This class provides an API for coupling different kinds of variables values into MOOSE systems. The following tables summarize the methods it provides.
Methods for scalar field variables | Description |
coupledValue *‡§ | Value of a coupled variable at q-points |
coupledGradient *‡§ | Gradient of a coupled variable at q-points |
coupledSecond *‡§ | Second spatial derivatives of a coupled variable at q-points |
coupledDot †§ | Time derivative of a coupled variable at q-points |
coupledDotDot †§ | Second time derivative of a coupled variable at q-points |
coupledDotDu | Derivative with regards to the variable of the time derivative of a coupled variable at q-points |
coupledDotDotDu | Derivative with regards to the variable of the second time derivative of a coupled variable at q-points |
coupledGradientDot § | Time derivative of the gradient of a coupled variable at q-points |
coupledGradientDotDot | Second time derivative of the gradient of a coupled variable at q-points |
Methods for nodal scalar field variables | Description |
coupledNodalValue *‡§ | Value of a coupled variable at nodes |
coupledNodalDot † | Time derivative of a coupled variable at nodes |
coupledNodalDotDot † | Second time derivative of a coupled variable at nodes |
Methods for array field variables | Description |
coupledArrayValue ‡ | Value of a coupled array variable at q-points |
coupledArrayGradient ‡ | Gradient of a coupled array variable at q-points |
coupledArrayDot † | Time derivative of a coupled array variable at q-points |
coupledArrayDotDot † | Second time derivative of a coupled array variable at q-points |
coupledArrayDotDu | Derivative with regards to the variable of the time derivative of a coupled array variable at q-points |
coupledArrayGradientDot | Time derivative of the gradient of a coupled array variable at q-points |
Methods for vector field variables | Description |
coupledVectorValue ‡§ | Value of a coupled vector variable at q-points |
coupledVectorGradient ‡§ | Gradient of a coupled vector variable at q-points |
coupledCurl ‡ | Curl of a coupled vector variable at q-points |
coupledDiv ‡ | Divergence of a coupled vector variable at q-points |
coupledVectorDot †§ | Time derivative of a coupled vector variable at q-points |
coupledVectorDotDot † | Second time derivative of a coupled vector variable at q-points |
coupledVectorDotDu | Derivative with regards to the variable of the time derivative of a coupled vector variable at q-points |
coupledVectorDotDotDu | Derivative with regards to the variable of the second time derivative of a coupled vector variable at q-points |
Methods for nodal vector field variables | Description |
coupledNodalValue *‡§ | Value of a coupled vector variable at nodes |
coupledNodalDot | Time derivative of a coupled vector variable at nodes |
*: These methods are also provided with values from the previous Newton iteration by suffixing their name with PreviousNL
, e.g. coupledSecondPreviousNL
†: These methods are also provided with values from the previous time step of a transient simulation by suffixing their name with Old
, e.g. coupledDotOld
‡: These methods are also provided with values from the previous or second previous time steps of a transient simulation by suffixing their name with Old
or Older
, respectively, e.g. coupledDivOld
or coupledDivOlder
§: These methods are also provided with automatic differentiation info by prefixing their name with ad
and preserving camelCase
, e.g. adCoupledValue
or adCoupledVectorDot
Note that all of these prefixes and suffixes are mutually exclusive, i.e. none can be mixed and matched in any way.
Lastly, some methods are only available with automatic differentiation info, e.g. adCoupledLowerValue
returns the value of a coupled lower-dimensional variable and adCoupledVectorSecond
returns the second spatial derivatives of a coupled vector variable.
Optional Coupling
To determine if a variable was coupled, users can use isCoupled
method. The typical use case looks like this:
_value(isCoupled("v") ? coupledValue("v") : _zero)
However, this use case became obsolete and now it is recommended to use default values for optionally coupled variables, see the following example:
InputParameters params = BaseClass::validParams();
params.addCoupledVar("v", 2., "Coupled value");
return params;
Class::Class(...) : BaseClass(...),
The advantage here is that users can provide arbitrary default values to their variables.
Coupling of Vectors of Variables
Users can couple a vector of variables using the following syntax:
v = 'a b c'
This syntax provides 3 variables coupled as a variable v
in a MOOSE object using the Coupleable
interface. The number of components coupled into can be obtained by coupledComponents
method. Then, individual components can be obtained by calling coupledValue
(or any other method mentioned above) passing in the variable name (as usual) and the component index. See the following example:
class B : public A
unsigned int _n_vars;
std::vector<MooseVariable *> _vars;
InputParameters params = A::validParams();
params.addRequiredCoupledVar("v", "Coupled value");
return params;
B::B(...) : A(...),
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _n_vars; i++)
_vars.push_back(dynamic_cast<MooseVariable *>(getVar("v", i)));
Defaults for Coupling of Vectors of Variables
Vectors of variables can be added using params.addCoupledVar
as described above. The parameter class allows providing defaults for vector variables as follows:
InputParameters params = A::validParams();
params.addCoupledVar("v", {1, 2, 3}, "Coupled value");
return params;
Coupled variable parameters can be set to constant real numbers in the input file using the syntax
v = '1'
for a single coupled variable or using
v = '1 2 3'
for a vector of coupled variables. Currently mixing actual variable assignments and defaults like this:
v = '1 actual_var 3'
is not supported.
Coupled Solution DOFs
It is possible to retrieve the solution DOFs of an element in an elemental loop. This is different than the "value" type coupling which holds the interpolated values of the shape functions themselves. Obtaining the raw DOFs all the user to perform their own integration or other evaluation without going through the interpolation process. These functions can be found here:
* Returns DoFs in the current solution vector of a coupled variable for the local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the DoFs of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDofValues(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns DoFs in the current solution vector of all of a coupled variable's components for the
* local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each component of the coupled variable
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledAllDofValues(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns DoFs in the old solution vector of a coupled variable for the local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the old DoFs of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDofValuesOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns DoFs in the old solution vector of all of a coupled variable's components for the local
* element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each compontnet of the coupled variable
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledAllDofValuesOld(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns DoFs in the older solution vector of a coupled variable for the local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the older DoFs of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDofValuesOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns DoFs in the older solution vector of all of a coupled variable's components for the
* local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each component of the coupled variable
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledAllDofValuesOlder(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns DoFs in the current solution vector of a coupled array variable for the local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the DoFs of the coupled variable
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledArrayDofValues(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
(contrib/moose/framework/include/interfaces/Coupleable.h)Coupling of variables through their names
Typically variables are coupled in through calling params.addCoupledVar
or params.addRequiredCoupledVar
of the valid parameters of an object. There are cases where the variable names are provided through parameters in other types with params.addParam
or params.addRequiredParam
. For these cases, this interface provides two functions coupledValueByName
and coupledArrayValueByName
that take a variable name directly. This suffix ByName
is only available for the two functions currently because they are the only onces needed by MOOSE and MOOSE applications. More can be added as desired in the future.
Writing directly to coupled variables
Element- and nodal user objects as well AuxKernels may obtain a writable reference to a MOOSE field variable through the Coupleable::writableVariable
function. The returned variable reference provides a setDofValue
(for FE and FV variables) and setNodalvalue
(only for FE variables) methods that can be used to set the nodal or elemental DOF value(s) of the variable.
enforces compatibility between the calling object type and the family of the requested variable. I.e. nodal user objects and AuxKernels may only obtain references to nodal variables, and element user objects and elemental AuxKernels may only obtain references to elemental variables.
The block restrictions of the variables are also checked not to exceed the block restrictions of the calling object. MOOSE keeps track of all variables to which a reference was obtained through Coupleable::writableVariable
. Each variable in the system may at most be written to by a single object on any given subdomain.
The user object and aux kernel thread loops check if an executed object has any writable variable references, and if so, will insert those variables into the aux solution vector. This obviates the need for using the ProjectionAux
can let users write to both FE / FV from AuxKernels and UserObjects but one must exercise caution about whether Nodal or Elemental type AuxKernels / UOs are used as the quadrature would depend on this choice and might lead to segfault if a FV variable values are set using setDofValue
function for non-zero values of _qp
// This file is part of the MOOSE framework
// All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
// Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
#pragma once
#include <unordered_map>
#include "MooseTypes.h"
#include "MooseArray.h"
#include "MooseVariableFE.h"
#include "MooseVariableFV.h"
#include "MooseLinearVariableFV.h"
#include "InputParameters.h"
#include "HasMembers.h"
#define usingCoupleableMembers \
using Coupleable::_zero; \
using Coupleable::_grad_zero; \
using Coupleable::_ad_zero; \
using Coupleable::_ad_grad_zero
// Forward declarations
class MooseVariableScalar;
class MooseObject;
namespace libMesh
template <typename T>
class DenseVector;
template <typename>
class MooseVariableField;
typedef MooseVariableField<Real> MooseWritableVariable;
* Interface for objects that needs coupling capabilities
class Coupleable
* Constructing the object
* @param parameters Parameters that come from constructing the object
* @param nodal true if we need to couple with nodal values, otherwise false
* @param is_fv Whether the \p MooseObject is a finite volume object
Coupleable(const MooseObject * moose_object, bool nodal, bool is_fv = false);
* Get the list of coupled variables
* @return The list of coupled variables
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<MooseVariableFieldBase *>> &
getCoupledVars() const
return _coupled_vars;
* Get the list of all coupled variables
* @return The list of all coupled variables
const std::vector<MooseVariableFieldBase *> & getCoupledMooseVars() const
return _coupled_moose_vars;
* Get the list of standard coupled variables
* @return The list of standard coupled variables
const std::vector<MooseVariable *> & getCoupledStandardMooseVars() const
return _coupled_standard_moose_vars;
* Get the list of vector coupled variables
* @return The list of vector coupled variables
const std::vector<VectorMooseVariable *> & getCoupledVectorMooseVars() const
return _coupled_vector_moose_vars;
* Get the list of array coupled variables
* @return The list of array coupled variables
const std::vector<ArrayMooseVariable *> & getCoupledArrayMooseVars() const
return _coupled_array_moose_vars;
void addFEVariableCoupleableVectorTag(TagID tag) { _fe_coupleable_vector_tags.insert(tag); }
void addFEVariableCoupleableMatrixTag(TagID tag) { _fe_coupleable_matrix_tags.insert(tag); }
std::set<TagID> & getFEVariableCoupleableVectorTags() { return _fe_coupleable_vector_tags; }
std::set<TagID> & getFEVariableCoupleableMatrixTags() { return _fe_coupleable_matrix_tags; }
const std::set<TagID> & getFEVariableCoupleableVectorTags() const
return _fe_coupleable_vector_tags;
const std::set<TagID> & getFEVariableCoupleableMatrixTags() const
return _fe_coupleable_matrix_tags;
* returns a reference to the set of writable coupled variables
auto & getWritableCoupledVariables() const { return _writable_coupled_variables[_c_tid]; }
* Checks whether the object has any writable coupled variables
bool hasWritableCoupledVariables() const { return !getWritableCoupledVariables().empty(); }
* A call-back function provided by the derived object for actions before coupling a variable
* with functions such as coupledValue.
virtual void coupledCallback(const std::string & /*var_name*/, bool /*is_old*/) const {}
* Returns true if a variables has been coupled as name.
* @param var_name The name the kernel wants to refer to the variable as.
* @param i By default 0, in general the index to test in a vector of MooseVariable pointers.
* @return True if a coupled variable has the supplied name
virtual bool isCoupled(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int i = 0) const;
* Returns true if a variable passed as a coupled value is really a constant
* @param var_name The name the kernel wants to refer to the variable as.
* @return True if the variable is actually a constant
virtual bool isCoupledConstant(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Number of coupled components
* @param var_name Name of the variable
* @return number of components this variable has (usually 1)
unsigned int coupledComponents(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Names of the variable in the Coupleable interface
* @param var_name Name of the variable
* @param comp the component of the variable
* @return name the variable has been coupled as. For constants, returns the constant
VariableName coupledName(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Names of the variables in the Coupleable interface
* @param var_name Names of the variables
* @return names the variables have been coupled as
std::vector<VariableName> coupledNames(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns the index for a coupled variable by name
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Index of coupled variable, if this is an optionally coupled variable that wasn't
* provided this will return a unique "invalid" index.
virtual unsigned int coupled(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the indices for a coupled variable's components
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of the indices for all components of the coupled variable \p var_name.
std::vector<unsigned int> coupledIndices(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns value of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::_u
virtual const VariableValue & coupledValue(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the values for all of a coupled variable components
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledValues(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns the values for all of a coupled vector variable's components
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VectorVariableValue pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const VectorVariableValue *> coupledVectorValues(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns value of a coupled variable for use in templated automatic differentiation classes
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a GenericVariableValue for the coupled variable
template <bool is_ad>
const GenericVariableValue<is_ad> & coupledGenericValue(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the values for all of a coupled variable's components for use in templated automatic
* differentiation classes
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of GenericVariableValue pointers for each component of \p var_name
template <bool is_ad>
std::vector<const GenericVariableValue<is_ad> *>
coupledGenericValues(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns DOF value of a coupled variable for use in templated automatic differentiation classes
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a GenericVariableValue for the coupled variable
template <bool is_ad>
const GenericVariableValue<is_ad> & coupledGenericDofValue(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns time derivative of a coupled variable for use in templated automatic differentiation
* classes
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a GenericVariableValue for the coupled variable time derivative
template <bool is_ad>
const GenericVariableValue<is_ad> & coupledGenericDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the second time derivative of a coupled variable for use in templated automatic
* differentiation classes
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a GenericVariableValue for the coupled variable second time derivative
template <bool is_ad>
const GenericVariableValue<is_ad> & coupledGenericDotDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns value of a coupled lower-dimensional variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledValueLower(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns value of a coupled variable for use in Automatic Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a ADVariableValue for the coupled variable
const ADVariableValue & adCoupledValue(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the values for all of a coupled variable's components for use in Automatic
* Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of ADVariableValue pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const ADVariableValue *> adCoupledValues(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns value of a coupled lower-dimensional variable for use in Automatic Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a ADVariableValue for the coupled variable
const ADVariableValue & adCoupledLowerValue(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns value of a coupled vector variable for use in Automatic Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::value
const ADVectorVariableValue & adCoupledVectorValue(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the values for all of a coupled vector variable's components for use in
* Automatic Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of ADVariableValue pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const ADVectorVariableValue *>
adCoupledVectorValues(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns value of a coupled variable for a given tag
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled variable(s)
* @param tag vector tag ID
* @param index Index of the desired variable in the vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::_u
virtual const VariableValue &
coupledVectorTagValue(const std::string & var_names, TagID tag, unsigned int index = 0) const;
virtual const VariableValue & coupledVectorTagValue(const std::string & var_names,
const std::string & tag_name,
unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Returns the values for all the coupled variables desired for a given tag
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled variable(s)
* @param tag vector tag ID
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each variable in \p var_names
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledVectorTagValues(const std::string & var_names,
TagID tag) const;
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledVectorTagValues(const std::string & var_names,
const std::string & tag_name) const;
* Returns value of a coupled array variable for a given tag
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled array variable(s)
* @param tag vector tag ID
* @param index Index of the desired variable in the vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the coupled array variable
* @see Kernel::_u
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledVectorTagArrayValue(const std::string & var_names,
TagID tag,
unsigned int index = 0) const;
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledVectorTagArrayValue(const std::string & var_names,
const std::string & tag_name,
unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Returns the values for all the coupled variables desired for a given tag
* @param var_name Name of array coupled variable
* @param tag vector tag ID
* @return Vector of ArrayVariableValue pointers for each variable in \p var_names
std::vector<const ArrayVariableValue *> coupledVectorTagArrayValues(const std::string & var_names,
TagID tag) const;
std::vector<const ArrayVariableValue *>
coupledVectorTagArrayValues(const std::string & var_names, const std::string & tag_name) const;
* Returns gradient of a coupled variable for a given tag
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled variable(s)
* @param tag vector tag ID
* @param index Index of the desired variable in the vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableGradient containing the gradient of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::gradient
virtual const VariableGradient &
coupledVectorTagGradient(const std::string & var_names, TagID tag, unsigned int index = 0) const;
virtual const VariableGradient & coupledVectorTagGradient(const std::string & var_names,
const std::string & tag_name,
unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Returns gradients for all the coupled variables desired for a given tag
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled array variable(s)
* @param tag vector tag ID
* @return Vector of VariableGradient pointers for each variables in \p var_name
std::vector<const VariableGradient *> coupledVectorTagGradients(const std::string & var_names,
TagID tag) const;
std::vector<const VariableGradient *>
coupledVectorTagGradients(const std::string & var_names, const std::string & tag_name) const;
* Returns gradient of a coupled array variable for a given tag
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled array variable(s)
* @param tag vector tag ID
* @param index Index of the desired variable in the vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableGradient containing the gradient of the coupled array
* variable
* @see Kernel::gradient
virtual const ArrayVariableGradient & coupledVectorTagArrayGradient(const std::string & var_names,
TagID tag,
unsigned int index = 0) const;
virtual const ArrayVariableGradient & coupledVectorTagArrayGradient(const std::string & var_names,
const std::string & tag_name,
unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Returns gradients for all the coupled variables desired for a given tag
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled array variable(s)
* @param tag vector tag ID
* @return Vector of ArrayVariableGradient pointers for each variable in \p var_name
std::vector<const ArrayVariableGradient *>
coupledVectorTagArrayGradients(const std::string & var_names, TagID tag) const;
std::vector<const ArrayVariableGradient *>
coupledVectorTagArrayGradients(const std::string & var_names, const std::string & tag_name) const;
* Returns dof value of a coupled variable for a given tag
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled variable(s)
* @param tag vector tag ID
* @param index Index of the desired variable in the vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a DofValue for the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue &
coupledVectorTagDofValue(const std::string & var_name, TagID tag, unsigned int index = 0) const;
virtual const VariableValue & coupledVectorTagDofValue(const std::string & var_names,
const std::string & tag_name,
unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Returns evaluations of a tagged vector at the requested variable's degree of freedom indices
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param tag_name vector tag name
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableValue for the coupled variable
const ArrayVariableValue & coupledVectorTagArrayDofValue(const std::string & var_name,
const std::string & tag_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the dof values for all the coupled variables desired for a given tag
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled variable(s)
* @param tag vector tag ID
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each variable in \p var_name
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledVectorTagDofValues(const std::string & var_names,
TagID tag) const;
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledVectorTagDofValues(const std::string & var_names,
const std::string & tag_name) const;
* Returns value of a coupled variable for a given tag. This couples the diag vector of matrix
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled variable(s)
* @param tag matrix tag ID
* @param index Index of the desired variable in the vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::_u
virtual const VariableValue &
coupledMatrixTagValue(const std::string & var_names, TagID tag, unsigned int index = 0) const;
virtual const VariableValue & coupledMatrixTagValue(const std::string & var_names,
const std::string & tag_name,
unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Returns the diagonal matrix values for all the coupled variables desired for a given tag
* @param var_names Name(s) of coupled variable(s)
* @param tag matrix tag ID
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each variable in \p var_name
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledMatrixTagValues(const std::string & var_names,
TagID tag) const;
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledMatrixTagValues(const std::string & var_names,
const std::string & tag_name) const;
* Returns value of a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableValue for the coupled vector variable
* @see VectorKernel::_u
virtual const VectorVariableValue & coupledVectorValue(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns value of a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableValue for the coupled vector variable
* @see ArrayKernel::_u
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledArrayValue(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the values for all of a coupled array variable's components
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @return Vector of ArrayVariableValue pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const ArrayVariableValue *> coupledArrayValues(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns a *writable* MooseVariable object for a nodal or elemental variable. Use
* var.setNodalValue(val[, idx]) in both cases (!) to set the solution DOF values. Only one
* object can obtain a writable reference in a simulation. Note that the written values will
* not ba available in the same system loop! E.g. values written using this API by a nodal
* AuxKernel will not be updated for other nodal AuxKernels during the same iteration over all
* nodes.
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a MooseWritableVariable for the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::value
MooseWritableVariable & writableVariable(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0);
* Returns a *writable* reference to a coupled variable for writing to multiple
* AuxVariables from a single AuxKernel or a UserObject. Only one object can obtain
* a writable reference in a simulation.
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::value
virtual VariableValue & writableCoupledValue(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0);
* Checks that the passed in variable is only accessed writable by one object in a given subdomain
void checkWritableVar(MooseWritableVariable * var);
* Returns an old value from previous time step of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the old value of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::valueOld
virtual const VariableValue & coupledValueOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the old values for all of a coupled variable's components
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledValuesOld(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns an old value from two time steps previous of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the older value of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::valueOlder
virtual const VariableValue & coupledValueOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the older values for all of a coupled variable's components
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledValuesOlder(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns value of previous Newton iterate of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the older value of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledValuePreviousNL(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old value from previous time step of a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableValue containing the old value of the coupled variable
* @see VectorKernel::_u_old
virtual const VectorVariableValue & coupledVectorValueOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old value from two time steps previous of a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableValue containing the older value of the coupled variable
* @see VectorKernel::_u_older
virtual const VectorVariableValue & coupledVectorValueOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old value from previous time step of a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableValue containing the old value of the coupled variable
* @see ArrayKernel::_u_old
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledArrayValueOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old value from two time steps previous of a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableValue containing the older value of the coupled variable
* @see ArrayKernel::_u_older
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledArrayValueOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns gradient of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableGradient containing the gradient of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::gradient
virtual const VariableGradient & coupledGradient(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the gradients for all of a coupled variable's components
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableGradient pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const VariableGradient *> coupledGradients(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns gradient of a coupled variable for use in Automatic Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to an ADVariableGradient containing the gradient of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::gradient
const ADVariableGradient & adCoupledGradient(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns gradient of a coupled variable's time derivative for use in Automatic Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to an ADVariableGradient containing the gradient of the coupled variable's
* time derivative
const ADVariableGradient & adCoupledGradientDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the gradients for all of a coupled variable's components for use in Automatic
* Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of ADVariableGradient pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const ADVariableGradient *> adCoupledGradients(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns gradient of a coupled variable for use in templated automatic differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableGradient containing the gradient of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::gradient
template <bool is_ad>
const GenericVariableGradient<is_ad> & coupledGenericGradient(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the gradients for all of a coupled variable's components for use in templated automatic
* differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableGradient pointers for each component of \p var_name
template <bool is_ad>
std::vector<const GenericVariableGradient<is_ad> *>
coupledGenericGradients(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns gradient of a coupled vector variable for use in Automatic Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableGradient containing the gradient of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::gradient
const ADVectorVariableGradient & adCoupledVectorGradient(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns second derivatives of a coupled variable for use in Automatic Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableSecond containing the second derivatives of the coupled variable
const ADVariableSecond & adCoupledSecond(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns second derivatives of a coupled vector variable for use in Automatic Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableSecond containing the second derivatives of the coupled
* variable
const ADVectorVariableSecond & adCoupledVectorSecond(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old gradient from previous time step of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableGradient containing the old gradient of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::gradientOld
virtual const VariableGradient & coupledGradientOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the old gradients for all of a coupled variable's components
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableGradient pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const VariableGradient *> coupledGradientsOld(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns an old gradient from two time steps previous of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableGradient containing the older gradient of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::gradientOlder
virtual const VariableGradient & coupledGradientOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns gradient of a coupled variable for previous Newton iterate
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableGradient containing the gradient of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableGradient & coupledGradientPreviousNL(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Time derivative of the gradient of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableGradient containing the time derivative of the gradient of a
* coupled variable
virtual const VariableGradient & coupledGradientDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Second time derivative of the gradient of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableGradient containing the time derivative of the gradient of a
* coupled variable
virtual const VariableGradient & coupledGradientDotDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns gradient of a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableGradient containing the gradient of the coupled vector
* variable
virtual const VectorVariableGradient & coupledVectorGradient(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old gradient from previous time step of a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableGradient containing the old gradient of the coupled vector
* variable
virtual const VectorVariableGradient & coupledVectorGradientOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old gradient from two time steps previous of a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableGradient containing the older gradient of the coupled
* vector variable
virtual const VectorVariableGradient & coupledVectorGradientOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns gradient of a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableGradient containing the gradient of the coupled array
* variable
virtual const ArrayVariableGradient & coupledArrayGradient(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old gradient from previous time step of a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableGradient containing the old gradient of the coupled array
* variable
virtual const ArrayVariableGradient & coupledArrayGradientOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old gradient from two time steps previous of a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableGradient containing the older gradient of the coupled
* array variable
virtual const ArrayVariableGradient & coupledArrayGradientOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Retun a gradient of a coupled array variable's time derivative
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableGradient containing the gradient of the time derivative
* the coupled array variable
virtual const ArrayVariableGradient & coupledArrayGradientDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns curl of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableCurl containing the curl of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::_curl_u
virtual const VectorVariableCurl & coupledCurl(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old curl from previous time step of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableCurl containing the old curl of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::_curl_u_old
virtual const VectorVariableCurl & coupledCurlOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old curl from two time steps previous of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableCurl containing the older curl of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::_curl_u_older
virtual const VectorVariableCurl & coupledCurlOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns divergence of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableDivergence containing the divergence of the coupled
* variable
* @see Kernel::_div_u
virtual const VectorVariableDivergence & coupledDiv(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old divergence from previous time step of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableDivergence containing the old divergence of the coupled
* variable
* @see Kernel::_div_u_old
virtual const VectorVariableDivergence & coupledDivOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old divergence from two time steps previous of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableDivergence containing the older divergence of the coupled
* variable
* @see Kernel::_div_u_older
virtual const VectorVariableDivergence & coupledDivOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns second spatial derivatives of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableSecond containing the second derivative of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::second
virtual const VariableSecond & coupledSecond(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old second spatial derivatives from previous time step of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableSecond containing the old second derivative of the coupled
* variable
* @see Kernel::secondOld
virtual const VariableSecond & coupledSecondOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old second derivative from two time steps previous of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableSecond containing the older second derivative of the coupled
* variable
* @see Kernel::secondOlder
virtual const VariableSecond & coupledSecondOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns second derivative of a coupled variable for the previous Newton iterate
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableSecond containing the second derivative of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableSecond & coupledSecondPreviousNL(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Time derivative of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the time derivatives for all of a coupled variable's components
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledDots(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Second time derivative of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the second time derivative of the coupled
* variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDotDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Old time derivative of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the old time derivative of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDotOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Old second time derivative of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the old second time derivative of the coupled
* variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDotDotOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Time derivative of a coupled variable for ad simulations
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled variable
* @see Kernel::dot
const ADVariableValue & adCoupledDot(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns the time derivatives for all of a coupled variable's components for ad simulations
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each component of \p var_name
std::vector<const ADVariableValue *> adCoupledDots(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Second time derivative of a coupled variable for ad simulations
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to an ADVariableValue containing the second time derivative of the coupled
* variable
const ADVariableValue & adCoupledDotDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Time derivative of a vector coupled variable for ad simulations
* @param var_name Name of vector coupled variable
* @param comp Component number
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* variable
* @see Kernel::dot
const ADVectorVariableValue & adCoupledVectorDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Time derivative of a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* variable
virtual const VectorVariableValue & coupledVectorDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Second time derivative of a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* variable
virtual const VectorVariableValue & coupledVectorDotDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Old time derivative of a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* variable
virtual const VectorVariableValue & coupledVectorDotOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Old second time derivative of a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VectorVariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* variable
virtual const VectorVariableValue & coupledVectorDotDotOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Time derivative of a coupled vector variable with respect to the coefficients
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* vector variable with respect to the coefficients
virtual const VariableValue & coupledVectorDotDu(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Second time derivative of a coupled vector variable with respect to the coefficients
* @param var_name Name of coupled vector variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled vector variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled vector
* variable with respect to the coefficients
virtual const VariableValue & coupledVectorDotDotDu(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Time derivative of a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* variable
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledArrayDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Second time derivative of a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* variable
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledArrayDotDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Old time derivative of a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* variable
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledArrayDotOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Old second time derivative of a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* variable
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledArrayDotDotOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Time derivative of a coupled variable with respect to the coefficients
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled variable
* with respect to the coefficients
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDotDu(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Second time derivative of a coupled variable with respect to the coefficients
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled variable
* with respect to the coefficients
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDotDotDu(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Time derivative of a coupled array variable with respect to the coefficients
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a ArrayVariableValue containing the time derivative of the coupled
* variable
const VariableValue & coupledArrayDotDu(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns nodal values of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the coupled variable
template <typename T>
const T & coupledNodalValue(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns AD nodal values of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the coupled variable
template <typename T>
const typename Moose::ADType<T>::type & adCoupledNodalValue(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old nodal value from previous time step of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the old value of the coupled variable
template <typename T>
const T & coupledNodalValueOld(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns an old nodal value from two time steps previous of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the older value of the coupled variable
template <typename T>
const T & coupledNodalValueOlder(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns nodal values of a coupled variable for previous Newton iterate
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the coupled variable
template <typename T>
const T & coupledNodalValuePreviousNL(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Nodal values of time derivative of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the nodal values of time derivative of the
* coupled variable
template <typename T>
const T & coupledNodalDot(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Nodal values of second time derivative of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the nodal values of second time derivative of
* the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledNodalDotDot(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Nodal values of old time derivative of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the nodal values of time derivative of the
* coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledNodalDotOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Nodal values of old second time derivative of a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue containing the nodal values of second time derivative of
* the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledNodalDotDotOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
// coupled-dof-values-begin
* Returns DoFs in the current solution vector of a coupled variable for the local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the DoFs of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDofValues(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns DoFs in the current solution vector of all of a coupled variable's components for the
* local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each component of the coupled variable
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledAllDofValues(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns DoFs in the old solution vector of a coupled variable for the local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the old DoFs of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDofValuesOld(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns DoFs in the old solution vector of all of a coupled variable's components for the local
* element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each compontnet of the coupled variable
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledAllDofValuesOld(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns DoFs in the older solution vector of a coupled variable for the local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the older DoFs of the coupled variable
virtual const VariableValue & coupledDofValuesOlder(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Returns DoFs in the older solution vector of all of a coupled variable's components for the
* local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @return Vector of VariableValue pointers for each component of the coupled variable
std::vector<const VariableValue *> coupledAllDofValuesOlder(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Returns DoFs in the current solution vector of a coupled array variable for the local element
* @param var_name Name of coupled array variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled array variables
* @return Reference to a VariableValue for the DoFs of the coupled variable
virtual const ArrayVariableValue & coupledArrayDofValues(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
// coupled-dof-values-end
* Returns DOF value of a coupled variable for use in Automatic Differentiation
* @param var_name Name of coupled variable
* @param comp Component number for vector of coupled variables
* @return Reference to an ADVariableValue for the DoFs of the coupled variable
virtual const ADVariableValue & adCoupledDofValues(const std::string & var_name,
unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* method that returns _zero to RESIDUAL computing objects and _ad_zero to JACOBIAN
* computing objects
const ADVariableValue & adZeroValue() const;
* method that returns _grad_zero to RESIDUAL computing objects and _ad_grad_zero to
* JACOBIAN computing objects
const ADVariableGradient & adZeroGradient() const;
* Retrieve a zero second for automatic differentiation
const ADVariableSecond & adZeroSecond() const;
* Returns zero value templated with automatic differentiation boolean
* @return Reference to a const GenericVariableValue
template <bool is_ad>
const GenericVariableValue<is_ad> & genericZeroValue();
* Returns zero gradient templated with automatic differentiation boolean
* @return Reference to a const GenericVariableValue
template <bool is_ad>
const GenericVariableGradient<is_ad> & genericZeroGradient();
* Returns zero second derivative templated with automatic differentiation boolean
* @return Reference to a const GenericVariableValue
template <bool is_ad>
const GenericVariableSecond<is_ad> & genericZeroSecond();
// Reference to the interface's input parameters
const InputParameters & _c_parameters;
/// The name of the object this interface is part of
const std::string & _c_name;
/// The type of the object this interface is part of
const std::string & _c_type;
// Reference to FEProblemBase
FEProblemBase & _c_fe_problem;
/// Pointer to the system object if the moose object this is an interface for has one
const SystemBase * const _c_sys;
/// Coupled vars whose values we provide
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<MooseVariableFieldBase *>> _coupled_vars;
/// Vector of all coupled variables
std::vector<MooseVariableFieldBase *> _coupled_moose_vars;
/// Vector of standard coupled variables
std::vector<MooseVariable *> _coupled_standard_moose_vars;
/// Vector of vector coupled variables
std::vector<VectorMooseVariable *> _coupled_vector_moose_vars;
/// Vector of array coupled variables
std::vector<ArrayMooseVariable *> _coupled_array_moose_vars;
/// Vector of standard finite volume coupled variables
std::vector<MooseVariableFV<Real> *> _coupled_standard_fv_moose_vars;
/// Vector of standard linear finite volume coupled variables
std::vector<MooseLinearVariableFV<Real> *> _coupled_standard_linear_fv_moose_vars;
/// map from new to deprecated variable names
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> & _new_to_deprecated_coupled_vars;
/// True if we provide coupling to nodal values
bool _c_nodal;
/// True if implicit value is required
bool _c_is_implicit;
// Argument to allow element-to-nodal coupling
const bool _c_allow_element_to_nodal_coupling;
/// Thread ID of the thread using this object
THREAD_ID _c_tid;
/// Will hold the default value for optional coupled variables.
mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<VariableValue>>>
/// Will hold the default value for optional coupled variables for automatic differentiation.
mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<MooseArray<ADReal>>> _ad_default_value;
/// Will hold the default value for optional vector coupled variables.
mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<VectorVariableValue>>
/// Will hold the default value for optional array coupled variables.
mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<ArrayVariableValue>> _default_array_value;
/// Will hold the default value for optional vector coupled variables for automatic differentiation.
mutable std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<MooseArray<ADRealVectorValue>>>
* This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always
* constant and this is used for time derivative info
mutable VariableValue _default_value_zero;
/// This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always constant
mutable VariableGradient _default_gradient;
/// This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always constant
mutable MooseArray<ADRealVectorValue> _ad_default_gradient;
/// This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled vector variables is always constant
mutable MooseArray<ADRealTensorValue> _ad_default_vector_gradient;
/// This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always constant
mutable VariableSecond _default_second;
/// This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always constant
mutable MooseArray<ADRealTensorValue> _ad_default_second;
/// Zero value of a variable
const VariableValue & _zero;
const VariablePhiValue & _phi_zero;
const MooseArray<ADReal> & _ad_zero;
/// Zero gradient of a variable
const VariableGradient & _grad_zero;
const MooseArray<ADRealVectorValue> & _ad_grad_zero;
/// Zero gradient of trial function
const VariablePhiGradient & _grad_phi_zero;
/// Zero second derivative of a variable
const VariableSecond & _second_zero;
const MooseArray<ADRealTensorValue> & _ad_second_zero;
/// Zero second derivative of a test function
const VariablePhiSecond & _second_phi_zero;
/// Zero value of a vector variable
const VectorVariableValue & _vector_zero;
/// Zero value of the curl of a vector variable
const VectorVariableCurl & _vector_curl_zero;
* This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always
* constant and this is used for time derivative info
mutable VectorVariableValue _default_vector_value_zero;
/// This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always constant
mutable VectorVariableGradient _default_vector_gradient;
/// This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always constant
mutable VectorVariableCurl _default_vector_curl;
/// This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always constant
mutable VectorVariableDivergence _default_div;
* This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always
* constant and this is used for time derivative info
ArrayVariableValue _default_array_value_zero;
/// This will always be zero because the default values for optionally coupled variables is always constant
ArrayVariableGradient _default_array_gradient;
* Check that the right kind of variable is being coupled in
* @param var_name The name of the coupled variable
checkVar(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0, unsigned int comp_bound = 0) const;
* Generic helper method to get vector tag values based on tag ID
template <typename T>
const typename OutputTools<T>::VariableValue &
vectorTagValueHelper(const std::string & var_names, TagID tag, unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Generic helper method to get vector tag values based on tag name
template <typename T>
const typename OutputTools<T>::VariableValue & vectorTagValueHelper(const std::string & var_names,
const std::string & tag_name,
unsigned int index = 0) const;
* Generic helper method to get vector tag degree of freedom values based on tag ID
template <typename T>
const typename OutputTools<T>::VariableValue &
vectorTagDofValueHelper(const std::string & var_name, TagID tag, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Generic helper method to get vector tag degree of freedom values based on tag name
template <typename T>
const typename OutputTools<T>::VariableValue & vectorTagDofValueHelper(
const std::string & var_name, const std::string & tag_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
* Method that may request additional solution states from the variable's system depending on the
* value of \p tag_name. E.g. if the tag name corresponds to old or older variable solution
* values, then we must request more states
template <typename T>
requestStates(const std::string & var_name, const TagName & tag_name, const unsigned int comp);
enum class FuncAge
enum class VarType
void checkFuncType(const std::string var_name, VarType t, FuncAge age) const;
* Deprecated method. Use \p getFieldVar instead
* Extract pointer to a base coupled field variable. Could be either a finite volume or finite
* element variable
* @param var_name Name of parameter desired
* @param comp Component number of multiple coupled variables
* @return Pointer to the desired variable
const MooseVariableFieldBase * getFEVar(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp) const;
* Extract pointer to a base coupled field variable. Could be either a finite volume or finite
* element variable
* @param var_name Name of parameter desired
* @param comp Component number of multiple coupled variables
* @return Pointer to the desired variable
const MooseVariableFieldBase * getFieldVar(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp) const;
* Extract pointer to a base coupled field variable. Could be either a finite volume or finite
* element variable
* @param var_name Name of variable desired
* @param comp Component number of multiple coupled variables
* @return Pointer to the desired variable
MooseVariableFieldBase * getFieldVar(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp);
* Helper that that be used to retrieve a variable of arbitrary type \p T
template <typename T>
const T * getVarHelper(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp) const;
* Helper that can be used to retrieve a variable of arbitrary type \p T
template <typename T>
T * getVarHelper(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp);
* Extract pointer to a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of parameter desired
* @param comp Component number of multiple coupled variables
* @return Pointer to the desired variable
MooseVariable * getVar(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp);
* Extract pointer to a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of parameter desired
* @param comp Component number of multiple coupled variables
* @return Pointer to the desired variable
VectorMooseVariable * getVectorVar(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp);
* Extract pointer to a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of parameter desired
* @param comp Component number of multiple coupled variables
* @return Pointer to the desired variable
ArrayMooseVariable * getArrayVar(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp);
* Extract pointer to a coupled variable
* @param var_name Name of parameter desired
* @param comp Component number of multiple coupled variables
* @return Pointer to the desired variable
const MooseVariable * getVar(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp) const;
* Extract pointer to a coupled vector variable
* @param var_name Name of parameter desired
* @param comp Component number of multiple coupled variables
* @return Pointer to the desired variable
const VectorMooseVariable * getVectorVar(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp) const;
* Extract pointer to a coupled array variable
* @param var_name Name of parameter desired
* @param comp Component number of multiple coupled variables
* @return Pointer to the desired variable
const ArrayMooseVariable * getArrayVar(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp) const;
* Checks to make sure that the current Executioner has set "_is_transient" when old/older values
* are coupled in.
* @param name the name of the variable
* @param fn_name The name of the function that called this method - used in the error message
void validateExecutionerType(const std::string & name, const std::string & fn_name) const;
template <typename T, typename Func>
std::vector<T> coupledVectorHelper(const std::string & var_name, const Func & func) const
const auto components = coupledComponents(var_name);
std::vector<T> vals(components);
for (MooseIndex(components) comp = 0; comp < components; ++comp)
vals[comp] = func(comp);
return vals;
/// Whether or not this object is a "neighbor" object: ie all of it's coupled values should be neighbor values
bool _coupleable_neighbor;
* Helper method to return (and insert if necessary) the default value for Automatic
* Differentiation for an uncoupled variable.
* @param var_name the name of the variable for which to retrieve a default value
* @return VariableValue * a pointer to the associated VariableValue.
const ADVariableValue * getADDefaultValue(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Helper method to return (and insert if necessary) the default vector value for Automatic
* Differentiation for an uncoupled variable.
* @param var_name the name of the vector variable for which to retrieve a default value
* @return VectorVariableValue * a pointer to the associated VectorVariableValue.
const ADVectorVariableValue * getADDefaultVectorValue(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Helper method to return (and insert if necessary) the default gradient for Automatic
* Differentiation for an uncoupled variable.
* @param var_name the name of the variable for which to retrieve a default gradient
* @return VariableGradient * a pointer to the associated VariableGradient.
const ADVariableGradient & getADDefaultGradient() const;
* Helper method to return (and insert if necessary) the default gradient for Automatic
* Differentiation for an uncoupled vector variable.
* @param var_name the name of the vector variable for which to retrieve a default gradient
* @return VariableGradient * a pointer to the associated VectorVariableGradient.
const ADVectorVariableGradient & getADDefaultVectorGradient() const;
* Helper method to return (and insert if necessary) the default second derivatives for Automatic
* Differentiation for an uncoupled variable.
* @param var_name the name of the variable for which to retrieve a default second derivative
* @return VariableSecond * a pointer to the associated VariableSecond.
const ADVariableSecond & getADDefaultSecond() const;
* Helper method to return (and insert if necessary) the default value
* for an uncoupled variable.
* @param var_name the name of the variable for which to retrieve a default value
* @return a pointer to the associated VariableValue.
const VariableValue * getDefaultValue(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp) const;
* Helper method to return (and insert if necessary) the default value
* for an uncoupled vector variable.
* @param var_name the name of the vector variable for which to retrieve a default value
* @return a pointer to the associated VectorVariableValue.
const VectorVariableValue * getDefaultVectorValue(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Helper method to return (and insert if necessary) the default value
* for an uncoupled array variable.
* @param var_name the name of the vector variable for which to retrieve a default value
* @return a pointer to the associated VectorVariableValue.
const ArrayVariableValue * getDefaultArrayValue(const std::string & var_name) const;
* Get nodal default value
template <typename T>
const T & getDefaultNodalValue(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp = 0) const;
template <typename T>
const Moose::Functor<T> & getDefaultFunctor(const std::string & var_name) const;
/// Maximum qps for any element in this system
unsigned int _coupleable_max_qps;
/// Unique indices for optionally coupled vars that weren't provided
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<unsigned int>> _optional_var_index;
/// Scalar variables coupled into this object (for error checking)
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<MooseVariableScalar *>> _c_coupled_scalar_vars;
std::set<TagID> _fe_coupleable_vector_tags;
std::set<TagID> _fe_coupleable_matrix_tags;
/// Whether the MooseObject is a finite volume object
const bool _is_fv;
const MooseObject * const _obj;
/// vector tag names for which we need to request older solution states from the system
const std::set<std::string> _older_state_tags = {Moose::OLD_SOLUTION_TAG,
/// keep a set of allocated writable variable references to make sure only one object can obtain them per thread
std::vector<std::set<MooseWritableVariable *>> _writable_coupled_variables;
template <typename T>
T *
Coupleable::getVarHelper(const std::string & var_name_in, unsigned int comp)
const auto var_name = _c_parameters.checkForRename(var_name_in);
auto name_to_use = var_name;
// First check for supplied name
if (!checkVar(var_name, comp, 0))
// See if there is an associated deprecated name that the user may have used instead
auto it = _new_to_deprecated_coupled_vars.find(var_name);
if (it == _new_to_deprecated_coupled_vars.end())
return nullptr;
auto deprecated_name = it->second;
if (checkVar(deprecated_name, comp, 0))
name_to_use = deprecated_name;
return nullptr;
auto coupled_vars_it = _coupled_vars.find(name_to_use);
mooseAssert(coupled_vars_it != _coupled_vars.end(),
"Trying to get a coupled var " << name_to_use << " that doesn't exist");
if (auto coupled_var = dynamic_cast<T *>(coupled_vars_it->second[comp]))
return coupled_var;
for (auto & var : _coupled_standard_moose_vars)
if (var->name() == name_to_use)
mooseError("The named variable is a standard variable, try a "
"'coupled[Value/Gradient/Dot/etc]...' function instead");
for (auto & var : _coupled_vector_moose_vars)
if (var->name() == name_to_use)
mooseError("The named variable is a vector variable, try a "
"'coupledVector[Value/Gradient/Dot/etc]...' function instead");
for (auto & var : _coupled_array_moose_vars)
if (var->name() == name_to_use)
mooseError("The named variable is an array variable, try a "
"'coupledArray[Value/Gradient/Dot/etc]...' function instead");
for (auto & var : _coupled_standard_fv_moose_vars)
if (var->name() == name_to_use)
mooseError("The named variable is a finite volume variable, which the coupled[...] routine "
"used does not support. Try using the functor system routines instead.");
"Variable '", name_to_use, "' is of a different C++ type than you tried to fetch it as.");
template <typename T>
const T *
Coupleable::getVarHelper(const std::string & var_name, unsigned int comp) const
return const_cast<Coupleable *>(this)->getVarHelper<T>(var_name, comp);