Restarting Coupled NekRS and MOOSE simulations

In this tutorial, you will learn how to:

  • Create checkpoint files for NekRS simulations

  • Create checkpoint files for MOOSE simulations

  • Use checkpoint files to restart coupled NekRS-MOOSE simulations

To access this tutorial,

cd cardinal/tutorials/restart_nek_and_moose

Creating checkpoint files

NekRS checkpoint file output is controlled using the writeControl and writeInterval parameters in the .par file. The .par example below, for instance, writes a single checkpoint file at the end of the simulation. More fine-grained control can be achieved by using a smaller writeInterval.

  backend = CPU

  stopAt = numSteps
  numSteps = 1
  dt = 5.0e-4
  polynomialOrder = 2
  writeControl = steps
  writeInterval = 2

  solver = none


  solver = none

MOOSE checkpoint file output is controlled using Outputs/Checkpoint. This is one of the Restart and Recover options in the MOOSE framework. This checkpoint method requires N to N restarting, where the number of processors for the previous and current MOOSE simulations must match.

    file_base = 'cardinal_sub_checkpoint'
    type = Checkpoint
    num_files = 1

To run these input files and create our checkpoint files,

cd create_checkpoints
cardinal-opt -i main.i

Reading checkpoint files

The NekRS solution is restarted using the startFrom parameter in the NekRS .par file. startFrom should contain the checkpoint file to restart the NekRS portion of the coupled simulation.

  backend = CPU

  startFrom = pyramid.restart
  stopAt = numSteps
  numSteps = 1
  dt = 5.0e-4
  polynomialOrder = 5
  writeControl = steps
  writeInterval = 2

  solver = none


  solver = none

The MOOSE solution is restarted within its Problem block using restart_file_base. This should contain the checkpoint file base to restart the MOOSE portion of the coupled simulation from. Furthermore, if MOOSE is running as the sub app in the MultiApp system, force_restart can be set to restart the MOOSE sub app without restarting the main app.

  type = FEProblem
  restart_file_base = ../cardinal_sub_checkpoint_cp/LATEST # restart from LATEST time
  force_restart = true # force restart sub app only

Finally, the start_time for a NekRS simulation is defined on the Executioner block in the NekRS-wrapped input file. By default, the start time will be set to zero (though the solution will still be read from whatever data is provided in the startFrom parameter in the .par file). In order to properly continue a coupled MOOSE-NekRS simulation, you just need to set the start_time in the MOOSE input file to match what NekRS will use. For instance, if you keep the default behavior in NekRS of setting the time to zero, set the start_time in the coupled MOOSE file also to zero.

  type = Transient

  start_time = 0 # force start time to zero, same as nek restarted time
  num_steps = 10
  dt = 5e-4

  petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -pc_hypre_type'
  petsc_options_value = 'hypre boomeramg'
  nl_abs_tol = 1e-10

To run the simulation with restarted fields,

cd read_from_checkpoints
cardinal-opt -i main.i