
Controls output of the PerfGraph: the performance log for MOOSE


The PerfGraph object holds timing data for MOOSE. With this object you can control when it's contents get printed to the screen and how detailed the data is. The easiest way to print out the PerfGraph is simply to add perf_graph = true to your [Outputs] block like so:

  perf_graph = true

This will cause a simple, short printing of the PerfGraph. For more detailed printing you'll want to create a sub-block in [Outputs] like so:

    type = PerfGraphOutput
    execute_on = 'initial final'  # Default is "final"
    level = 2                     # Default is 1
    heaviest_branch = true        # Default is false
    heaviest_sections = 7         # Default is 0

Controlling when it gets printed is achieved by setting execute_on. By default it's set to final which causes the information to be printed at the end of the simulation.

Controlling the detail is done by setting level. The default level is 1 which print fairly basic performance information. Setting the number higher causes more detail to come out.

Example with level = 1:

|                 Section                |   Self(s)  |    %   | Children(s) |    %   |  Total(s)  |    %   |
| App                                    |      0.004 |   1.95 |       0.207 |  98.05 |      0.212 | 100.00 |
|   FEProblem::computeUserObjects        |      0.000 |   0.07 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.000 |   0.07 |
|   FEProblem::solve                     |      0.014 |   6.59 |       0.119 |  56.44 |      0.133 |  63.03 |
|     FEProblem::computeResidualInternal |      0.000 |   0.01 |       0.079 |  37.45 |      0.079 |  37.45 |
|     FEProblem::computeJacobianInternal |      0.000 |   0.01 |       0.040 |  18.83 |      0.040 |  18.84 |
|     Console::outputStep                |      0.000 |   0.12 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.000 |   0.12 |
|   FEProblem::outputStep                |      0.000 |   0.04 |       0.001 |   0.42 |      0.001 |   0.46 |
|     PerfGraphOutput::outputStep        |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.000 |   0.00 |
|     Console::outputStep                |      0.001 |   0.32 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.001 |   0.32 |
|     CSV::outputStep                    |      0.000 |   0.10 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.000 |   0.10 |

Example with level = 3:

|                             Section                            |   Self(s)  |    %   | Children(s) |    %   |  Total(s)  |    %   |
| App                                                            |      0.004 |   1.87 |       0.218 |  98.13 |      0.222 | 100.00 |
|   MooseApp::run                                                |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.218 |  98.13 |      0.218 |  98.13 |
|     MooseApp::setup                                            |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.065 |  29.29 |      0.065 |  29.29 |
|       MooseApp::runInputFile                                   |      0.000 |   0.05 |       0.039 |  17.64 |      0.039 |  17.69 |
|         GeneratedMesh::init                                    |      0.005 |   2.18 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.005 |   2.18 |
|         GeneratedMesh::prepare                                 |      0.001 |   0.25 |       0.002 |   1.03 |      0.003 |   1.28 |
|           GeneratedMesh::update                                |      0.000 |   0.17 |       0.002 |   0.86 |      0.002 |   1.03 |
|             GeneratedMesh::cacheInfo                           |      0.001 |   0.51 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.001 |   0.51 |
|         FEProblem::init                                        |      0.000 |   0.04 |       0.019 |   8.62 |      0.019 |   8.66 |
|           GeneratedMesh::meshChanged                           |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.002 |   0.95 |      0.002 |   0.95 |
|             GeneratedMesh::update                              |      0.000 |   0.18 |       0.001 |   0.64 |      0.002 |   0.82 |
|               GeneratedMesh::cacheInfo                         |      0.001 |   0.37 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.001 |   0.37 |
|           FEProblem::EquationSystems::Init                     |      0.017 |   7.67 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.017 |   7.67 |
|     MooseApp::execute                                          |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.153 |  68.84 |      0.153 |  68.84 |
|       MooseApp::executeExecutioner                             |      0.000 |   0.05 |       0.152 |  68.79 |      0.153 |  68.84 |
|         FEProblem::initialSetup                                |      0.001 |   0.30 |       0.006 |   2.74 |      0.007 |   3.04 |
|           GeneratedMesh::meshChanged                           |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.002 |   0.98 |      0.002 |   0.99 |
|             GeneratedMesh::update                              |      0.000 |   0.17 |       0.002 |   0.69 |      0.002 |   0.87 |
|               GeneratedMesh::cacheInfo                         |      0.001 |   0.39 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.001 |   0.39 |
|           FEProblem::projectSolution                           |      0.003 |   1.57 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.003 |   1.57 |
|           FEProblem::reinitBecauseOfGhostingOrNewGeomObjects   |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.000 |   0.00 |
|           FEProblem::updateGeometricSearch                     |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.000 |   0.00 |
|         FEProblem::computeUserObjects                          |      0.000 |   0.10 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.000 |   0.10 |
|         FEProblem::solve                                       |      0.014 |   6.44 |       0.130 |  58.64 |      0.144 |  65.07 |
|           FEProblem::computeResidualSys                        |      0.000 |   0.01 |       0.101 |  45.42 |      0.101 |  45.43 |
|             FEProblem::computeResidualInternal                 |      0.000 |   0.01 |       0.101 |  45.41 |      0.101 |  45.42 |
|               FEProblem::computeResidualTags                   |      0.000 |   0.12 |       0.100 |  45.30 |      0.101 |  45.41 |
|                 NonlinearSystemBase::computeResidualTags       |      0.001 |   0.23 |       0.100 |  45.06 |      0.100 |  45.30 |
|                   NonlinearSystemBase::computeResidualInternal |      0.000 |   0.22 |       0.098 |  44.22 |      0.098 |  44.44 |
|                     NonlinearSystemBase::Kernels               |      0.098 |  44.22 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.098 |  44.22 |
|                   NonlinearSystemBase::NodalBCs                |      0.001 |   0.62 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.001 |   0.62 |
|           FEProblem::computeJacobianInternal                   |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.029 |  13.10 |      0.029 |  13.10 |
|             FEProblem::computeJacobianTags                     |      0.000 |   0.03 |       0.029 |  13.07 |      0.029 |  13.10 |
|               NonlinearSystemBase::computeJacobianTags         |      0.029 |  13.07 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.029 |  13.07 |
|           Console::outputStep                                  |      0.000 |   0.10 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.000 |   0.10 |
|         FEProblem::outputStep                                  |      0.000 |   0.05 |       0.001 |   0.49 |      0.001 |   0.53 |
|           PerfGraphOutput::outputStep                          |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.000 |   0.00 |
|           Console::outputStep                                  |      0.001 |   0.41 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.001 |   0.41 |
|           CSV::outputStep                                      |      0.000 |   0.07 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.000 |   0.07 |

The columns Self, Children and Total represent the time spent in the section, in sections underneath the section, and the sum of those two.

The percentage columns following each one are the percent that the time to the left is of the total run-time of the App.


The following are the current level "recommendations"... note that Apps are free to add code sections to whatever level they wish... so this is just a suggestion!

  • 0: Just the "root" - the whole application time

  • 1: Minimal set of the most important routines (residual/jacobian computation, etc.)

  • 2: Important initialization routines (setting up the mesh, initializing the systems, etc.)

  • 3: More detailed information from levels 1 and 2

  • 4: This is where the Actions will start to print

  • 5: Fairly unimportant, or less used routines

  • 6: Routines that rarely take up much time

Heaviest Branch

To output the most expensive ("heaviest") trace through the code set heaviest_branch = true. It will print something like this:

|                             Section                            |   Self(s)  |    %   | Children(s) |    %   |  Total(s)  |    %   |
| App                                                            |      0.004 |   1.86 |       0.218 |  98.14 |      0.222 | 100.00 |
|   MooseApp::run                                                |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.218 |  98.14 |      0.218 |  98.14 |
|     MooseApp::execute                                          |      0.000 |   0.00 |       0.153 |  68.88 |      0.153 |  68.88 |
|       MooseApp::executeExecutioner                             |      0.000 |   0.05 |       0.153 |  68.83 |      0.153 |  68.88 |
|         FEProblem::solve                                       |      0.014 |   6.43 |       0.130 |  58.56 |      0.144 |  64.99 |
|           FEProblem::computeResidualSys                        |      0.000 |   0.01 |       0.101 |  45.36 |      0.101 |  45.37 |
|             FEProblem::computeResidualInternal                 |      0.000 |   0.01 |       0.101 |  45.35 |      0.101 |  45.36 |
|               FEProblem::computeResidualTags                   |      0.000 |   0.11 |       0.100 |  45.24 |      0.101 |  45.35 |
|                 NonlinearSystemBase::computeResidualTags       |      0.001 |   0.23 |       0.100 |  45.01 |      0.100 |  45.24 |
|                   NonlinearSystemBase::computeResidualInternal |      0.000 |   0.22 |       0.098 |  44.17 |      0.098 |  44.38 |
|                     NonlinearSystemBase::Kernels               |      0.098 |  44.16 |       0.000 |   0.00 |      0.098 |  44.16 |

Heaviest Sections

By setting heaviest_sections = 10 (or any positive integer) you can get a print out of the 10 sections that take the most "Self" time like so:

|                   Section                   |   Self(s)  |    %   |
| NonlinearSystemBase::Kernels                |      0.098 |  44.14 |
| NonlinearSystemBase::computeJacobianTags    |      0.029 |  13.05 |
| MooseApp::setupOptions                      |      0.026 |  11.58 |
| FEProblem::EquationSystems::Init            |      0.017 |   7.65 |
| FEProblem::solve                            |      0.014 |   6.42 |
| GeneratedMesh::init                         |      0.005 |   2.17 |
| App                                         |      0.004 |   1.86 |
| FEProblem::projectSolution                  |      0.003 |   1.57 |
| GeneratedMesh::cacheInfo                    |      0.003 |   1.26 |
| Action::CreateProblemAction::FEProblem::act |      0.003 |   1.25 |

Input Parameters

  • heaviest_branchFalseWhether or not to print out the trace through the code that took the longest amount of time


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether or not to print out the trace through the code that took the longest amount of time

  • heaviest_sections0The number of sections to print out showing the parts of the code that take the most time. When '0' it won't print at all.


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The number of sections to print out showing the parts of the code that take the most time. When '0' it won't print at all.

  • hideA list of the variables and postprocessors that should NOT be output to thefile (may include Variables, ScalarVariables, and Postprocessor names).

    C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:A list of the variables and postprocessors that should NOT be output to thefile (may include Variables, ScalarVariables, and Postprocessor names).

  • level1The level of detail to output. Higher levels will yield more detail.


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The level of detail to output. Higher levels will yield more detail.

  • use_displacedFalseEnable/disable the use of the displaced mesh for outputting


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Enable/disable the use of the displaced mesh for outputting

Optional Parameters

  • additional_execute_onThe list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed. For a description of each flag, see

    C++ Type:ExecFlagEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)



    Description:The list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed. For a description of each flag, see

  • execute_onFINALThe list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed. For a description of each flag, see


    C++ Type:ExecFlagEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)



    Description:The list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed. For a description of each flag, see

Execution Scheduling Parameters

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

Advanced Parameters

  • end_stepTime step at which this output object stop operating

    C++ Type:int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Time step at which this output object stop operating

  • end_timeTime at which this output object stop operating

    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Time at which this output object stop operating

  • min_simulation_time_interval0The minimum simulation time between output steps


    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The minimum simulation time between output steps

  • simulation_time_interval1.79769e+308The target simulation time interval (in seconds) at which to output


    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The target simulation time interval (in seconds) at which to output

  • start_stepTime step at which this output object begins to operate

    C++ Type:int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Time step at which this output object begins to operate

  • start_timeTime at which this output object begins to operate

    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Time at which this output object begins to operate

  • sync_onlyFalseOnly export results at sync times


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Only export results at sync times

  • sync_timesTimes at which the output and solution is forced to occur

    C++ Type:std::vector<double>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Times at which the output and solution is forced to occur

  • sync_times_objectTimes object providing the times at which the output and solution is forced to occur

    C++ Type:TimesName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Times object providing the times at which the output and solution is forced to occur

  • time_step_interval1The interval (number of time steps) at which output occurs. Unless explicitly set, the default value of this parameter is set to infinity if the wall_time_interval is explicitly set.


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The interval (number of time steps) at which output occurs. Unless explicitly set, the default value of this parameter is set to infinity if the wall_time_interval is explicitly set.

  • time_tolerance1e-14Time tolerance utilized checking start and end times


    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Time tolerance utilized checking start and end times

  • wall_time_interval1.79769e+308The target wall time interval (in seconds) at which to output


    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The target wall time interval (in seconds) at which to output

Timing And Frequency Of Output Parameters


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