
The FEProblemBase class is an intermediate base class containing all of the common logic for running the various MOOSE simulations. MOOSE has two built-in types of problems FEProblem for solving "normal" physics problems and EigenProblem for solving Eigenvalue problems. Additionally, MOOSE contains an ExternalProblem problem useful for creating "MOOSE-wrapped Apps".

A normal (default) Problem object that contains a single NonlinearSystem and a single AuxiliarySystem object.

Convenience Zeros

One of the advantages of the MOOSE framework is the ease at building up Multiphysics simulations. Coupling is a first-class feature and filling out residuals, or material properties with coupling is very natural. When coupling is optional, it is often handy to have access to valid data structures that may be used in-place of the actual coupled variables. This makes it possible to avoid branch statements inside of your residual statements and other computationally intensive areas of code. One of the ways MOOSE makes this possible is by making several different types of "zero" variables available. The following statements illustrate how optional coupling may be implemented with these zeros.

// In the constructor initialization list of a Kernel

  _velocity_vector(isParamValid("velocity_vector") ? coupledGradient("velocity_vector") : _grad_zero)

// The residual statement

  return _test[_i][_qp] * (_velocity_vector[_qp] * _grad_u[_qp]);

Selective Reinit

The system automatically determines which variables should be made available for use on the current element ("reinit"-ed). Each variable is tracked on calls through the coupling interface. Variables that are not needed are simply not prepared. This can save significant amounts of time on systems that have several active variables.

Finite Element Concepts

Shape Functions

  • While the weak form is essentially what you need for adding physics to MOOSE, in traditional finite element software more work is necessary.

  • We need to discretize our weak form and select a set of simple "basis functions" amenable for manipulation by a computer.

Example of linear Lagrange shape function associated with single node on triangular mesh

1D linear Lagrange shape functions

  • Our discretized expansion of uu takes on the following form: uuh=j=1Nujϕju \approx u_h = \sum_{j=1}^N u_j \phi_j

  • The ϕj\phi_j here are called "basis functions"

  • These ϕj\phi_j form the basis for the "trial function", uhu_h

  • Analogous to the xnx^n we used earlier

  • The gradient of uu can be expanded similarly: uuh=j=1Nujϕj\nabla u \approx \nabla u_h = \sum_{j=1}^N u_j \nabla \phi_j

  • In the Galerkin finite element method, the same basis functions are used for both the trial and test functions: ψ={ϕi}i=1N\psi = \{\phi_i\}_{i=1}^N

  • Substituting these expansions back into our weak form, we get: (ψi,kuh)ψi,kuhn^+(ψi,βuh)(ψi,f)=0,i=1,,N\left(\nabla\psi_i, k\nabla u_h \right) - \langle\psi_i, k\nabla u_h\cdot \hat{n} \rangle + \left(\psi_i, \vec{\beta} \cdot \nabla u_h\right) - \left(\psi_i, f\right) = 0, \quad i=1,\ldots,N

  • The left-hand side of the equation above is what we generally refer to as the ithi^{th} component of our "Residual Vector" and write as Ri(uh)R_i(u_h).

  • Shape Functions are the functions that get multiplied by coefficients and summed to form the solution.

  • Individual shape functions are restrictions of the global basis functions to individual elements.

  • They are analogous to the xnx^n functions from polynomial fitting (in fact, you can use those as shape functions).

  • Typical shape function families: Lagrange, Hermite, Hierarchic, Monomial, Clough-Toucher - MOOSE has support for all of these.

  • Lagrange shape functions are the most common. - They are interpolary at the nodes, i.e., the coefficients correspond to the values of the functions at the nodes.

Example 1D Shape Functions

Linear Lagrange

Quadratic Lagrange

Cubic Lagrange

Cubic Hermite

2D Lagrange Shape Functions

Example bi-quadratic basis functions defined on the Quad9 element:

  • ψ0\psi_0 is associated to a "corner" node, it is zero on the opposite edges.

  • ψ4\psi_4 is associated to a "mid-edge" node, it is zero on all other edges.

  • ψ8\psi_8 is associated to the "center" node, it is symmetric and 0\geq 0 on the element.




Numerical Integration

  • The only remaining non-discretized parts of the weak form are the integrals.

  • We split the domain integral into a sum of integrals over elements: Ωf(x)  dx=eΩef(x)  dx\int_{\Omega} f(\vec{x}) \;\text{d}\vec{x} = \sum_e \int_{\Omega_e} f(\vec{x}) \;\text{d}\vec{x}

  • Through a change of variables, the element integrals are mapped to integrals over the "reference" elements Ω^e\hat{\Omega}_e. eΩef(x)  dx=eΩ^ef(ξ)Je  dξ\sum_e \int_{\Omega_e} f(\vec{x}) \;\text{d}\vec{x} = \sum_e \int_{\hat{\Omega}_e} f(\vec{\xi}) \left|\mathcal{J}_e\right| \;\text{d}\vec{\xi}

  • Je\mathcal{J}_e is the Jacobian of the map from the physical element to the reference element.

  • To approximate the reference element integrals numerically, we use quadrature (typically "Gaussian Quadrature"): eΩ^ef(ξ)Je  dξeqwqf(xq)Je(xq)\sum_e \int_{\hat{\Omega}_e} f(\vec{\xi}) \left|\mathcal{J}_e\right| \;\text{d}\vec{\xi} \approx \sum_e \sum_{q} w_{q} f( \vec{x}_{q}) \left|\mathcal{J}_e(\vec{x}_{q})\right|

  • xq\vec{x}_{q} is the spatial location of the qqth quadrature point and wqw_{q} is its associated weight.

  • MOOSE handles multiplication by the Jacobian and the weight automatically, thus your Kernel is only responsible for computing the f(xq)f(\vec{x}_{q}) part of the integrand.

  • Under certain common situations, the quadrature approximation is exact! - For example, in 1 dimension, Gaussian Quadrature can exactly integrate polynomials of order 2n12n-1 with nn quadrature points.

  • Note that sampling uhu_h at the quadrature points yields: u(xq)uh(xq)=ujϕj(xq)u(xq)uh(xq)=ujϕj(xq)\begin{aligned} u(\vec{x}_{q}) &\approx u_h(\vec{x}_{q}) = \sum u_j \phi_j(\vec{x}_{q}) \\ \nabla u (\vec{x}_{q}) &\approx \nabla u_h(\vec{x}_{q}) = \sum u_j \nabla \phi_j(\vec{x}_{q})\end{aligned}

  • And our weak form becomes: Ri(uh)=eqwqJe[ψikuh+ψi(βuh)ψif](xq)fqfacewqfaceJf[ψikuhn](xqface)\begin{aligned} R_i(u_h) &= \sum_e \sum_{q} w_{q} \left|\mathcal{J}_e\right|\left[ \nabla\psi_i\cdot k \nabla u_h + \psi_i \left(\vec\beta\cdot \nabla u_h \right) - \psi_i f \right](\vec{x}_{q}) \\ &- \sum_f \sum_{q_{face}} w_{q_{face}} \left|\mathcal{J}_f\right| \left[\psi_i k \nabla u_h \cdot \vec{n} \right](\vec x_{q_{face}}) \end{aligned}

  • The second sum is over boundary faces, ff.

  • MOOSE Kernels must provide each of the terms in square brackets (evaluated at xq\vec{x}_{q} or xqface\vec x_{q_{face}} as necessary).

Input Parameters

  • linear_sys_namesThe linear system names

    C++ Type:std::vector<LinearSystemName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The linear system names

  • regard_general_exceptions_as_errorsFalseIf we catch an exception during residual/Jacobian evaluaton for which we don't have specific handling, immediately error instead of allowing the time step to be cut


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:If we catch an exception during residual/Jacobian evaluaton for which we don't have specific handling, immediately error instead of allowing the time step to be cut

  • solveTrueWhether or not to actually solve the Nonlinear system. This is handy in the case that all you want to do is execute AuxKernels, Transfers, etc. without actually solving anything


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether or not to actually solve the Nonlinear system. This is handy in the case that all you want to do is execute AuxKernels, Transfers, etc. without actually solving anything

Optional Parameters

  • allow_initial_conditions_with_restartFalseTrue to allow the user to specify initial conditions when restarting. Initial conditions can override any restarted field


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:True to allow the user to specify initial conditions when restarting. Initial conditions can override any restarted field

  • force_restartFalseEXPERIMENTAL: If true, a sub_app may use a restart file instead of using of using the master backup file


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:EXPERIMENTAL: If true, a sub_app may use a restart file instead of using of using the master backup file

  • restart_file_baseFile base name used for restart (e.g. / or /LATEST to grab the latest file available)

    C++ Type:FileNameNoExtension

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:File base name used for restart (e.g. / or /LATEST to grab the latest file available)

Restart Parameters

  • allow_invalid_solutionFalseSet to true to allow convergence even though the solution has been marked as 'invalid'


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set to true to allow convergence even though the solution has been marked as 'invalid'

  • immediately_print_invalid_solutionFalseWhether or not to report invalid solution warnings at the time the warning is produced instead of after the calculation


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether or not to report invalid solution warnings at the time the warning is produced instead of after the calculation

  • show_invalid_solution_consoleTrueSet to true to show the invalid solution occurance summary in console


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set to true to show the invalid solution occurance summary in console

Solution Validity Control Parameters

  • boundary_restricted_elem_integrity_checkTrueSet to false to disable checking of boundary restricted elemental object variable dependencies, e.g. are the variable dependencies defined on the selected boundaries?


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set to false to disable checking of boundary restricted elemental object variable dependencies, e.g. are the variable dependencies defined on the selected boundaries?

  • boundary_restricted_node_integrity_checkTrueSet to false to disable checking of boundary restricted nodal object variable dependencies, e.g. are the variable dependencies defined on the selected boundaries?


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set to false to disable checking of boundary restricted nodal object variable dependencies, e.g. are the variable dependencies defined on the selected boundaries?

  • check_uo_aux_stateFalseTrue to turn on a check that no state presents during the evaluation of user objects and aux kernels


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:True to turn on a check that no state presents during the evaluation of user objects and aux kernels

  • error_on_jacobian_nonzero_reallocationFalseThis causes PETSc to error if it had to reallocate memory in the Jacobian matrix due to not having enough nonzeros


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:This causes PETSc to error if it had to reallocate memory in the Jacobian matrix due to not having enough nonzeros

  • fv_bcs_integrity_checkTrueSet to false to disable checking of overlapping Dirichlet and Flux BCs and/or multiple DirichletBCs per sideset


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set to false to disable checking of overlapping Dirichlet and Flux BCs and/or multiple DirichletBCs per sideset

  • kernel_coverage_block_listList of subdomains for kernel coverage check. The meaning of this list is controlled by the parameter 'kernel_coverage_check' (whether this is the list of subdomains to be checked, not to be checked or not taken into account).

    C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:List of subdomains for kernel coverage check. The meaning of this list is controlled by the parameter 'kernel_coverage_check' (whether this is the list of subdomains to be checked, not to be checked or not taken into account).

  • kernel_coverage_checkTRUEControls, if and how a kernel subdomain coverage check is performed. With 'TRUE' or 'ON' all subdomains are checked (the default). Setting 'FALSE' or 'OFF' will disable the check for all subdomains. To exclude a predefined set of subdomains 'SKIP_LIST' is to be used, while the subdomains to skip are to be defined in the parameter 'kernel_coverage_block_list'. To limit the check to a list of subdomains, 'ONLY_LIST' is to be used (again, using the parameter 'kernel_coverage_block_list').


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)



    Description:Controls, if and how a kernel subdomain coverage check is performed. With 'TRUE' or 'ON' all subdomains are checked (the default). Setting 'FALSE' or 'OFF' will disable the check for all subdomains. To exclude a predefined set of subdomains 'SKIP_LIST' is to be used, while the subdomains to skip are to be defined in the parameter 'kernel_coverage_block_list'. To limit the check to a list of subdomains, 'ONLY_LIST' is to be used (again, using the parameter 'kernel_coverage_block_list').

  • material_coverage_block_listList of subdomains for material coverage check. The meaning of this list is controlled by the parameter 'material_coverage_check' (whether this is the list of subdomains to be checked, not to be checked or not taken into account).

    C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:List of subdomains for material coverage check. The meaning of this list is controlled by the parameter 'material_coverage_check' (whether this is the list of subdomains to be checked, not to be checked or not taken into account).

  • material_coverage_checkTRUEControls, if and how a material subdomain coverage check is performed. With 'TRUE' or 'ON' all subdomains are checked (the default). Setting 'FALSE' or 'OFF' will disable the check for all subdomains. To exclude a predefined set of subdomains 'SKIP_LIST' is to be used, while the subdomains to skip are to be defined in the parameter 'material_coverage_block_list'. To limit the check to a list of subdomains, 'ONLY_LIST' is to be used (again, using the parameter 'material_coverage_block_list').


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)



    Description:Controls, if and how a material subdomain coverage check is performed. With 'TRUE' or 'ON' all subdomains are checked (the default). Setting 'FALSE' or 'OFF' will disable the check for all subdomains. To exclude a predefined set of subdomains 'SKIP_LIST' is to be used, while the subdomains to skip are to be defined in the parameter 'material_coverage_block_list'. To limit the check to a list of subdomains, 'ONLY_LIST' is to be used (again, using the parameter 'material_coverage_block_list').

  • material_dependency_checkTrueSet to false to disable material dependency check


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set to false to disable material dependency check

  • skip_nl_system_checkFalseTrue to skip the NonlinearSystem check for work to do (e.g. Make sure that there are variables to solve for).


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:True to skip the NonlinearSystem check for work to do (e.g. Make sure that there are variables to solve for).

Simulation Checks Parameters

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • default_ghostingFalseWhether or not to use libMesh's default amount of algebraic and geometric ghosting


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether or not to use libMesh's default amount of algebraic and geometric ghosting

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

Advanced Parameters

  • extra_tag_matricesExtra matrices to add to the system that can be filled by objects which compute residuals and Jacobians (Kernels, BCs, etc.) by setting tags on them. The outer index is for which nonlinear system the extra tag vectors should be added for

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::vector<TagName>>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Extra matrices to add to the system that can be filled by objects which compute residuals and Jacobians (Kernels, BCs, etc.) by setting tags on them. The outer index is for which nonlinear system the extra tag vectors should be added for

  • extra_tag_solutionsExtra solution vectors to add to the system that can be used by objects for coupling variable values stored in them.

    C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Extra solution vectors to add to the system that can be used by objects for coupling variable values stored in them.

  • extra_tag_vectorsExtra vectors to add to the system that can be filled by objects which compute residuals and Jacobians (Kernels, BCs, etc.) by setting tags on them. The outer index is for which nonlinear system the extra tag vectors should be added for

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::vector<TagName>>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Extra vectors to add to the system that can be filled by objects which compute residuals and Jacobians (Kernels, BCs, etc.) by setting tags on them. The outer index is for which nonlinear system the extra tag vectors should be added for

Tagging Parameters

  • identify_variable_groups_in_nlTrueWhether to identify variable groups in nonlinear systems. This affects dof ordering


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether to identify variable groups in nonlinear systems. This affects dof ordering

  • ignore_zeros_in_jacobianFalseDo not explicitly store zero values in the Jacobian matrix if true


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Do not explicitly store zero values in the Jacobian matrix if true

  • nl_sys_namesnl0 The nonlinear system names


    C++ Type:std::vector<NonlinearSystemName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The nonlinear system names

  • previous_nl_solution_requiredFalseTrue to indicate that this calculation requires a solution vector for storing the previous nonlinear iteration.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:True to indicate that this calculation requires a solution vector for storing the previous nonlinear iteration.

  • use_nonlinearTrueDetermines whether to use a Nonlinear vs a Eigenvalue system (Automatically determined based on executioner)


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Determines whether to use a Nonlinear vs a Eigenvalue system (Automatically determined based on executioner)

Nonlinear System(S) Parameters

  • near_null_space_dimension0The dimension of the near nullspace


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The dimension of the near nullspace

  • null_space_dimension0The dimension of the nullspace


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The dimension of the nullspace

  • transpose_null_space_dimension0The dimension of the transpose nullspace


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The dimension of the transpose nullspace

Null Space Removal Parameters

  • parallel_barrier_messagingFalseDisplays messaging from parallel barrier notifications when executing or transferring to/from Multiapps (default: false)


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Displays messaging from parallel barrier notifications when executing or transferring to/from Multiapps (default: false)

  • verbose_multiappsFalseSet to True to enable verbose screen printing related to MultiApps


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set to True to enable verbose screen printing related to MultiApps

  • verbose_setupfalseSet to 'true' to have the problem report on any object created. Set to 'extra' to also display all parameters.


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:false, true, extra


    Description:Set to 'true' to have the problem report on any object created. Set to 'extra' to also display all parameters.


When "check_uo_aux_state" is set to true, MOOSE will evaluate user objects (including all postprocessors and vector postprocessors) and auxiliary kernels on every execute flag except linear twice. It then compares the results after two evaluations including the auxiliary system solutions and all the real reporter values added by user objects. When MOOSE sees a difference, it will issue an error indicating that there are unresolved dependencies during the evaluation because otherwise the results should only depend on primary solutions and should not change. MOOSE also prints the details about the difference to help users removing the states caused by these unresolved dependencies.

Verbosity Parameters


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