
Fluid properties for brine

A high-precision and consistent formulation for fluid properties for binary salt (NaCl) and water mixtures at pressures and temperatures of interest.

Density, enthalpy, internal energy and specific heat capacity are calculated using the formulations provided in Driesner and Heinrich (2007) and Driesner (2007).

Viscosity and thermal conductivity of brine are calculated using the formulation of Phillips et al. (1981).

Brine vapor pressure is calculated using the formulation presented in Haas Jr (1976).

Solubility of solid salt (halite) in water is given by Potter et al. (1977).

By default, the BrineFluidProperties UserObject uses the Water97FluidProperties and NaClFluidProperties which are constructed internally, so do not have to be supplied by the user.

The BrineFluidProperties UserObject takes an optional parameter water_fp which can be used to pass a specific water formulation. This allows the user to use a tabulated version of the water properties (using TabulatedFluidProperties), which can significantly speed up the calculation of brine properties.

Range of validity

The BrineFluidProperties UserObject is valid for:

  • 273.15 K T 1273.15 K,

  • 0.1 MPa p 500 MPa,

  • 0 x 1

Input Parameters

  • execute_onTIMESTEP_ENDThe list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed. For a description of each flag, see


    C++ Type:ExecFlagEnum

    Unit:(no unit assumed)



    Description:The list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed. For a description of each flag, see

  • prop_getter_suffixAn optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.

    C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:An optional suffix parameter that can be appended to any attempt to retrieve/get material properties. The suffix will be prepended with a '_' character.

  • use_interpolated_stateFalseFor the old and older state use projected material properties interpolated at the quadrature points. To set up projection use the ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:For the old and older state use projected material properties interpolated at the quadrature points. To set up projection use the ProjectedStatefulMaterialStorageAction.

  • water_fpThe name of the FluidProperties UserObject for water

    C++ Type:UserObjectName

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:The name of the FluidProperties UserObject for water

Optional Parameters

  • allow_duplicate_execution_on_initialFalseIn the case where this UserObject is depended upon by an initial condition, allow it to be executed twice during the initial setup (once before the IC and again after mesh adaptivity (if applicable).


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:In the case where this UserObject is depended upon by an initial condition, allow it to be executed twice during the initial setup (once before the IC and again after mesh adaptivity (if applicable).

  • allow_imperfect_jacobiansFalsetrue to allow unimplemented property derivative terms to be set to zero for the AD API


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:true to allow unimplemented property derivative terms to be set to zero for the AD API

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

  • execution_order_group0Execution order groups are executed in increasing order (e.g., the lowest number is executed first). Note that negative group numbers may be used to execute groups before the default (0) group. Please refer to the user object documentation for ordering of user object execution within a group.


    C++ Type:int

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Execution order groups are executed in increasing order (e.g., the lowest number is executed first). Note that negative group numbers may be used to execute groups before the default (0) group. Please refer to the user object documentation for ordering of user object execution within a group.

  • force_postauxFalseForces the UserObject to be executed in POSTAUX


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Forces the UserObject to be executed in POSTAUX

  • force_preauxFalseForces the UserObject to be executed in PREAUX


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Forces the UserObject to be executed in PREAUX

  • force_preicFalseForces the UserObject to be executed in PREIC during initial setup


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Forces the UserObject to be executed in PREIC during initial setup

  • fp_typeunspecified-typeType of the fluid property object


    C++ Type:FPType

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Type of the fluid property object

  • use_displaced_meshFalseWhether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.


    C++ Type:bool

    Unit:(no unit assumed)


    Description:Whether or not this object should use the displaced mesh for computation. Note that in the case this is true but no displacements are provided in the Mesh block the undisplaced mesh will still be used.

Advanced Parameters


  1. T. Driesner. The system H$_2$O-NaCl. Part II: Correlations for molar volume, enthalpy, and isobaric heat capacity from 0 to 1000 C, 1 to 5000 bar, and 0 to 1 X$_NaCl$. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71:4902–4919, 2007.[BibTeX]
  2. T. Driesner and C. A. Heinrich. The system H$_2$O-NaCl. Part I: Correlation formulae for phase relations in temperature-pressure-composition space from 0 to 1000 C, 0 to 5000 bar, and 0 to 1 X$_NaCl$. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71:4880–4901, 2007.[BibTeX]
  3. J. L. Haas Jr. Physical properties of the coexisting phases and thermochemical properties of the H$_2$O component in boiling NaCl solutions. Technical Report USGS Bulletin 1421-A, United States Geological Survey, 1976.[BibTeX]
  4. S. L. Phillips, A. Igbene, J. A. Fair, H. Ozbek, and M. Tavana. A technical databook for geothermal energy utilization. Technical Report LBL-12810, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley CA, USA, 1981.[BibTeX]
  5. R. W. Potter, R. S. Babcock, and D. L. Brown. A new method for determining the solubility of salts in aqueous solutions at elevated temperatures. J. Res. US Geol. Surv., 5:389–395, 1977.[BibTeX]