
This class implements the same physics as MatDiffusion (see note) but with a hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) discretization. For more information on HDG for a Poisson problem, please see (Cockburn et al., 2008). The weak forms implemented are a slight variation on the cited work in order to make them directly usable in downstream physics such as Navier-Stokes.

(q,v)Ωh+(u,v)Ωhu^,nvΩh=0(Dq,ω)ΩhDqn,ωΩh+τ(uu^nn),ωΩh=(f,ω)ΩhDqn,μΩh+τ(uu^)nn,μΩh=DqN,μΩN(\vec{q}, \vec{v})_{\Omega_h} + (u, \nabla \cdot \vec{v})_{\Omega_h} - \langle \hat{u}, \vec{n}\cdot\vec{v}\rangle_{\partial\Omega_h} = 0\\ (D\vec{q}, \nabla\omega)_{\Omega_h} - \langle D\vec{q}\cdot\vec{n}, \omega\rangle_{\partial\Omega_h} + \langle \tau(u - \hat{u}\vec{n}\cdot\vec{n}), \omega\rangle_{\partial\Omega_h} = (f, \omega)_{\Omega_h}\\ -\langle D\vec{q}\cdot\vec{n}, \mu\rangle_{\partial\Omega_h} + \langle \tau(u - \hat{u})\vec{n}\cdot\vec{n}, \mu\rangle_{\partial\Omega_h} = -\langle Dq_N, \mu\rangle_{\partial\Omega_N}

where q\vec{q} is the gradient field, v\vec{v} are its associated test functions, uu is the scalar field, ω\omega are its associated test functions, u^\hat{u} is the trace of the scalar field (lives on the mesh skeleton), μ\mu are its associated test functions, τ\tau is a stabilization parameter, ff is a forcing function, DD is the diffusivity coefficient, and qNq_N represents a prescribed gradient on a Neumann boundary, ΩN\partial\Omega_N. As indicated by the test functions, the first equation is the equation for the variable q\vec{q}, the second is for the variable uu, and the third is for the trace or Lagrange multiplier variable u^\hat{u}.

q\vec{q} (the gradient) and uu (the values) are referred to as the primal variables. $\hat{u} is often referred to as the dual variable. Its equation is the only one that requires the use of a linear solver. For more information on HDG solves, see the HDGKernels page.

ff the forcing function can be used for method of manufactured solutions studies, or as a source term for the diffused quantity.


Unlike MatDiffusion, the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on nonlinear variables is not captured in the construction of the Jacobian.

Input Parameters

  • diffusivityThe diffusivity

    C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The diffusivity

  • face_uThe concentration of the diffusing specie on faces

    C++ Type:NonlinearVariableName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The concentration of the diffusing specie on faces

  • grad_uThe gradient of the diffusing specie concentration

    C++ Type:AuxVariableName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The gradient of the diffusing specie concentration

  • uThe diffusing specie concentration

    C++ Type:AuxVariableName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The diffusing specie concentration

  • variableThe name of the variable that this residual object operates on

    C++ Type:NonlinearVariableName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The name of the variable that this residual object operates on

Required Parameters

  • blockThe list of blocks (ids or names) that this object will be applied

    C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The list of blocks (ids or names) that this object will be applied

  • displacementsThe displacements

    C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The displacements

  • prop_getter_suffixAn optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.

    C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:An optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.

  • source0Source for the diffusing species. A functor is any of the following: a variable, a functor material property, a function, a post-processor, or a number.


    C++ Type:MooseFunctorName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Source for the diffusing species. A functor is any of the following: a variable, a functor material property, a function, a post-processor, or a number.

  • tau1The stabilization coefficient required for discontinuous Galerkin schemes. This may be set to 0 for a mixed method with Raviart-Thomas.


    C++ Type:double

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The stabilization coefficient required for discontinuous Galerkin schemes. This may be set to 0 for a mixed method with Raviart-Thomas.

  • use_interpolated_stateFalseFor the old and older state use projected material properties interpolated at the quadrature points. To set up projection use the ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:For the old and older state use projected material properties interpolated at the quadrature points. To set up projection use the ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.

Optional Parameters

  • absolute_value_vector_tagsThe tags for the vectors this residual object should fill with the absolute value of the residual contribution

    C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The tags for the vectors this residual object should fill with the absolute value of the residual contribution

  • extra_matrix_tagsThe extra tags for the matrices this Kernel should fill

    C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The extra tags for the matrices this Kernel should fill

  • extra_vector_tagsThe extra tags for the vectors this Kernel should fill

    C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The extra tags for the vectors this Kernel should fill

  • matrix_tagssystemThe tag for the matrices this Kernel should fill


    C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:nontime, system


    Description:The tag for the matrices this Kernel should fill

  • vector_tagsnontimeThe tag for the vectors this Kernel should fill


    C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)

    Options:nontime, time


    Description:The tag for the vectors this Kernel should fill

Tagging Parameters

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

  • implicitTrueDetermines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Determines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form

  • seed0The seed for the master random number generator


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The seed for the master random number generator

  • use_displaced_meshFalseWhether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.

Advanced Parameters


  1. Bernardo Cockburn, Bo Dong, and Johnny Guzmán. A superconvergent ldg-hybridizable galerkin method for second-order elliptic problems. Mathematics of Computation, 77(264):1887–1916, 2008.[BibTeX]