The VectorPostprocessorInterface defines the methods used for retrieving references to VectorPostprocessor values. Many objects in MOOSE support the retrieval of these references for use in calculations.
* Retrieve the value of a VectorPostprocessor
* @param param_name The name of the VectorPostprocessor parameter (see below)
* @param vector_name The name of the particular vector you want.
* @param need_broadcast Whether or not this object requires the vector to
* be replicated in parallel
* @return A reference to the desired value
* The name required by this method is the name that is hard-coded into
* your source code. For example, if you have a Kernel that requires
* a VectorPostprocessor you may have an input file with "pp = my_pp", this function
* requires the "pp" name as input (see .../moose_test/functions/VectorPostprocessorFunction.C)
* see getVectorPostprocessorValueOld getVectorPostprocessorValueByName
* getVectorPostprocessorValueOldByName
const VectorPostprocessorValue & getVectorPostprocessorValue(const std::string & param_name,
const std::string & vector_name,
bool needs_broadcast) const;
// This file is part of the MOOSE framework
// All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
// Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
#pragma once
// MOOSE includes
#include "MooseTypes.h"
// Forward Declarations
class FEProblemBase;
class InputParameters;
class MooseObject;
template <typename T>
class VectorPostprocessorContext;
class VectorPostprocessorInterface
static InputParameters validParams();
* Constructor
* @param broadcast_by_default Set to true if the system inheriting from this interface always
* needs the VPPs to be broadcast
VectorPostprocessorInterface(const MooseObject * moose_object, bool broadcast_by_default = false);
* This class has virtual methods, so it needs a virtual dtor.
virtual ~VectorPostprocessorInterface() = default;
* DEPRECATED: Use the new version where you need to specify whether or
* not the vector must be broadcast
* Retrieve the value of a VectorPostprocessor
* @param param_name The name of the VectorPostprocessor parameter (see below)
* @param vector_name The name of the particular vector you want.
* @return A reference to the desired value
* The name required by this method is the name that is hard-coded into
* your source code. For example, if you have a Kernel that requires
* a VectorPostprocessor you may have an input file with "pp = my_pp", this function
* requires the "pp" name as input (see .../moose_test/functions/VectorPostprocessorFunction.C)
* see getVectorPostprocessorValueOld getVectorPostprocessorValueByName
* getVectorPostprocessorValueOldByName
const VectorPostprocessorValue &
getVectorPostprocessorValue(const std::string & param_name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* DEPRECATED: Use the new version where you need to specify whether or
* not the vector must be broadcast
* Retrieve the value of the VectorPostprocessor
* @param name VectorPostprocessor name (see below)
* @param vector_name The name of the particular vector you want.
* @return A reference to the desired value
* The name required by this method is the name defined in the input file. For example,
* if you have a Kernel that requires a VectorPostprocessor you may have an input file with
* "pp = my_pp", this method requires the "my_pp" name as input
* (see .../moose_test/functions/VectorPostprocessorFunction.C)
* see getVectorPostprocessorValue getVectorPostprocessorValueOldByName
* getVectorPostprocessorValueByName
const VectorPostprocessorValue &
getVectorPostprocessorValueByName(const VectorPostprocessorName & name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* DEPRECATED: Use the new version where you need to specify whether or
* not the vector must be broadcast
* Retrieve the old value of a VectorPostprocessor
* @param param_name The name of the VectorPostprocessor parameter
* @param vector_name The name of the particular vector you want.
* @return The value of the VectorPostprocessor
* see getVectorPostprocessorValue
const VectorPostprocessorValue &
getVectorPostprocessorValueOld(const std::string & param_name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* DEPRECATED: Use the new version where you need to specify whether or
* not the vector must be broadcast
* Retrieve the old value of a VectorPostprocessor
* @param name The name of the VectorPostprocessor
* @param vector_name The name of the particular vector you want.
* @return The value of the VectorPostprocessor
* If within the validParams for the object the addVectorPostprocessorParam was called this method
* will retun a reference to the default value specified in the call to the
* addVectorPostprocessorParam
* function if the postVectorPostprocessor does not exist.
* see getVectorPostprocessorValueByName
const VectorPostprocessorValue &
getVectorPostprocessorValueOldByName(const VectorPostprocessorName & name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
// doco-normal-methods-begin
* Retrieve the value of a VectorPostprocessor
* @param param_name The name of the VectorPostprocessor parameter (see below)
* @param vector_name The name of the particular vector you want.
* @param need_broadcast Whether or not this object requires the vector to
* be replicated in parallel
* @return A reference to the desired value
* The name required by this method is the name that is hard-coded into
* your source code. For example, if you have a Kernel that requires
* a VectorPostprocessor you may have an input file with "pp = my_pp", this function
* requires the "pp" name as input (see .../moose_test/functions/VectorPostprocessorFunction.C)
* see getVectorPostprocessorValueOld getVectorPostprocessorValueByName
* getVectorPostprocessorValueOldByName
const VectorPostprocessorValue & getVectorPostprocessorValue(const std::string & param_name,
const std::string & vector_name,
bool needs_broadcast) const;
// doco-normal-methods-end
* Retrieve the value of the VectorPostprocessor
* @param name VectorPostprocessor name (see below)
* @param vector_name The name of the particular vector you want.
* @param need_broadcast Whether or not this object requires the vector to
* be replicated in parallel
* @return A reference to the desired value
* The name required by this method is the name defined in the input file. For example,
* if you have a Kernel that requires a VectorPostprocessor you may have an input file with
* "pp = my_pp", this method requires the "my_pp" name as input
* (see .../moose_test/functions/VectorPostprocessorFunction.C)
* see getVectorPostprocessorValue getVectorPostprocessorValueOldByName
* getVectorPostprocessorValueByName
const VectorPostprocessorValue &
getVectorPostprocessorValueByName(const VectorPostprocessorName & name,
const std::string & vector_name,
bool needs_broadcast) const;
* Retrieve the old value of a VectorPostprocessor
* @param param_name The name of the VectorPostprocessor parameter
* @param vector_name The name of the particular vector you want.
* @param need_broadcast Whether or not this object requires the vector to
* be replicated in parallel
* @return The value of the VectorPostprocessor
* see getVectorPostprocessorValue
const VectorPostprocessorValue & getVectorPostprocessorValueOld(const std::string & param_name,
const std::string & vector_name,
bool needs_broadcast) const;
* Retrieve the old value of a VectorPostprocessor
* @param name The name of the VectorPostprocessor
* @param vector_name The name of the particular vector you want.
* @param need_broadcast Whether or not this object requires the vector to
* be replicated in parallel
* @return The value of the VectorPostprocessor
* If within the validParams for the object the addVectorPostprocessorParam was called this method
* will retun a reference to the default value specified in the call to the
* addVectorPostprocessorParam
* function if the postVectorPostprocessor does not exist.
* see getVectorPostprocessorValueByName
const VectorPostprocessorValue &
getVectorPostprocessorValueOldByName(const VectorPostprocessorName & name,
const std::string & vector_name,
bool needs_broadcast) const;
* Return the scatter value for the post processor
* This is only valid when you expec the vector to be of lenghth "num_procs"
* In that case - this will return a reference to a value that will be _this_ processor's value
* from that vector
* @param param_name The name of the parameter holding the vpp name
* @param vector_name The name of the vector
* @return The reference to the current scatter value
const ScatterVectorPostprocessorValue &
getScatterVectorPostprocessorValue(const std::string & param_name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* Return the scatter value for the post processor
* This is only valid when you expec the vector to be of lenghth "num_procs"
* In that case - this will return a reference to a value that will be _this_ processor's value
* from that vector
* @param name The name of the VectorPostprocessor
* @param vector_name The name of the vector
* @return The reference to the current scatter value
const ScatterVectorPostprocessorValue &
getScatterVectorPostprocessorValueByName(const VectorPostprocessorName & name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* Return the old scatter value for the post processor
* This is only valid when you expec the vector to be of lenghth "num_procs"
* In that case - this will return a reference to a value that will be _this_ processor's
* value from that vector
* @param param_name The name of the parameter holding the vpp name
* @param vector_name The name of the vector
* @return The reference to the old scatter value
const ScatterVectorPostprocessorValue &
getScatterVectorPostprocessorValueOld(const std::string & param_name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* Return the old scatter value for the post processor
* This is only valid when you expect the vector to be of length "num_procs"
* In that case - this will return a reference to a value that will be _this_ processor's
* value from that vector
* @param name The name of the VectorPostprocessor
* @param vector_name The name of the vector
* @return The reference to the old scatter value
const ScatterVectorPostprocessorValue &
getScatterVectorPostprocessorValueOldByName(const VectorPostprocessorName & name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* Determine if the VectorPostprocessor data exists by parameter
* @param param_name The name of the VectorPostprocessor parameter
* @param vector_name The vector name within the VectorPostprocessor
* @return True if the VectorPostprocessor data exists
* @see hasVectorPostprocessorByName getVectorPostprocessorValue
bool hasVectorPostprocessor(const std::string & param_name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* Determine if the VectorPostprocessor data exists by name
* @param name The name of the VectorPostprocessor
* @param vector_name The vector name within the VectorPostprocessor
* @return True if the VectorPostprocessor data exists
* @see hasVectorPostprocessor getVectorPostprocessorValueByName
bool hasVectorPostprocessorByName(const VectorPostprocessorName & name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* Determine if the VectorPostprocessor exists by parameter
* @param name The name of the VectorPostprocessor parameter
* @return True if the VectorPostprocessor exists
bool hasVectorPostprocessor(const std::string & param_name) const;
* Determine if the VectorPostprocessor exists by name
* @param name The name of the VectorPostprocessor
* @return True if the VectorPostprocessor exists
bool hasVectorPostprocessorByName(const VectorPostprocessorName & name) const;
* Return true if the VectorPostprocessor is marked with parallel_type as DISTRIBUTED
bool isVectorPostprocessorDistributed(const std::string & param_name) const;
bool isVectorPostprocessorDistributedByName(const VectorPostprocessorName & name) const;
* Get the name of a VectorPostprocessor associated with a parameter.
* @param param_name The name of the VectorPostprocessor parameter
* @return The name of the given VectorPostprocessor
const VectorPostprocessorName & getVectorPostprocessorName(const std::string & param_name) const;
* Helper for deriving classes to override to add dependencies when a VectorPostprocessor is
* requested.
virtual void
addVectorPostprocessorDependencyHelper(const VectorPostprocessorName & /* name */) const
* Helper function for extracting VPP data from ReporterData object
const VectorPostprocessorValue &
getVectorPostprocessorByNameHelper(const VectorPostprocessorName & name,
const std::string & vector_name,
bool broadcast,
std::size_t t_index) const;
* Helper for getting the VPP context that handles scatter values
const VectorPostprocessorContext<VectorPostprocessorValue> &
getVectorPostprocessorContextByNameHelper(const VectorPostprocessorName & name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* Helpers for "possibly" checking if a vpp exists. This is only able to check for
* existance after all vpps have been added (after the task creating them has
* been called). If called before said task, this will do nothing, hence the
* "possibly". This allows us to have errors reported directly by the object
* requesting the vpp instead of through a system with less context.
void possiblyCheckHasVectorPostprocessor(const std::string & param_name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
void possiblyCheckHasVectorPostprocessorByName(const VectorPostprocessorName & name,
const std::string & vector_name) const;
* @returns True if all vpps have been added (the task associated with adding them is complete)
bool vectorPostprocessorsAdded() const;
/// Whether or not to force broadcasting by default
const bool _broadcast_by_default;
/// The MooseObject that uses this interface
const MooseObject & _vpi_moose_object;
/// Reference the FEProblemBase class
const FEProblemBase & _vpi_feproblem;
/// Thread ID
const THREAD_ID _vpi_tid;