration options for the SQA extension dependencies command.

styleNoneThe style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag.
classNoneThe class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag.
idNoneThe class settings to be passed to the rendered tag.
suffixNoneProvide the filename suffix to include.
categoryNoneProvide the category.


The sqa document command is used to automatically define links to application SQA documents (e.g., RTM, SRS) for a MOOSE-based application SQA landing page. For example, the document list on the Stochastic Tools Module SQA page uses this command. In general, this command should not be needed by MOOSE-based applications developers that are using the available templates. The complete list of available settings for this command are provided in Table 6.

Table 6: Configuration options for the SQA extension document command.

styleNoneThe style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag.
classNoneThe class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag.
idNoneThe class settings to be passed to the rendered tag.
suffixNoneProvide the filename suffix to include.
categoryNoneProvide the category.


The sqa report command is used to generate a complete SQA report for a MOOSE-based application landing page. For example, the report on the Stochastic Tools Module SQA page uses this command. In general, this command should not be needed by MOOSE-based applications developers that are using the available templates. The complete list of available settings for this command are provided in Table 7.

Table 7: Configuration options for the SQA extension report command.

styleNoneThe style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag.
classNoneThe class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag.
idNoneThe class settings to be passed to the rendered tag.
categoryNoneProvide the category.