Tagging Extension

The tagging extension provides the "tag" command, which provides a mechanism for setting a set of tags made up of arbitrary key:value pairs for categories:labels associated with a given markdown page. The provided metadata is then injected into a compatible user-provided JavaScript file, which then allows for the filtering of tagged pages against the defined categories in the generated website. The configuration of the extension contains an optional allowed key list, which is checked against during the invocation of the command. The available configuration items for this extension are provided in Table 1.

warningwarning:The tagging extension is experimental!

This extension is considered to be in an experimental state, as several manual steps are required in order to obtain both a set of tagged pages, and a rendered page for filtering against those tags. If documentation tagging features are desired, please request assistance from the MOOSE Framework development team.

Table 1: Configuration items for the tagging extension.

activeFalseToggle for disabling the extension. This only changes the initial active state, use setActive to control at runtime.
allowed_keys[]List of tag keys allowed in documentation pages. If empty, all keys allowed.
js_fileNoneJavascript file used for filtering / search page.
csv_fileNoneCSV file used for examining the tag database

An example of the usage of extension settings from Table 1 in a configuration file is shown below.

        active: True
        js_file: tagging.js
            - application
            - foo
            - simulation_type
            - fiscal_year

Basic Tag

There is only one version of the tag command, and the available settings for the tag command are listed in Table 2. A demonstration of the command is as follows:

!tag name=tagging_one pairs=application:test foo:bar simulation_type:triage fiscal_year:2023

where the name parameter (here, "tagging_one") can be any user-defined string to signify the ID for the set of tags, and the pairs parameter can be any space-separated list of category:label string pairs (optionally checked against the allowed key list, as described above). Currently, the tag ID will appear in the rendered filtering page as the label for the documentation page being tagged.


If either the name or the pairs parameters are left out of the invocation of the tag command, an error message is generated that directs the user to the affected markdown file. This error will not stop the build of the site.

Table 2: Available settings for the !tag command.

styleNoneThe style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag.
classNoneThe class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag.
idNoneThe class settings to be passed to the rendered tag.
nameNoneID name for page and associated key:value category:label pairs.
pairsNoneKey:value pairs representing categories and page-specific labels for each category.
imageNoneLink to an image to display for this entry
descriptionNoneDescription of the entry