- distributionsThe distribution names to be sampled, the number of distributions provided defines the number of columns per matrix.
C++ Type:std::vector<DistributionName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The distribution names to be sampled, the number of distributions provided defines the number of columns per matrix.
- initial_valuesInitial input values to get the importance sampler started
C++ Type:std::vector<double>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Initial input values to get the importance sampler started
- inputs_reporterReporter with input parameters.
C++ Type:ReporterName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Reporter with input parameters.
- num_importance_sampling_stepsNumber of importance sampling steps (after the importance distribution has been trained)
C++ Type:int
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Number of importance sampling steps (after the importance distribution has been trained)
- num_samples_trainNumber of samples to learn the importance distribution
C++ Type:int
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Number of samples to learn the importance distribution
- output_limitLimiting values of the VPPs
C++ Type:double
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Limiting values of the VPPs
- proposal_stdStandard deviations of the proposal distributions
C++ Type:std::vector<double>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Standard deviations of the proposal distributions
- std_factorFactor to be multiplied to the standard deviation of the importance samples
C++ Type:double
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Factor to be multiplied to the standard deviation of the importance samples
AISActiveLearning (AISActiveLearning)
Adaptive Importance Sampler with Gaussian Process Active Learning.
As stated in AdaptiveImportanceSampler, there are two steps in an Adaptive Importance Sampler (AIS): (1) usage of a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler to learn the importance region; and (2) regular Monte Carlo sampling from the importance region for variance reduction when estimating a quantity of interest (QoI; like the failure probability). However, each MCMC or Monte Carlo sample is associated with a full model evaluation in the traditional AIS. While AIS considerably reduces the computational cost for estimating a QoI compared to a regular Monte Carlo sampler, even more computational gains are obtained by integrating active learning into AIS.
Active learning is based on the Gaussian process (GP) surrogate; see ActiveLearningGaussianProcess. Once the GP is trained with a few outputs from the full model, for every new input sample from either MCMC or Monte Carlo, a GP prediction is first made along with the prediction uncertainty. This prediction and the uncertainty are used to assess the prediction quality with the aid of active learning functions. If the GP prediction quality is good, we simply move onto a new input sample. Otherwise, we call the full model and re-train the GP with including the new sample in the training set to improve the future predictive performance.
Interaction between AISActiveLearning
, ActiveLearningGPDecision
, and AdaptiveMonteCarloDecision
Active learning in AIS primarily relies on three objects: AISActiveLearning
, ActiveLearningGPDecision, and AdaptiveMonteCarloDecision. The interaction between these objects is presented in Figure 1 and is further discussed below.
Figure 1: Schematic of active learning in Adaptive Importance Sampling. The interaction between the three objects, AISActiveLearning
, ActiveLearningGPDecision
, and AdaptiveMonteCarloDecision
, is presented.
The interaction between these three objects is straightforward to understand. Once the GP is trained, AISActiveLearning
proposes a new input sample, either using MCMC or Monte Carlo. By default, ActiveLearningGPDecision uses a GP to predict the model output and also assesses the prediction quality.
The details on how the GP is initially trained and subsequently re-trained are discussed in ActiveLearningGPDecision.
The importance sampling using MCMC does not start until the GP initial training is finished.
Input file syntax
Once the interaction between the three objects is understood, the input file syntax is easy to follow.
The AISActiveLearning
samplers block is largely similar to AdaptiveImportanceSampler. One difference is that the "flag_sample" parameter is requested to identify whether the GP prediction is good or bad. This dictates the next input proposal.
type = AISActiveLearning
distributions = 'mu1 mu2'
proposal_std = '1.0 1.0'
output_limit = 0.65
num_samples_train = 15
num_importance_sampling_steps = 5
std_factor = 0.9
initial_values = '-0.103 1.239'
inputs_reporter = 'adaptive_MC/inputs'
use_absolute_value = true
flag_sample = 'conditional/flag_sample'
seed = 9874
(contrib/moose/modules/stochastic_tools/test/tests/reporters/AISActiveLearning/ais_al.i)The ActiveLearningGPDecision
reporters block is the same as active learning in Monte Carlo sampling. See ActiveLearningGPDecision for the details.
type = ActiveLearningGPDecision
sampler = sample
parallel_type = ROOT
execute_on = 'initial timestep_begin'
flag_sample = 'flag_sample'
inputs = 'inputs'
gp_mean = 'gp_mean'
gp_std = 'gp_std'
n_train = 5
al_gp = GP_al_trainer
gp_evaluator = GP_eval
learning_function = 'Ufunction'
learning_function_parameter = 0.65
learning_function_threshold = 2.0
(contrib/moose/modules/stochastic_tools/test/tests/reporters/AISActiveLearning/ais_al.i)The AdaptiveMonteCarloDecision
reporters block is also largely similar to AdaptiveImportanceSampler. One difference is, instead of using the full model outputs, the GP mean prediction is used.
type = AdaptiveMonteCarloDecision
output_value = conditional/gp_mean
inputs = 'inputs'
sampler = sample
gp_decision = conditional
(contrib/moose/modules/stochastic_tools/test/tests/reporters/AISActiveLearning/ais_al.i)Adaptive importance statistics reporter
The AdaptiveImportanceStats can also be used in AIS with active learning. The syntax is show below.
type = AdaptiveImportanceStats
output_value = conditional/gp_mean
sampler = sample
flag_sample = 'conditional/flag_sample'
(contrib/moose/modules/stochastic_tools/test/tests/reporters/AISActiveLearning/ais_al.i)Output format
Input Parameters
- execute_onLINEARThe list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed. For a description of each flag, see https://mooseframework.inl.gov/source/interfaces/SetupInterface.html.
C++ Type:ExecFlagEnum
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed. For a description of each flag, see https://mooseframework.inl.gov/source/interfaces/SetupInterface.html.
- flag_sampleFlag samples if the surrogate prediction was inadequate.
C++ Type:ReporterName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Flag samples if the surrogate prediction was inadequate.
- limit_get_global_samples429496729The maximum allowed number of items in the DenseMatrix returned by getGlobalSamples method.
C++ Type:unsigned long
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The maximum allowed number of items in the DenseMatrix returned by getGlobalSamples method.
- limit_get_local_samples429496729The maximum allowed number of items in the DenseMatrix returned by getLocalSamples method.
C++ Type:unsigned long
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The maximum allowed number of items in the DenseMatrix returned by getLocalSamples method.
- limit_get_next_local_row429496729The maximum allowed number of items in the std::vector returned by getNextLocalRow method.
C++ Type:unsigned long
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The maximum allowed number of items in the std::vector returned by getNextLocalRow method.
- max_procs_per_row4294967295This will ensure that the sampler is partitioned properly when 'MultiApp/*/max_procs_per_app' is specified. It is not recommended to use otherwise.
C++ Type:unsigned int
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:This will ensure that the sampler is partitioned properly when 'MultiApp/*/max_procs_per_app' is specified. It is not recommended to use otherwise.
- min_procs_per_row1This will ensure that the sampler is partitioned properly when 'MultiApp/*/min_procs_per_app' is specified. It is not recommended to use otherwise.
C++ Type:unsigned int
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:This will ensure that the sampler is partitioned properly when 'MultiApp/*/min_procs_per_app' is specified. It is not recommended to use otherwise.
- num_random_seeds100000Initialize a certain number of random seeds. Change from the default only if you have to.
C++ Type:unsigned int
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Initialize a certain number of random seeds. Change from the default only if you have to.
- seed0Random number generator initial seed
C++ Type:unsigned int
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Random number generator initial seed
- use_absolute_valueFalseUse absolute value of the sub app output
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Use absolute value of the sub app output
Optional Parameters
- control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
- enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.