// This file is part of the MOOSE framework
// https://www.mooseframework.org
// All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
// https://github.com/idaholab/moose/blob/master/COPYRIGHT
// Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
// https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.html
#pragma once
// Standard includes
#include <string>
// MOOSE includes
#include "MooseTypes.h"
// Forward Declarations
class FEProblemBase;
class InputParameters;
class PostprocessorName;
class MooseObject;
#define usingPostprocessorInterfaceMembers \
using PostprocessorInterface::getPostprocessorValue; \
using PostprocessorInterface::getPostprocessorValueOld; \
using PostprocessorInterface::getPostprocessorValueOlder; \
using PostprocessorInterface::coupledPostprocessors
* Interface class for classes which interact with Postprocessors.
* Provides the getPostprocessorValueXYZ() and related interfaces.
class PostprocessorInterface
PostprocessorInterface(const MooseObject * moose_object);
PostprocessorInterface(const FEProblemBase * problem);
static InputParameters validParams();
* doco-normal-methods-begin
* Retrieve the value of a Postprocessor or one of it's old or older values
* @param param_name The name of the Postprocessor parameter (see below)
* @param index The index of the Postprocessor
* @return A reference to the desired value
* The name required by this method is the name that is hard-coded into
* your source code. For example, if you have a Kernel that requires
* a Postprocessor you may have an input file with "pp = my_pp", this function
* requires the "pp" name as input (see .../moose_test/functions/PostprocessorFunction.C)
* see getPostprocessorValueByName getPostprocessorValueOldByName getPostprocessorValueOlderByName
const PostprocessorValue & getPostprocessorValue(const std::string & param_name,
const unsigned int index = 0) const;
const PostprocessorValue & getPostprocessorValueOld(const std::string & param_name,
const unsigned int index = 0) const;
const PostprocessorValue & getPostprocessorValueOlder(const std::string & param_name,
const unsigned int index = 0) const;
// doco-normal-methods-end
* Retrieve the value of the Postprocessor
* @param name Postprocessor name (see below)
* @return A reference to the desired value
* The name required by this method is the name defined in the input file. For example,
* if you have a Kernel that requires a Postprocessor you may have an input file with
* "pp = my_pp", this method requires the "my_pp" name as input
* (see .../moose_test/functions/PostprocessorFunction.C)
* see getPostprocessorValue getPostprocessorValueOld getPostprocessorValueOlder
virtual const PostprocessorValue &
getPostprocessorValueByName(const PostprocessorName & name) const;
const PostprocessorValue & getPostprocessorValueOldByName(const PostprocessorName & name) const;
const PostprocessorValue & getPostprocessorValueOlderByName(const PostprocessorName & name) const;
* Determine whether or not the Postprocessor is a default value. A default value is when
* the value is either the value set by addParam, or is a user-set value in input instead of
* a name to a postprocessor.
* @param param_name The name of the Postprocessor parameter
* @param index The index of the postprocessor
* @return True if the Postprocessor is a default value, false if the Postprocessor
* is the name of a Postprocessor
bool isDefaultPostprocessorValue(const std::string & param_name,
const unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Determine if the Postprocessor data exists
* @param param_name The name of the Postprocessor parameter
* @param index The index of the Postprocessor
* @return True if the Postprocessor exists
* @see hasPostprocessorByName getPostprocessorValue
bool hasPostprocessor(const std::string & param_name, const unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Determine if the Postprocessor data exists
* @param name The name of the Postprocessor
* @return True if the Postprocessor exists
* @see hasPostprocessor getPostprocessorValueByName
bool hasPostprocessorByName(const PostprocessorName & name) const;
* Returns number of Postprocessors coupled under parameter name
* @param param_name The name of the Postprocessor parameter
* @return Number of coupled post-processors, 1 if it's a single
std::size_t coupledPostprocessors(const std::string & param_name) const;
* Get the name of a postprocessor. This can only be used if the postprocessor
* parameter does _not_ have a default value set (see isDefaultPostprocessorValue()),
* in which case the "name" is actually the default value.
* @param param_name The name of the Postprocessor parameter
* @param index The index of the Postprocessor
* @return The name of the given Postprocessor
const PostprocessorName & getPostprocessorName(const std::string & param_name,
const unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Helper for deriving classes to override to add dependencies when a Postprocessor is requested.
virtual void addPostprocessorDependencyHelper(const PostprocessorName & /* name */) const {}
/// The MooseObject that uses this interface
const MooseObject & _ppi_moose_object;
/// PostprocessorInterface Parameters
const InputParameters & _ppi_params;
/// Reference the the FEProblemBase class
const FEProblemBase & _ppi_feproblem;
/// Holds the default postprocessor values that are requested (key is PostprocessorName)
mutable std::map<PostprocessorName, std::unique_ptr<PostprocessorValue>> _default_values;
* Internal method for getting the PostprocessorName associated with a paremeter.
* Needed in order to allow the return of a name that is a default value.
const PostprocessorName &
getPostprocessorNameInternal(const std::string & param_name,
const unsigned int index,
const bool allow_default_value = true) const;
* Internal methods for getting Postprocessor values.
const PostprocessorValue & getPostprocessorValueInternal(const std::string & param_name,
unsigned int index,
std::size_t t_index) const;
const PostprocessorValue & getPostprocessorValueByNameInternal(const PostprocessorName & name,
std::size_t t_index) const;
* @returns True if the PostprocessorName \p name repesents a default value: the name
* converts to a value (set by addParam or set via input), and a Postprocessor does not
* exist with the same name (we do allow Postprocessors with numbered names...)
bool isDefaultPostprocessorValueByName(const PostprocessorName & name) const;
* @returns The default value stored in the PostprocessorName \p name.
PostprocessorValue getDefaultPostprocessorValueByName(const PostprocessorName & name) const;
* Checks the parameters relating to a Postprocessor. If \p index is not set, index
* checking is not performed.
void checkParam(const std::string & param_name,
const unsigned int index = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()) const;
* @returns True if all pps have been added (the task associated with adding them is complete)
bool postprocessorsAdded() const;