// This file is part of the MOOSE framework
// https://www.mooseframework.org
// All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
// https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
// Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
// https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
#pragma once
#include "Moose.h"
#include "ADReal.h"
#include "EigenADReal.h"
#include "ChainedReal.h"
#include "ChainedADReal.h"
#include "ADRankTwoTensorForward.h"
#include "ADRankThreeTensorForward.h"
#include "ADRankFourTensorForward.h"
#include "ADSymmetricRankTwoTensorForward.h"
#include "ADSymmetricRankFourTensorForward.h"
#include "libmesh/libmesh.h"
#include "libmesh/id_types.h"
#include "libmesh/stored_range.h"
#include "libmesh/petsc_macro.h"
#include "libmesh/boundary_info.h"
#include "libmesh/parameters.h"
#include "libmesh/dense_vector.h"
#include "libmesh/int_range.h"
// BOOST include
#include "boost/bitmask_operators.h"
#include "libmesh/ignore_warnings.h"
#include "Eigen/Core"
#include "libmesh/restore_warnings.h"
#include "libmesh/tensor_tools.h"
#include "metaphysicl/ct_types.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>
#include "nlohmann/json_fwd.h"
// DO NOT USE (Deprecated)
#define MooseSharedPointer std::shared_ptr
#define MooseSharedNamespace std
* Macro for inferring the proper type of a normal loop index compatible
* with the "auto" keyword.
* Usage:
* for (auto i = beginIndex(v); i < v.size(); ++i) // default index is zero
* for (auto i = beginIndex(v, 1); i < v.size(); ++i) // index is supplied
// The multiple macros that you would need anyway [as per: Crazy Eddie (stack overflow)]
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-zero-variadic-macro-arguments"
#define beginIndex_0() ERROR-- > "beginIndex() requires one or two arguments"
#define beginIndex_1(A) decltype(A.size())(0)
#define beginIndex_2(A, B) decltype(A.size())(B)
#define beginIndex_3(A, B, C) ERROR-- > "beginIndex() requires one or two arguments"
#define beginIndex_4(A, B, C, D) ERROR-- > "beginIndex() requires one or two arguments"
// The interim macro that simply strips the excess and ends up with the required macro
#define beginIndex_X(x, A, B, C, D, FUNC, ...) FUNC
// The macro that the programmer uses
#define beginIndex(...) \
beginIndex_X(, \
##__VA_ARGS__, \
beginIndex_4(__VA_ARGS__), \
beginIndex_3(__VA_ARGS__), \
beginIndex_2(__VA_ARGS__), \
beginIndex_1(__VA_ARGS__), \
* MooseIndex Macro for creating an index type of the right type for loops and other places where
* type matching is important.
* Usage:
* Type t;
* Container type:
* for (MooseIndex(t) i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
* POD type:
* for (MooseIndex(t) i = 0; i < t; ++i)
#define MooseIndex(type) decltype(_MooseIndex(type, 0))
// SFINAE templates for type MooseIndex type selection
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value>::type * = nullptr>
typename std::remove_const<T>::type
_MooseIndex(T, int)
template <typename T>
_MooseIndex(T &&, int)
template <typename T>
decltype("NOTE: MooseIndex only works with integers and objects with size()!")
_MooseIndex(T, double) = delete;
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
* forward declarations
template <typename>
class MooseArray;
template <typename>
class MaterialProperty;
template <typename>
class ADMaterialProperty;
class InputParameters;
namespace libMesh
template <typename>
class VectorValue;
typedef VectorValue<Real> RealVectorValue;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Moose::dim, 1> RealDIMValue;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> RealEigenVector;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Moose::dim> RealVectorArrayValue;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Moose::dim * Moose::dim> RealTensorArrayValue;
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> RealEigenMatrix;
template <typename>
class TypeVector;
template <typename>
class TensorValue;
typedef TensorValue<Real> RealTensorValue;
template <typename>
class TypeTensor;
template <unsigned int, typename>
class TypeNTensor;
class Point;
template <typename>
class DenseMatrix;
template <typename>
class DenseVector;
namespace TensorTools
template <>
struct IncrementRank<Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Moose::dim> type;
template <>
struct IncrementRank<Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Moose::dim>>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Moose::dim * Moose::dim> type;
template <>
struct DecrementRank<Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, Moose::dim>>
typedef Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> type;
namespace MetaPhysicL
template <typename U>
struct ReplaceAlgebraicType<libMesh::RealEigenVector, U>
typedef U type;
* various MOOSE typedefs
typedef Real PostprocessorValue;
typedef std::vector<Real> VectorPostprocessorValue;
typedef Real ScatterVectorPostprocessorValue;
typedef boundary_id_type BoundaryID;
typedef unsigned int InterfaceID;
typedef subdomain_id_type SubdomainID;
typedef unsigned int MooseObjectID;
typedef unsigned int THREAD_ID;
typedef unsigned int TagID;
typedef unsigned int TagTypeID;
typedef unsigned int PerfID;
typedef unsigned int InvalidSolutionID;
using RestartableDataMapName = std::string; // see MooseApp.h
typedef StoredRange<std::vector<dof_id_type>::iterator, dof_id_type> NodeIdRange;
typedef StoredRange<std::vector<const Elem *>::iterator, const Elem *> ConstElemPointerRange;
namespace Moose
/// This is used for places where we initialize some qp-sized data structures
/// that would end up being sized too small after the quadrature order gets
/// bumped (dynamically in-sim). So for these cases, we just use this constant
/// to size those data structures overly large to accommodate rather than come
/// up with some overkill complex mechanism for dynamically resizing them.
/// Eventually, we may need or implement that more sophisticated mechanism and
/// will no longer need this.
constexpr std::size_t constMaxQpsPerElem = 216;
// These are used by MooseVariableData and MooseVariableDataFV
enum SolutionState : int
Current = 0,
Old = 1,
Older = 2,
PreviousNL = -1
enum class SolutionIterationType : unsigned short
Time = 0,
// These are used by MooseVariableData and MooseVariableDataFV
enum GeometryType
template <typename OutputType>
struct ShapeType
typedef OutputType type;
template <>
struct ShapeType<Eigen::Matrix<Real, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>>
typedef Real type;
template <typename OutputType>
struct DOFType
typedef OutputType type;
template <>
struct DOFType<RealVectorValue>
typedef Real type;
} // namespace Moose
template <typename OutputType>
struct OutputTools
typedef typename TensorTools::IncrementRank<OutputType>::type OutputGradient;
typedef typename TensorTools::IncrementRank<OutputGradient>::type OutputSecond;
typedef typename TensorTools::DecrementRank<OutputType>::type OutputDivergence;
typedef MooseArray<OutputType> VariableValue;
typedef MooseArray<OutputGradient> VariableGradient;
typedef MooseArray<OutputSecond> VariableSecond;
typedef MooseArray<OutputType> VariableCurl;
typedef MooseArray<OutputDivergence> VariableDivergence;
typedef typename Moose::ShapeType<OutputType>::type OutputShape;
typedef typename TensorTools::IncrementRank<OutputShape>::type OutputShapeGradient;
typedef typename TensorTools::IncrementRank<OutputShapeGradient>::type OutputShapeSecond;
typedef typename TensorTools::DecrementRank<OutputShape>::type OutputShapeDivergence;
typedef MooseArray<std::vector<OutputShape>> VariablePhiValue;
typedef MooseArray<std::vector<OutputShapeGradient>> VariablePhiGradient;
typedef MooseArray<std::vector<OutputShapeSecond>> VariablePhiSecond;
typedef MooseArray<std::vector<OutputShape>> VariablePhiCurl;
typedef MooseArray<std::vector<OutputShapeDivergence>> VariablePhiDivergence;
typedef MooseArray<std::vector<OutputShape>> VariableTestValue;
typedef MooseArray<std::vector<OutputShapeGradient>> VariableTestGradient;
typedef MooseArray<std::vector<OutputShapeSecond>> VariableTestSecond;
typedef MooseArray<std::vector<OutputShape>> VariableTestCurl;
typedef MooseArray<std::vector<OutputShapeDivergence>> VariableTestDivergence;
// DoF value type for the template class OutputType
typedef typename Moose::DOFType<OutputType>::type OutputData;
typedef MooseArray<OutputData> DoFValue;
typedef OutputType OutputValue;
// types for standard variable
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariableValue VariableValue;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariableGradient VariableGradient;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariableSecond VariableSecond;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariableCurl VariableCurl;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariableDivergence VariableDivergence;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariablePhiValue VariablePhiValue;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariablePhiGradient VariablePhiGradient;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariablePhiSecond VariablePhiSecond;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariablePhiCurl VariablePhiCurl;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariablePhiDivergence VariablePhiDivergence;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariableTestValue VariableTestValue;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariableTestGradient VariableTestGradient;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariableTestSecond VariableTestSecond;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariableTestCurl VariableTestCurl;
typedef typename OutputTools<Real>::VariableTestDivergence VariableTestDivergence;
// types for vector variable
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariableValue VectorVariableValue;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariableGradient VectorVariableGradient;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariableSecond VectorVariableSecond;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariableCurl VectorVariableCurl;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariableDivergence VectorVariableDivergence;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariablePhiValue VectorVariablePhiValue;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariablePhiGradient VectorVariablePhiGradient;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariablePhiSecond VectorVariablePhiSecond;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariablePhiCurl VectorVariablePhiCurl;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariablePhiDivergence VectorVariablePhiDivergence;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariableTestValue VectorVariableTestValue;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariableTestGradient VectorVariableTestGradient;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariableTestSecond VectorVariableTestSecond;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariableTestCurl VectorVariableTestCurl;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealVectorValue>::VariableTestDivergence VectorVariableTestDivergence;
// types for array variable
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariableValue ArrayVariableValue;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariableGradient ArrayVariableGradient;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariableSecond ArrayVariableSecond;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariableCurl ArrayVariableCurl;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariableDivergence ArrayVariableDivergence;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariablePhiValue ArrayVariablePhiValue;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariablePhiGradient ArrayVariablePhiGradient;
typedef std::vector<std::vector<Eigen::Map<RealDIMValue>>> MappedArrayVariablePhiGradient;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariablePhiSecond ArrayVariablePhiSecond;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariablePhiCurl ArrayVariablePhiCurl;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariablePhiDivergence ArrayVariablePhiDivergence;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariableTestValue ArrayVariableTestValue;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariableTestGradient ArrayVariableTestGradient;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariableTestSecond ArrayVariableTestSecond;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariableTestCurl ArrayVariableTestCurl;
typedef typename OutputTools<RealEigenVector>::VariableTestDivergence ArrayVariableTestDivergence;
* AD typedefs
typedef libMesh::VectorValue<ADReal> ADRealVectorValue;
typedef ADRealVectorValue ADRealGradient;
typedef libMesh::VectorValue<ADReal> ADPoint;
typedef libMesh::TensorValue<ADReal> ADRealTensorValue;
typedef libMesh::DenseMatrix<ADReal> ADDenseMatrix;
typedef libMesh::DenseVector<ADReal> ADDenseVector;
typedef MooseArray<ADReal> ADVariableValue;
typedef MooseArray<ADRealVectorValue> ADVariableGradient;
typedef MooseArray<ADRealTensorValue> ADVariableSecond;
typedef MooseArray<ADRealVectorValue> ADVectorVariableValue;
typedef MooseArray<ADRealTensorValue> ADVectorVariableGradient;
typedef MooseArray<libMesh::TypeNTensor<3, ADReal>> ADVectorVariableSecond;
namespace Moose
// type conversion from regular to AD
template <typename T>
struct ADType
// unless a specialization exists we assume there is no specific AD type
typedef T type;
template <>
struct ADType<Real>
typedef ADReal type;
template <>
struct ADType<ChainedReal>
typedef ChainedADReal type;
template <>
struct ADType<Point>
typedef ADPoint type;
template <>
struct ADType<RealVectorValue>
typedef ADRealVectorValue type;
template <>
struct ADType<RankTwoTensor>
typedef ADRankTwoTensor type;
template <>
struct ADType<RankThreeTensor>
typedef ADRankThreeTensor type;
template <>
struct ADType<RankFourTensor>
typedef ADRankFourTensor type;
template <>
struct ADType<SymmetricRankTwoTensor>
typedef ADSymmetricRankTwoTensor type;
template <>
struct ADType<SymmetricRankFourTensor>
typedef ADSymmetricRankFourTensor type;
template <template <typename T> class W, typename T>
struct ADType<W<T>>
typedef W<typename ADType<T>::type> type;
template <typename T>
struct ADType<std::vector<T, std::allocator<T>>>
typedef typename ADType<T>::type adT;
typedef std::vector<adT, std::allocator<adT>> type;
template <typename T>
struct ADType<std::list<T, std::allocator<T>>>
typedef typename ADType<T>::type adT;
typedef std::list<adT, std::allocator<adT>> type;
template <typename T>
struct ADType<std::set<T, std::less<T>, std::allocator<T>>>
typedef typename ADType<T>::type adT;
typedef std::set<adT, std::less<adT>, std::allocator<adT>> type;
template <typename T>
struct ADType<DenseVector<T>>
typedef DenseVector<typename ADType<T>::type> type;
template <typename T>
struct ADType<DenseMatrix<T>>
typedef DenseMatrix<typename ADType<T>::type> type;
template <>
struct ADType<RealEigenVector>
typedef RealEigenVector type;
template <>
struct ADType<VariableValue>
typedef ADVariableValue type;
template <>
struct ADType<VariableGradient>
typedef ADVariableGradient type;
template <>
struct ADType<VariableSecond>
typedef ADVariableSecond type;
template <>
struct ADType<ADReal>
typedef ADReal type;
template <>
struct ADType<ChainedADReal>
typedef ChainedADReal type;
template <>
struct ADType<ADRankTwoTensor>
typedef ADRankTwoTensor type;
template <>
struct ADType<ADRankThreeTensor>
typedef ADRankThreeTensor type;
template <>
struct ADType<ADRankFourTensor>
typedef ADRankFourTensor type;
template <>
struct ADType<ADSymmetricRankTwoTensor>
typedef ADSymmetricRankTwoTensor type;
template <>
struct ADType<ADSymmetricRankFourTensor>
typedef ADSymmetricRankFourTensor type;
template <>
struct ADType<ADVariableValue>
typedef ADVariableValue type;
template <>
struct ADType<ADVariableGradient>
typedef ADVariableGradient type;
template <>
struct ADType<ADVariableSecond>
typedef ADVariableSecond type;
template <typename T>
struct IsADType
static constexpr bool value = false;
template <>
struct IsADType<ADReal>
static constexpr bool value = true;
template <>
struct IsADType<ADPoint>
static constexpr bool value = true;
template <template <typename T, typename... Args> class W, typename T, typename... Args>
struct IsADType<W<T, Args...>>
static constexpr bool value = IsADType<T>::value;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
struct IsADType<MetaPhysicL::DualNumber<T, Args...>>
static constexpr bool value = true;
* This is a helper variable template for cases when we want to use a default compile-time
* error with constexpr-based if conditions. The templating delays the triggering
* of the static assertion until the template is instantiated.
template <class T>
constexpr std::false_type always_false{};
} // namespace Moose
* some AD typedefs for backwards compatibility
typedef ADRealVectorValue ADRealVectorValue;
typedef ADRealTensorValue ADRealTensorValue;
typedef ADRealGradient ADRealGradient;
template <typename T>
using ADTemplateVariableValue =
typename OutputTools<typename Moose::ADType<T>::type>::VariableValue;
template <typename T>
using ADTemplateVariableGradient =
typename OutputTools<typename Moose::ADType<T>::type>::VariableGradient;
template <typename T>
using ADTemplateVariableSecond =
typename OutputTools<typename Moose::ADType<T>::type>::VariableSecond;
typedef VariableTestValue ADVariableTestValue;
typedef VariableTestGradient ADVariableTestGradient;
typedef VariableTestSecond ADVariableTestSecond;
typedef VectorVariableTestValue ADVectorVariableTestValue;
typedef VectorVariableTestGradient ADVectorVariableTestGradient;
typedef VectorVariableTestSecond ADVectorVariableTestSecond;
// We can use the non-ad version for test values because these don't depend on the mesh
// displacements (unless the location of the quadrature points depend on the mesh displacements...)
template <typename T>
using ADTemplateVariableTestValue = typename OutputTools<T>::VariableTestValue;
template <typename T>
using ADTemplateVariablePhiValue = typename OutputTools<T>::VariablePhiValue;
// We need to use the AD version for test gradients and seconds because these *do* depend on the
// mesh displacements
template <typename T>
using ADTemplateVariableTestGradient =
typename OutputTools<typename Moose::ADType<T>::type>::VariableTestGradient;
template <typename T>
using ADTemplateVariableTestSecond =
typename OutputTools<typename Moose::ADType<T>::type>::VariableTestSecond;
template <typename T>
using ADTemplateVariablePhiGradient =
typename OutputTools<typename Moose::ADType<T>::type>::VariablePhiGradient;
using ADVariablePhiGradient = ADTemplateVariablePhiGradient<Real>;
// Templated typed to support is_ad templated classes
namespace Moose
template <typename T, bool is_ad>
using GenericType = typename std::conditional<is_ad, typename ADType<T>::type, T>::type;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericReal = Moose::GenericType<Real, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericChainedReal = Moose::GenericType<ChainedReal, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericRealVectorValue = Moose::GenericType<RealVectorValue, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericRealTensorValue = Moose::GenericType<RealTensorValue, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericRankTwoTensor = Moose::GenericType<RankTwoTensor, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericRankThreeTensor = Moose::GenericType<RankThreeTensor, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericRankFourTensor = Moose::GenericType<RankFourTensor, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericVariableValue = Moose::GenericType<VariableValue, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericVariableGradient = Moose::GenericType<VariableGradient, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericVariableSecond = Moose::GenericType<VariableSecond, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericDenseVector = Moose::GenericType<DenseVector<Real>, is_ad>;
template <bool is_ad>
using GenericDenseMatrix = Moose::GenericType<DenseMatrix<Real>, is_ad>;
namespace Moose
extern const processor_id_type INVALID_PROCESSOR_ID;
extern const SubdomainID ANY_BLOCK_ID;
extern const SubdomainID INTERNAL_SIDE_LOWERD_ID;
extern const SubdomainID BOUNDARY_SIDE_LOWERD_ID;
extern const SubdomainID INVALID_BLOCK_ID;
extern const BoundaryID ANY_BOUNDARY_ID;
extern const BoundaryID INVALID_BOUNDARY_ID;
extern const TagID INVALID_TAG_ID;
extern const TagTypeID INVALID_TAG_TYPE_ID;
const std::set<SubdomainID> EMPTY_BLOCK_IDS = {};
const std::set<BoundaryID> EMPTY_BOUNDARY_IDS = {};
* MaterialData types
* @see FEProblemBase, MaterialPropertyInterface
enum MaterialDataType
* Flag for AuxKernel related execution type.
enum AuxGroup
PRE_IC = 0,
PRE_AUX = 1,
ALL = 3
* Framework-wide stuff
enum VarKindType
enum VarFieldType
enum CouplingType
enum ConstraintSideType
enum DGResidualType
enum DGJacobianType
enum ConstraintType
Secondary = Element,
Primary = Neighbor
enum class ElementType : unsigned int
Element = DGResidualType::Element,
Neighbor = DGResidualType::Neighbor,
Lower = DGResidualType::Neighbor + 1
enum class MortarType : unsigned int
Secondary = static_cast<unsigned int>(Moose::ElementType::Element),
Primary = static_cast<unsigned int>(Moose::ElementType::Neighbor),
Lower = static_cast<unsigned int>(Moose::ElementType::Lower)
* The type of nonlinear computation being performed
enum class ComputeType
* The filter type applied to a particular piece of "restartable" data. These filters
* will be applied during deserialization to include or exclude data as appropriate.
enum class RESTARTABLE_FILTER : unsigned char
enum ConstraintJacobianType
SecondarySecondary = ElementElement,
SecondaryPrimary = ElementNeighbor,
PrimarySecondary = NeighborElement,
PrimaryPrimary = NeighborNeighbor,
enum CoordinateSystemType : int
* Preconditioning side
enum PCSideType
PCS_DEFAULT ///< Use whatever we have in PETSc
* Norm type for converge test
enum MooseKSPNormType
KSPN_DEFAULT ///< Use whatever we have in PETSc
* Type of the solve
enum SolveType
ST_PJFNK, ///< Preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov
ST_JFNK, ///< Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov
ST_NEWTON, ///< Full Newton Solve
ST_FD, ///< Use finite differences to compute Jacobian
ST_LINEAR ///< Solving a linear problem
* Type of the eigen solve
enum EigenSolveType
EST_POWER, ///< Power / Inverse / RQI
EST_ARNOLDI, ///< Arnoldi
EST_KRYLOVSCHUR, ///< Krylov-Schur
EST_JACOBI_DAVIDSON, ///< Jacobi-Davidson
EST_NONLINEAR_POWER, ///< Nonlinear inverse power
EST_NEWTON, ///< Newton-based eigensolver with an assembled Jacobian matrix (fully coupled by default)
EST_PJFNK, ///< Preconditioned Jacobian-free Newton Krylov
EST_PJFNKMO, ///< The same as PJFNK except that matrix-vector multiplication is employed to replace residual evaluation in linear solver
EST_JFNK ///< Jacobian-free Newton Krylov
* Type of the eigen problem
enum EigenProblemType
EPT_HERMITIAN, ///< Hermitian
EPT_NON_HERMITIAN, ///< Non-Hermitian
EPT_GEN_HERMITIAN, ///< Generalized Hermitian
EPT_GEN_INDEFINITE, ///< Generalized Hermitian indefinite
EPT_GEN_NON_HERMITIAN, ///< Generalized Non-Hermitian
EPT_POS_GEN_NON_HERMITIAN, ///< Generalized Non-Hermitian with positive (semi-)definite B
EPT_SLEPC_DEFAULT ///< use whatever SLPEC has by default
* Which eigen pairs
enum WhichEigenPairs
WEP_LARGEST_MAGNITUDE, ///< largest magnitude
WEP_SMALLEST_MAGNITUDE, ///< smallest magnitude
WEP_LARGEST_REAL, ///< largest real
WEP_SMALLEST_REAL, ///< smallest real
WEP_LARGEST_IMAGINARY, ///< largest imaginary
WEP_SMALLEST_IMAGINARY, ///< smallest imaginary
WEP_TARGET_MAGNITUDE, ///< target magnitude
WEP_TARGET_REAL, ///< target real
WEP_TARGET_IMAGINARY, ///< target imaginary
WEP_ALL_EIGENVALUES, ///< all eigenvalues
WEP_SLEPC_DEFAULT ///< use whatever we have in SLEPC
* Time integrators
enum TimeIntegratorType
* Type of constraint formulation
enum ConstraintFormulationType
* Type of the line search
enum LineSearchType
LS_INVALID, ///< means not set
* Type of the matrix-free finite-differencing parameter
enum MffdType
MFFD_INVALID, ///< means not set
* Type of patch update strategy for modeling node-face constraints or contact
enum PatchUpdateType
* Main types of Relationship Managers
enum class RelationshipManagerType : unsigned char
GEOMETRIC = 1 << 0,
ALGEBRAIC = 1 << 1,
COUPLING = 1 << 2
enum RMSystemType
enum VectorTagType
* The type for the callback to set RelationshipManager parameters
typedef std::function<void(const InputParameters &, InputParameters &)>
std::string stringify(const Moose::RelationshipManagerType & t);
std::string stringify(const Moose::TimeIntegratorType & t);
} // namespace Moose
namespace libMesh
template <>
inline void
print_helper(std::ostream & os, const Moose::RelationshipManagerType * param)
// Specialization so that we don't print out unprintable characters
os << Moose::stringify(*param);
// End of Moose Namespace
template <>
struct enable_bitmask_operators<Moose::RelationshipManagerType>
static const bool enable = true;
* This Macro is used to generate std::string derived types useful for
* strong type checking and special handling in the GUI. It does not
* extend std::string in any way so it is generally "safe"
* Be sure to use the DerivativeStringToJSON macro for new types in
* MooseTypes.C to also define to_json for each
#define DerivativeStringClass(TheName) \
class TheName : public std::string \
{ \
public: \
TheName() : std::string() {} \
TheName(const std::string & str) : std::string(str) {} \
TheName(const std::string & str, size_t pos, size_t n = npos) : std::string(str, pos, n) {} \
TheName(const char * s, size_t n) : std::string(s, n) {} \
TheName(const char * s) : std::string(s) {} \
TheName(size_t n, char c) : std::string(n, c) {} \
}; \
namespace nlohmann \
{ \
template <> \
struct adl_serializer<TheName> \
{ \
static void to_json(json & j, const TheName & v); \
}; \
} \
static_assert(true, "")
// Instantiate new Types
/// This type is for expected (i.e. input) file names or paths that your simulation needs.
/// If relative types are assigned to this type, they are replaced with an absolute path
/// that is relative to the context of the parameter (usually the input file).
/// Similar to FileName but without an extension
/// This type is for expected filenames that should be relative and will not have their
/// values set to absolute paths like FileName
/// This type is for files used in the DataFileInterface, which enables searching of files
/// within the registered data directory
/// This type is similar to "FileName", but is used to further filter file dialogs on known file mesh types
/// This type is similar to "FileName", but is used to further filter file dialogs on known matrix file types
/// This type is for output file base
/// This type is used for objects that expect nonlinear variable names (i.e. Kernels, BCs)
/// This type is used for objects that expect linear variable names (i.e. LinearFVKernels, LinearFVBCs)
/// This type is used for objects that expect linear or nonlinear solver variable names
/// This type is used for objects that expect Auxiliary variable names (i.e. AuxKernels, AuxBCs)
/// This type is used for objects that expect either Solver or Auxiliary Variables such as postprocessors
/// This type is used for objects that expect Boundary Names/Ids read from or generated on the current mesh
/// This type is similar to BoundaryName but is used for "blocks" or subdomains in the current mesh
/// This type is used for objects that expect Postprocessor objects
/// This type is used for objects that expect VectorPostprocessor objects
/// This type is used for objects that expect MeshDivision objects
/// This type is used for objects that expect Moose Function objects
/// This type is used for objects that expect Moose Distribution objects
/// This type is used for objects that expect Moose Sampler objects
/// This type is used for objects that expect "UserObject" names
/// This type is used for objects that expect an Indicator object name
/// This type is used for objects that expect an Marker object name
/// This type is used for objects that expect an MultiApp object name
/// Used for objects the require Output object names
/// Used for objects that expect MaterialProperty names
/// Used for objects that expect Moose::Functor names
/// User for accessing Material objects
/// Tag Name
/// Name of MeshGenerators
/// Name of extra element IDs
/// Name of a Reporter Value, second argument to ReporterName (see Reporter.h)
/// Name of a Component object
/// Name of a Physics object
/// Name of a Positions object
/// Name of a Times object
/// Name of an Executor. Used for inputs to Executors
/// ParsedFunction/ParsedMaterial etc. FParser expression
/// System name support of multiple nonlinear systems on the same mesh
/// System name support of multiple linear systems on the same mesh
/// Name of a system which either be linear or nonlinear
/// Command line argument, specialized to handle quotes in vector arguments
* additional MOOSE typedefs
typedef std::vector<VariableName> CoupledName;
namespace Moose
extern const TagName SOLUTION_TAG;
extern const TagName OLD_SOLUTION_TAG;
extern const TagName OLDER_SOLUTION_TAG;
extern const TagName PREVIOUS_NL_SOLUTION_TAG;
/// macros for adding Tensor index enums locally
#define usingTensorIndices(...) \
enum \
{ \
__VA_ARGS__ \