The PhysicsComponentBase
is a base class designed to facilitate the use of Physics by an ActionComponent. It offers:
a "physics" parameter in which the user lists the Physics active on the component.
a default implementation of
, which simply adds the component to thePhysics
. This implementation may be overriden in derived classes.
An ActionComponent inheriting PhysicsComponentBase
must be registered to the init_component_physics
task. For example,
registerMooseAction("MooseApp", CylinderComponent, "add_mesh_generator");
registerMooseAction("MooseApp", CylinderComponent, "init_component_physics");
registerActionComponent("MooseApp", CylinderComponent);
This helper leverages virtual inheritance: it inherits the ActionComponent class virtually. This offers some simplicity in its definition, but components leveraging this helper must also inherit the ActionComponent
class virtually.
C++ Type:std::vector<PhysicsName>
Unit:(no unit assumed)
Description:Physics object(s) active on the Component
// This file is part of the MOOSE framework
// All rights reserved, see COPYRIGHT for full restrictions
// Licensed under LGPL 2.1, please see LICENSE for details
// MOOSE includes
#include "CylinderComponent.h"
#include "RotationMatrix.h"
registerMooseAction("MooseApp", CylinderComponent, "add_mesh_generator");
registerMooseAction("MooseApp", CylinderComponent, "init_component_physics");
registerActionComponent("MooseApp", CylinderComponent);
InputParameters params = ActionComponent::validParams();
params += PhysicsComponentBase::validParams();
params.addClassDescription("Cylindrical component.");
MooseEnum dims("0 1 2 3");
"Dimension of the cylinder. 0 for a point (not implemented), "
"1 for an (axial) 1D line, 2 for a 2D-RZ cylinder, and 3 for "
"a 3D cylinder (not implemented)");
params.addRequiredRangeCheckedParam<Real>("radius", "radius>0", "Radius of the cylinder");
params.addRequiredRangeCheckedParam<Real>("length", "length>0", "Length/Height of the cylinder");
params.addRequiredParam<Point>("position", "Positional offset of the cylinder");
params.addRequiredParam<Point>("direction", "Direction of the cylinder");
params.addRequiredParam<unsigned int>("n_axial", "Number of axial elements of the cylinder");
params.addParam<unsigned int>("n_radial", "Number of radial elements of the cylinder");
params.addParam<unsigned int>("n_azimuthal", "Number of azimuthal elements of the cylinder");
params.addParam<SubdomainName>("block", "Block name for the cylinder");
return params;
CylinderComponent::CylinderComponent(const InputParameters & params)
: ActionComponent(params),
_dimension = getParam<MooseEnum>("dimension");
// Create the base mesh for the component using a mesh generator
if (_dimension == 0)
paramError("dimension", "0D cylinder not implemented");
else if (_dimension == 1 || _dimension == 2)
InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams("GeneratedMeshGenerator");
params.set<MooseEnum>("dim") = _dimension;
params.set<Real>("xmax") = {getParam<Real>("length")};
params.set<unsigned int>("nx") = {getParam<unsigned int>("n_axial")};
params.set<std::string>("boundary_name_prefix") = name();
if (_dimension == 2)
params.set<Real>("ymax") = {getParam<Real>("radius")};
if (!isParamValid("n_radial"))
paramError("n_radial", "Should be provided for a 2D cylinder");
params.set<unsigned int>("ny") = {getParam<unsigned int>("n_radial")};
else if (isParamValid("n_radial"))
paramError("n_radial", "Should not be provided for a 1D cylinder");
if (isParamValid("block"))
const auto block_name = getParam<SubdomainName>("block");
params.set<SubdomainName>("subdomain_name") = block_name;
"GeneratedMeshGenerator", name() + "_base", params);
_mg_names.push_back(name() + "_base");
paramError("dimension", "3D cylinder is not implemented");
if (!isParamValid("n_radial"))
paramError("n_radial", "Should be provided for a 3D cylinder");
if (!isParamValid("n_azimuthal"))
paramError("n_azimuthal", "Should be provided in 3D");
// Place mesh into position
InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams("TransformGenerator");
params.set<MeshGeneratorName>("input") = _mg_names.back();
params.set<MooseEnum>("transform") = "TRANSLATE";
params.set<RealVectorValue>("vector_value") = getParam<Point>("position");
"TransformGenerator", name() + "_translated", params);
_mg_names.push_back(name() + "_translated");
// Rotate the mesh as desired
InputParameters params = _factory.getValidParams("TransformGenerator");
params.set<MeshGeneratorName>("input") = _mg_names.back();
params.set<MooseEnum>("transform") = "ROTATE";
const RealVectorValue direction = getParam<Point>("direction");
const auto rotation_matrix =
RotationMatrix::rotVec1ToVec2<false>(RealVectorValue(1, 0, 0), direction);
RealVectorValue angles;
angles(0) = std::atan2(rotation_matrix(1, 0), rotation_matrix(0, 0));
angles(1) = std::asin(-rotation_matrix(2, 0));
angles(2) = std::atan2(rotation_matrix(2, 1), rotation_matrix(2, 2));
params.set<RealVectorValue>("vector_value") = angles / M_PI_2 * 90;
"TransformGenerator", name() + "_rotated", params);
_mg_names.push_back(name() + "_rotated");
if (_dimension == 2)
_awh.getMesh()->setCoordSystem(_blocks, MultiMooseEnum("COORD_RZ"));