Problem system overview
The Problem class is one of the core extension points in MOOSE. Problems are designed to hold the EquationSystems
objects (from libMesh) that house the numerical systems we are ultimately solving for our computing.
Fortunately when you are first getting started with MOOSE you normally don't have to worry or do anything special with the Problem object. MOOSE automatically constructs a suitable Problem for your simulation type taking into account the other types of objects present in the input file. Most simulations use the FEProblem
class, which contains a single NonlinearSystem
and single AuxiliarySystem
or a single MooseEigenSystem
and single AuxiliarySystem
. The NonlinearSystem
or MooseEigenSystem
contains the matrix and vectors used for solving the equations implemented through a combination of other objects in your simulations (Kernels
, BCs
, etc.). The AuxiliarySystem
houses the solution vectors use to hold computed solutions or values.
As your application grows in complexity, you may find it useful or necessary to create your own problems to extend default behavior provided by the core MOOSE framework. Common examples include, specialized convergence tests, etc.
Automatic Problem Creation
The automatic problem creation is handled for you by MOOSE. In a normal input file that does not contain a special [Problem]
block, MOOSE will create a suitable Problem for you. If however, you need to change specific system related parameters you may find yourself adding a [Problem]
block with name/value pairs. Different types of Problems may be instantiated by using the /Problem/type
whose default value is FEProblem
Problem System
Available Objects
- Moose App
- DisplacedProblemA Problem object for providing access to the displaced finite element mesh and associated variables.
- DumpObjectsProblemSingle purpose problem object that does not run the given input but allows deconstructing actions into their series of underlying Moose objects and variables.
- EigenProblemProblem object for solving an eigenvalue problem.
- FEProblemA normal (default) Problem object that contains a single NonlinearSystem and a single AuxiliarySystem object.
- ReferenceResidualProblemProblem that checks for convergence relative to a user-supplied reference quantity rather than the initial residual
- Navier Stokes App
- NavierStokesProblemA problem that handles Schur complement preconditioning of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
- Cardinal App
- NekRSProblemCouple NekRS to MOOSE through 3-D boundary or volume data transfers for temperature, heat flux, and geometry
- NekRSSeparateDomainProblemCouple NekRS to MOOSE for integration of 3-D CFD with 1-D systems-level codes
- NekRSStandaloneProblemRun NekRS as a MOOSE application, without coupling, such as for data postprocessing
- OpenMCCellAverageProblemCouple OpenMC to MOOSE through cell-averaged temperature, density, and tallies.
- Thermal Hydraulics App
- THMProblemSpecialization of FEProblem to run with component subsystem
Available Subsystems
Available Actions
- Moose App
- CreateProblemActionAdd a Problem object to the simulation.
- DynamicObjectRegistrationActionRegister MooseObjects from other applications dynamically.
- Cardinal App
- NekInitActionBase class for all the actions creating a MOOSE object