Rank Two Scalar Tools


This is a set of functions to compute scalar quantities such as invariants and components in specified directions from rank-2 tensors such as stress or strain. These functions are not directly invoked in the input file, but are called by several other classes such as: RankTwoCylindricalComponent, RankTwoDirectionalComponent, RankTwoCartesianComponent, RankTwoInvariant, RankTwoScalarAux, and RankTwoAux.

The scalar quantities that can be computed include:

Axial Stress

AxialStress calculates the scalar value of a Rank-2 tensor, TT, in the direction of the axis specified by the user. The user should give the starting point, P1P^1, and the end point, P2P^2 which define the axis.

s=a^iTija^j where a^i=Pi2Pi1Pi2Pi1 s = \hat{a}_i T_{ij} \hat{a}_j \quad \text{ where } \quad \hat{a}_i = \frac{P^2_i - P^1_i}{\left| P^2_i - P^1_i \right|}(1) where a^\hat{a} is the normalized direction vector for the axis defined by the points P1P^1 and P2P^2.


Direction calculates the scalar value of a Rank-2 tensor, TT, in the direction selected by the user as shown by Eq. (2): s=DiTijDj s = D_i T_{ij} D_j(2) where DD is the direction vector specified in the input file.

Effective Strain Increment

Effective plastic strain or effective creep strain, which are computed as integrals over the history of the inelastic strain as s=t23ϵ˙ijpϵ˙ijpdts = \int_t\sqrt{\frac{2}{3} \dot{\epsilon}^p_{ij} \dot{\epsilon}^p_{ij}} \mathrm{d}t can be computed with the help of the effectiveStrain method. The integration of the effective increment is performed in Rank Two Invariant, yielding the effective strain.

Hoop Stress in Cylindrical System

HoopStress calculates the value of a Rank -2 tensor along the hoop direction of a cylinder, shown in Eq. (3). The cylinder is defined with a normal vector from the current position to the cylinder surface and a user specified axis of rotation.The user defines this rotation axis with a starting point, P1P^1, and the end point, P2P^2.

s=n^ihTijn^jh s = \hat{n}^h_i T_{ij} \hat{n}^h_j(3) where n^h\hat{n}^h is the hoop direction normal, defined as n^h=n^c×a^n^c=Pcn^rPcn^ra^=P2P1P2P1 \begin{aligned} \hat{n}^h & = \hat{n}^c \times \hat{a} \\ \hat{n}^c & = \frac{P^c - \hat{n}^r}{\left| P^c - \hat{n}^r \right|} \\ \hat{a} & = \frac{P^2 - P^1}{\left| P^2 - P^1 \right|} \end{aligned}(4) where PcP^c is the current sampling position point, and n^r\hat{n}^r is the direction normal to the plane defined by the cylinder axis of rotation vector and the direction normal to the axis of rotation at the current position PcP^c.

Hoop Stress in Spherical System

HoopStress calculates the value of a Rank -2 tensor along the tangential direction of a sphere, shown in Eq. (5). The spherical system is defined by the center point C(c1,c2,c3)C(c_1,c_2,c_3). The radial direction R(r1,r2,r3)R(r_1,r_2,r_3) at current point P(p1,p2,p3)P(p_1,p_2,p_3) is calculated as (PC)(P-C). The tangential plane at the Point PP is given as r1(xp1)+r2(yp2)+r3(zp3)=0r_1(x-p_1) + r_2(y-p_2) + r_3(z-p_3)=0. Any vector that passes through PP on this plane is tangential to the spherical surface. To find a point Q(q1,q2,q3)Q(q_1,q_2,q_3) on the tangential plane, we can freely set the values of two coordinates and the solve for last one using the equation of the plane. For example, we set q1=p1+rq_1=p_1+r and q2=p2+rq_2=p_2+r where rr is the norm of the radial direction vector. Then the q3q_3 is calculated as q3=(r1+r2)r/r3+p3q_3 = -(r_1+r_2)r/r_3+p_3. The tangential vector t^\hat{t} is defined as QPQ-P.

s=t^iTijt^j s = \hat{t}_i T_{ij} \hat{t}_j(5)

Hydrostatic Stress

Hydrostatic calculates the hydrostatic scalar of a Rank-2 tensor, TijT_{ij}, as shown in Eq. (6).

s=Tr(Tij)3=Tii3 s = \frac{Tr \left( T_{ij} \right)}{3} = \frac{T_{ii}}{3}(6)

Invariant Values

First Invariant

FirstInvariant calculates the first invariant of the specified Rank-2 tensor, TijT_{ij}, according to Eq. (7) from Malvern (1969). IT=Tr(Tij)=Tii I_T = Tr \left( T_{ij} \right) = T_{ii}(7)

Second Invariant

SecondInvariant finds the second invariant of the Rank-2 tensor, TijT_{ij}, as shown in Eq. (8). This method is defined in Hjelmstad (2007). IIT=TiiTjj12(TijTij+TjiTji) II_T = T_{ii} T_{jj} - \frac{1}{2} \left( T_{ij} T_{ij} + T_{ji} T_{ji} \right)(8)

Third Invariant

ThirdInvariant computes the value of the Rank-2 tensor, TijT_ij, third invariant as given in Eq. (9) from Malvern (1969).

IIIT=det(Tij)=16eijkepqrTipTjqTkr III_T = det \left( T_{ij} \right) = \frac{1}{6} e_{ijk} e_{pqr} T_{ip} T_{jq} T_{kr}(9) where ee is the Rank-3 permutation tensor.

L2 Norm

L2Norm calculates the L2 normal of a Rank-2 tensor, TijT_{ij}, as shown in Eq. (10).

s=TijTij s = \sqrt{T_{ij} T_{ij}}(10)

Maximum Shear Stress

MaxShear calculates the maximum shear stress for a Rank-2 tensor, as shown in Eq. (11). σmaxshear=σmaxprincipalσminprincipal2 \sigma_{max}^{shear} = \frac{\sigma_{max}^{principal} - \sigma_{min}^{principal}}{2}(11)

Principal Values

Maximum Principal Quantity

MaxPrincipal calculates the largest principal value for a symmetric tensor, using the calcEigenValues method from the Rank Two Tensor utility class.

Middle Principal Quantity

MidPrincipal finds the second largest principal value for a symmetric tensor, using the calcEigenValues method from the Rank Two Tensor utility class.

Minimum Principal Quantity

MinPrincipal computes the smallest principal value for a symmetric tensor, using the calcEigenValues method from the Rank Two Tensor utility class.

Radial Stress in Cylindrical System

RadialStress calculates the scalar component for a Rank-2 tensor, TijT_{ij}, in the direction of the normal vector from the user-defined axis of rotation, as shown in Eq. (12). s=n^irTijn^jr s = \hat{n}^r_i T_{ij} \hat{n}^r_j(12) where n^r\hat{n}^r is the direction normal to the plane defined by the cylinder axis of rotation vector and the direction normal to the axis of rotation at the current position PcP^c.

Radial Stress in Spherical System

RadialStress calculates the scalar component for a Rank-2 tensor, TijT_{ij}, in the direction of the normal vector from the user-defined center point, as shown in Eq. (13). s=n^irTijn^jr s = \hat{n}^r_i T_{ij} \hat{n}^r_j(13) where n^r\hat{n}^r is the direction defined by center point and current position $P^c.

Stress Intensity

StressIntensity calculates the stress intensity for a Rank-2 tensor, as shown in Eq. (14). s=2σmaxshear=σmaxprincipalσminprincipal s = 2 \sigma_{max}^{shear} = \sigma_{max}^{principal} - \sigma_{min}^{principal}(14)

This quantity is useful in evaluating whether a Tresca failure criteria has been met and is two times the MaxShear quantity.

Triaxiality Stress

TriaxialityStress finds the ratio of the hydrostatic measure, ThydrostaticT_{hydrostatic}, to the von Mises measure, TvonMisesT_{vonMises}, as shown in Eq. (15). As the name suggests, this scalar measure is most often used for stress tensors. s=ThydrostaticTvonMises=13Tii32SijSij s = \frac{T_{hydrostatic}}{T_{vonMises}} = \frac{\frac{1}{3} T_{ii}}{\sqrt{\frac{3}{2} S_{ij} S_{ij}}}(15) where SijS_{ij} is the deviatoric tensor of the Rank-2 tensor TijT_{ij}.

##Volumetric Strain

VolumetricStrain computes the volumetric strain, defined as εvol=ΔVV \varepsilon_{vol} = \frac{\Delta V}{V}(16) where ΔV\Delta V is the change in volume and VV is the original volume.

This calculation assumes that the strains supplied as input(TT) are logarithmic strains, which are by definition log(L / L_0) $, where $L is the current length and L0L_0 is the original length of a line segment in a given direction.The ratio of the volume change of a strained cube to the original volume is thus : s=ΔVV=exp(T11)exp(T22)exp(T33)1 s = \frac{\Delta V}{V} = \exp(T_{11}) * \exp(T_{22}) * \exp(T_{33}) - 1(17) This is the value computed as the volumetric strain.

commentnote:Finite strain effects

This calculation assumes that the supplied Rank-2 tensor TijT_{ij} is a logarithmic strain, which is the strain quantity computed for finite strain calculations. The small-strain equivalent of this calculation would be s=T11+T22+T33 s = T_{11} + T_{22} + T_{33}(19) which assumes that engineering strains are supplied and ignores higher-order terms. There is currently no option to compute this small-strain form of the volumetric strain because at small strains, the differences between the finite strain form used and the small strain approximation is small.

Von Mises Stress

VonMisesStress calculates the vonMises measure for a Rank-2 tensor, as shown in Eq. (18). This quantity is usually applied to the stress tensor. s=32SijSij s = \sqrt{\frac{3}{2} S_{ij} S_{ij}}(18) where SijS_{ij} is the deviatoric tensor of the Rank-2 tensor TijT_{ij}.


  1. Keith D Hjelmstad. Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics. Springer Science & Business Media, 2007.[BibTeX]
  2. Lawrence E Malvern. Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Medium. Prentice-Hall, 1969.[BibTeX]