- displacementsThe displacement variables
C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The displacement variables
- scalar_out_of_plane_strainScalar variable for the out-of-plane strain (in y direction for 1D Axisymmetric or in z direction for 2D Cartesian problems)
C++ Type:VariableName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Scalar variable for the out-of-plane strain (in y direction for 1D Axisymmetric or in z direction for 2D Cartesian problems)
Generalized Plane Strain Action
This action simplifies the input file syntax for creating a generalized plane strain model. It creates the following MOOSE objects (i.e. Kernel, ScalarKernel and UserObject) related to the out-of-plane scalar variable.
Generalized Plane Strain Off-diagonal Kernel: in-plane displacement variables and scalar out-of-plane strain coupling
Generalized Plane Strain ScalarKernel: out-of-plane equilibrium condition
Generalized Plane Strain UserObject: residual and diagonal Jacobian calculation for scalar out-of-plane strain variable
Generalized Plane Strain and Reference Residual
Generalized plane strain problems may use ReferenceResidualProblem
. In this case, a reference scalar variable is needed to correspond with the scalar strain variable.
type = ReferenceResidualProblem
extra_tag_vectors = 'ref'
reference_vector = 'ref'
(contrib/moose/modules/combined/test/tests/generalized_plane_strain_tm_contact/out_of_plane_pressure.i)The reference scalar variable is set using the AuxScalarKernel
Generalized Plane Strain Reference Residual using the Generalized Plane Strain UserObject.
type = GeneralizedPlaneStrainReferenceResidual
variable = saved_zz
generalized_plane_strain = gps_GeneralizedPlaneStrainUserObject
(contrib/moose/modules/combined/test/tests/generalized_plane_strain_tm_contact/out_of_plane_pressure.i)Input Parameters
- absolute_value_vector_tagsThe tag names for extra vectors that the absolute value of the residual should be accumulated into
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The tag names for extra vectors that the absolute value of the residual should be accumulated into
- active__all__ If specified only the blocks named will be visited and made active
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:If specified only the blocks named will be visited and made active
- base_nameMaterial property base name
C++ Type:std::string
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Material property base name
- blockThe list of ids of the blocks (subdomain) that the GeneralizedPlaneStrain kernels will be applied to
C++ Type:std::vector<SubdomainName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The list of ids of the blocks (subdomain) that the GeneralizedPlaneStrain kernels will be applied to
- extra_vector_tagsThe tag names for extra vectors that residual data should be saved into
C++ Type:std::vector<TagName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The tag names for extra vectors that residual data should be saved into
- inactiveIf specified blocks matching these identifiers will be skipped.
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:If specified blocks matching these identifiers will be skipped.
- out_of_plane_directionzThe direction of the out-of-plane strain.
C++ Type:MooseEnum
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The direction of the out-of-plane strain.
- out_of_plane_pressure_functionFunction used to prescribe pressure (applied toward the body) in the out-of-plane direction (y for 1D Axisymmetric or z for 2D Cartesian problems)
C++ Type:FunctionName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Function used to prescribe pressure (applied toward the body) in the out-of-plane direction (y for 1D Axisymmetric or z for 2D Cartesian problems)
- out_of_plane_pressure_material0Material used to prescribe pressure (applied toward the body) in the out-of-plane direction
C++ Type:MaterialPropertyName
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Material used to prescribe pressure (applied toward the body) in the out-of-plane direction
- pressure_factorScale factor applied to prescribed out-of-plane pressure (both material and function)
C++ Type:double
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Scale factor applied to prescribed out-of-plane pressure (both material and function)
- temperatureThe temperature variable
C++ Type:std::vector<VariableName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:The temperature variable
- use_displaced_meshFalseWhether to use displaced mesh
C++ Type:bool
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Whether to use displaced mesh
Optional Parameters
- control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.
C++ Type:std::vector<std::string>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.