
The ReporterInterface defines the methods used for retrieving references to Reporter values. Many objects in MOOSE support the retrieval of these references for use in calculations.

   * Returns read-only reference to a Reporter value that is provided by an input parameter.
   * @tparam T The C++ type of the Reporter value being consumed
   * @param param_name The name of the parameter that gives the name of the Reporter, which
   *                   must be a ReporterName parameter (i.e., getParam<ReporterName>(param_name)).
   * @param mode The mode that the object will consume the Reporter value
   * @pararm time_index (optional) If zero is provided the current value is returned. Use a positive
   *                    index to return previous values (1 = older, 2 = older, etc.). The maximum
   *                    number of old values is dictated by the ReporterData object.
  template <typename T>
  const T & getReporterValue(const std::string & param_name, const std::size_t time_index = 0);
  template <typename T>
  const T & getReporterValue(const std::string & param_name,
                             ReporterMode mode,
                             const std::size_t time_index = 0);