LibtorchUtils Namespace
MOOSE includes a number of C++ utility classes and functions that may be useful for Manipulating Libtorch tensors and interfacing them with MOOSE-based objects.
Standard Vector To Tensor and Tensor to Standard Vector conversion
The utility classes streamline the two-way conversion between standard vectors and Libtorch tensors.
* Utility function that converts a standard vector to a `torch::Tensor`.
* @tparam DataType The type of data (float,double, etc.) which the vector is filled with
* @param vector The vector that needs to be converted
* @param tensor The output tensor
* @param detach If the gradient information needs to be detached during the conversion
template <typename DataType>
vectorToTensor(std::vector<DataType> & vector, torch::Tensor & tensor, const bool detach = false);
* Utility function that converts a `torch::Tensor` to a standard vector.
* @tparam DataType The type of data (float,double, etc.) which the vector is filled with
* @param tensor The tensor which needs to be converted
* @param vector The output vector
template <typename DataType>
void tensorToVector(torch::Tensor & tensor, std::vector<DataType> & vector);