The MeshMetaDataInterface is used for retrieving attributes related to the mesh created during the mesh generation phase. Attributes can have arbitrary types and names and can be used by other objects to query information that might otherwise be cumbersome by just inspecting the raw mesh object. Examples include specific feature locations, dimensions, numbers of elements in a direction, etc. The interface contains templated methods for querying for the existence of specific attributes as well as retrieving those attributes.
Availability on "Recover"
One of the most important features of the MeshMetaDataInterface is it's availability during recover operations. Any system deriving from the interface will have access to attributes created during the initial setup phase of the simulation. This removes the need to retrieve MeshGenerator, UserObject, or MooseMesh objects that might contain specific APIs that store that same information.
The MeshGenerator system is the only system that may set attributes in the mesh meta-data store. Attributes are typically written during the "act" phase. Here is an example of attributes written by the built-in GeneratedMeshGenerator object:
#include "GeneratedMeshGenerator.h"
#include "CastUniquePointer.h"
#include "libmesh/replicated_mesh.h"
#include "libmesh/mesh_generation.h"
#include "libmesh/mesh_modification.h"
#include "libmesh/string_to_enum.h"
#include "libmesh/periodic_boundaries.h"
#include "libmesh/periodic_boundary_base.h"
#include "libmesh/unstructured_mesh.h"
#include "libmesh/elem.h"
// C++ includes
#include <cmath> // provides round, not std::round (see
registerMooseObject("MooseApp", GeneratedMeshGenerator);
InputParameters params = MeshGenerator::validParams();
MooseEnum elem_types(LIST_GEOM_ELEM); // no default
MooseEnum dims("1=1 2 3");
params.addRequiredParam<MooseEnum>("dim", dims, "The dimension of the mesh to be generated");
params.addParam<unsigned int>("nx", 1, "Number of elements in the X direction");
params.addParam<unsigned int>("ny", 1, "Number of elements in the Y direction");
params.addParam<unsigned int>("nz", 1, "Number of elements in the Z direction");
params.addParam<Real>("xmin", 0.0, "Lower X Coordinate of the generated mesh");
params.addParam<Real>("ymin", 0.0, "Lower Y Coordinate of the generated mesh");
params.addParam<Real>("zmin", 0.0, "Lower Z Coordinate of the generated mesh");
params.addParam<Real>("xmax", 1.0, "Upper X Coordinate of the generated mesh");
params.addParam<Real>("ymax", 1.0, "Upper Y Coordinate of the generated mesh");
params.addParam<Real>("zmax", 1.0, "Upper Z Coordinate of the generated mesh");
"The type of element from libMesh to "
"generate (default: linear element for "
"requested dimension)");
"Subdomain IDs for each element, default to all zero. If a single number is specified, that "
"subdomain id is used for all element.");
"If specified, single subdomain name for all elements");
"Grade mesh into boundaries according to Gauss-Lobatto quadrature spacing.");
"bias_x>=0.5 & bias_x<=2",
"The amount by which to grow (or shrink) the cells in the x-direction.");
"bias_y>=0.5 & bias_y<=2",
"The amount by which to grow (or shrink) the cells in the y-direction.");
"bias_z>=0.5 & bias_z<=2",
"The amount by which to grow (or shrink) the cells in the z-direction.");
"If provided, prefix the built in boundary names with this string");
"boundary_id_offset", 0, "This offset is added to the generated boundary IDs");
"Names of extra element integers");
"Create a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.");
return params;
GeneratedMeshGenerator::GeneratedMeshGenerator(const InputParameters & parameters)
: MeshGenerator(parameters),
_nx(declareMeshProperty("num_elements_x", getParam<unsigned int>("nx"))),
_ny(declareMeshProperty("num_elements_y", getParam<unsigned int>("ny"))),
_nz(declareMeshProperty("num_elements_z", getParam<unsigned int>("nz"))),
_xmin(declareMeshProperty("xmin", getParam<Real>("xmin"))),
_xmax(declareMeshProperty("xmax", getParam<Real>("xmax"))),
_ymin(declareMeshProperty("ymin", getParam<Real>("ymin"))),
_ymax(declareMeshProperty("ymax", getParam<Real>("ymax"))),
_zmin(declareMeshProperty("zmin", getParam<Real>("zmin"))),
_zmax(declareMeshProperty("zmax", getParam<Real>("zmax"))),
? getParam<std::string>("boundary_name_prefix") + "_"
: ""),
if (_gauss_lobatto_grid && (_bias_x != 1.0 || _bias_y != 1.0 || _bias_z != 1.0))
mooseError("Cannot apply both Gauss-Lobatto mesh grading and biasing at the same time.");
if (_xmax < _xmin)
paramError("xmax", "xmax must be larger than xmin.");
if (_ymax < _ymin)
paramError("ymax", "ymax must be larger than ymin.");
if (_zmax < _zmin)
paramError("zmax", "zmax must be larger than zmin.");
// Have MOOSE construct the correct libMesh::Mesh object using Mesh block and CLI parameters.
auto mesh = buildMeshBaseObject();
if (isParamValid("extra_element_integers"))
for (auto & name : getParam<std::vector<ExtraElementIDName>>("extra_element_integers"))
MooseEnum elem_type_enum = getParam<MooseEnum>("elem_type");
if (!isParamValid("elem_type"))
// Switching on MooseEnum
switch (_dim)
case 1:
elem_type_enum = "EDGE2";
case 2:
elem_type_enum = "QUAD4";
case 3:
elem_type_enum = "HEX8";
ElemType elem_type = Utility::string_to_enum<ElemType>(elem_type_enum);
// Switching on MooseEnum
switch (_dim)
// The build_XYZ mesh generation functions take an
// UnstructuredMesh& as the first argument, hence the static_cast.
case 1:
MeshTools::Generation::build_line(static_cast<UnstructuredMesh &>(*mesh),
case 2:
MeshTools::Generation::build_square(static_cast<UnstructuredMesh &>(*mesh),
case 3:
MeshTools::Generation::build_cube(static_cast<UnstructuredMesh &>(*mesh),
if (_has_subdomain_ids)
auto & bids = getParam<std::vector<SubdomainID>>("subdomain_ids");
if (bids.size() != _nx * _ny * _nz && bids.size() != 1)
"Size must equal to the product of number of elements in all directions, or one.");
for (auto & elem : mesh->element_ptr_range())
const Point p = elem->vertex_average();
unsigned int ix = std::floor((p(0) - _xmin) / (_xmax - _xmin) * _nx);
unsigned int iy = std::floor((p(1) - _ymin) / (_ymax - _ymin) * _ny);
unsigned int iz = std::floor((p(2) - _zmin) / (_zmax - _zmin) * _nz);
unsigned int i = iz * _nx * _ny + iy * _nx + ix;
if (bids.size() == 1)
elem->subdomain_id() = bids[0];
elem->subdomain_id() = bids[i];
if (isParamValid("subdomain_name"))
const auto & subdomain_name = getParam<SubdomainName>("subdomain_name");
if (isParamValid("subdomain_ids"))
const auto & bids = getParam<std::vector<SubdomainID>>("subdomain_ids");
if (bids.size() > 1)
"Specifying a subdomain_name is only supported for a single entry in subdomain_ids");
mesh->subdomain_name(bids[0]) = subdomain_name;
mesh->subdomain_name(0) = subdomain_name;
// rename and shift boundaries
BoundaryInfo & boundary_info = mesh->get_boundary_info();
// Copy, since we're modifying the container mid-iteration
const auto mesh_boundary_ids = boundary_info.get_global_boundary_ids();
for (auto rit = mesh_boundary_ids.rbegin(); rit != mesh_boundary_ids.rend(); ++rit)
const std::string old_sideset_name = boundary_info.sideset_name(*rit);
const std::string old_nodeset_name = boundary_info.nodeset_name(*rit);
MeshTools::Modification::change_boundary_id(*mesh, *rit, *rit + _boundary_id_offset);
boundary_info.sideset_name(*rit + _boundary_id_offset) =
_boundary_name_prefix + old_sideset_name;
boundary_info.nodeset_name(*rit + _boundary_id_offset) =
_boundary_name_prefix + old_nodeset_name;
// Apply the bias if any exists
if (_bias_x != 1.0 || _bias_y != 1.0 || _bias_z != 1.0)
const auto MIN = std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
// Biases
std::array<Real, LIBMESH_DIM> bias = {
{_bias_x, _dim > 1 ? _bias_y : 1.0, _dim > 2 ? _bias_z : 1.0}};
// "width" of the mesh in each direction
std::array<Real, LIBMESH_DIM> width = {
{_xmax - _xmin, _dim > 1 ? _ymax - _ymin : 0, _dim > 2 ? _zmax - _zmin : 0}};
// Min mesh extent in each direction.
std::array<Real, LIBMESH_DIM> mins = {{_xmin, _dim > 1 ? _ymin : MIN, _dim > 2 ? _zmin : MIN}};
// Number of elements in each direction.
std::array<unsigned int, LIBMESH_DIM> nelem = {{_nx, _dim > 1 ? _ny : 1, _dim > 2 ? _nz : 1}};
// We will need the biases raised to integer powers in each
// direction, so let's pre-compute those...
std::array<std::vector<Real>, LIBMESH_DIM> pows;
for (unsigned int dir = 0; dir < LIBMESH_DIM; ++dir)
pows[dir].resize(nelem[dir] + 1);
pows[dir][0] = 1.0;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < pows[dir].size(); ++i)
pows[dir][i] = pows[dir][i - 1] * bias[dir];
// Loop over the nodes and move them to the desired location
for (auto & node_ptr : mesh->node_ptr_range())
Node & node = *node_ptr;
for (unsigned int dir = 0; dir < LIBMESH_DIM; ++dir)
if (width[dir] != 0. && bias[dir] != 1.)
// Compute the scaled "index" of the current point. This
// will either be close to a whole integer or a whole
// integer+0.5 for quadratic nodes.
Real float_index = (node(dir) - mins[dir]) * nelem[dir] / width[dir];
Real integer_part = 0;
Real fractional_part = std::modf(float_index, &integer_part);
// Figure out where to move the node...
if (std::abs(fractional_part) < TOLERANCE || std::abs(fractional_part - 1.0) < TOLERANCE)
// If the fractional_part ~ 0.0 or 1.0, this is a vertex node, so
// we don't need an average.
// Compute the "index" we are at in the current direction. We
// round to the nearest integral value to get this instead
// of using "integer_part", since that could be off by a
// lot (e.g. we want 3.9999 to map to 4.0 instead of 3.0).
int index = round(float_index);
mooseAssert(index >= static_cast<int>(0) && index < static_cast<int>(pows[dir].size()),
"Scaled \"index\" out of range");
// Move node to biased location.
node(dir) =
mins[dir] + width[dir] * (1. - pows[dir][index]) / (1. - pows[dir][nelem[dir]]);
else if (std::abs(fractional_part - 0.5) < TOLERANCE)
// If the fractional_part ~ 0.5, this is a midedge/face
// (i.e. quadratic) node. We don't move those with the same
// bias as the vertices, instead we put them midway between
// their respective vertices.
// Also, since the fractional part is nearly 0.5, we know that
// the integer_part will be the index of the vertex to the
// left, and integer_part+1 will be the index of the
// vertex to the right.
node(dir) = mins[dir] +
width[dir] *
(1. - 0.5 * (pows[dir][integer_part] + pows[dir][integer_part + 1])) /
(1. - pows[dir][nelem[dir]]);
// We don't yet handle anything higher order than quadratic...
mooseError("Unable to bias node at node(", dir, ")=", node(dir));
return dynamic_pointer_cast<MeshBase>(mesh);