Listing Extension
The listing extension provides a mechanism for creating source code listings. The system allows for the inclusion of local content as well as complete or partial snippets of the desired source code and includes the ability to parse MOOSE input files and separate out blocks. The main purpose is to avoid copying code or input syntax into the documentation to avoid out-of-date content.
The extension provides the !listing
command (see Command Extension), which allows for numbered captions to be applied, the Float Extension provides additional details. The following table list the available configure options for the extension.
Key | Default | Description |
active | True | Toggle for disabling the extension. This only changes the initial active state, use setActive to control at runtime. |
prefix | Listing | The caption prefix (e.g., Fig.). |
modal-link | True | Insert modal links with complete files. |
The !listing
command has the capability to include text from local content and arbitrary files (such as source code). files. There is a wide range of settings that are available to specialize how the code is imported. The complete list of available of settings are provided in Table 2 and the sections below provide various examples of using some of these settings.
Local Listing Content
It is possible to create a listing using local content. This is done by using the !listing
command without any arguments with the desired content following the command, see Command Extension for details to how content is defined. The available settings for this command are given in Table 1.
Table 1: Settings available when creating a listing from local content.
Key | Default | Description |
style | None | The style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag. |
class | None | The class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag. |
id | None | The class settings to be passed to the rendered tag. |
caption | None | The caption text for the float object. |
prefix | None | The numbered caption label to include prior to the caption text. |
max-height | 350px | The default height for listing content. |
language | None | The language to use for highlighting, if not supplied it will be inferred from the extension (if possible). |
File Content
You can include complete files from the repository. For example, the following creates the code listing in Example 2.
Table 2: Settings available when capturing text from a file with the listing
Key | Default | Description |
style | None | The style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag. |
class | None | The class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag. |
id | None | The class settings to be passed to the rendered tag. |
caption | None | The caption text for the float object. |
prefix | None | The numbered caption label to include prior to the caption text. |
max-height | 350px | The default height for listing content. |
language | None | The language to use for highlighting, if not supplied it will be inferred from the extension (if possible). |
diff | None | Path to a file to diff against |
before_link_prefix | - | Prefix for the modal link to the diffed "before" file |
after_link_prefix | + | Prefix for the modal link to the diffed "after" file |
link | True | Show the complete file via a link; overridden by SourceExtension |
prepend | None | Text to include prior to each line of the included text. |
append | Text to include after each line of the included text. | |
header | None | Text to include prior to the included text. |
header-newlines | 1 | The number of newlines after the header. |
footer | Text to include after the included text. | |
footer-newlines | 1 | The number of newlines before the footer. |
indent | 0 | The level of indenting to apply to the included text. |
strip-header | True | When True the MOOSE header is removed for display. |
fix-moose-header | True | In C/h files within MOOSE the '//*' is used for the header at the top. This breaks the highlighting, this option removes these and replaces them with '//'. |
strip-extra-newlines | True | Removes extraneous new lines from the text. |
strip-leading-whitespace | False | When True leading white-space is removed from the included text. |
line | None | A portion of text that unique identifies a single line to include. |
re | None | Extract content via a regex, if the 'content' group exists it is used as the desired content; if 'remove' group exists it is extracted; otherwise group 0 is used for the content. |
re-flags | re.M|re.S|re.U | Python re flags. |
start | None | A portion of text that unique identifies the starting location for including text, if not provided the beginning of the file is utilized. |
end | None | A portion of text that unique identifies the ending location for including text, if not provided the end of the file is used. By default this line is not included in the display. |
include-start | True | When False the text captured by the 'start' setting is excluded in the displayed text. |
include-end | False | When True the text captured by the 'end' setting is included in the displayed text. |
replace | None | List of replacement string pairs: ['foo','bar', 'boom','baam'] replaces 'foo' with 'bar' and 'boom' with 'baam'. |
Regular Expression Match
Regular expressions can be utilized to extract specific content from files. Example 3 uses a regular expression to extract the content of a class method.
Single Line Match
It is possible to show a single line of a file by including a snippet that allows the line to be located within the file. If multiple matches occur only the first match will be shown. For example, the call to addClassDescription
can be shown by adding the following.
Range Line Match
Code starting and ending on lines containing a string is also possible by using the 'start' and 'end' options. If 'start' is omitted then the snippet will start at the beginning of the file. Similarly, if 'end' is omitted the snippet will include the remainder of the file content.
Input File Content
Like C++ files, MOOSE input files also have additional capability, mainly the "block" and "remove" settings (see Table 3 for a complete list). The included content will be limited to the input block matching the supplied name. Notice that the supplied name may be approximate; however, if it is not unique only the first match will appear. Similarly, input file blocks may be removed from the displayed content. In addition to block names, the "remove" setting also accepts the names of individual input parameters. However, the full path to the parameter must be specified. Example 6 demonstrates proper use of the block
and remove
Example 6: Example use of "block" and "remove" settings for input files.
!listing moose/test/tests/kernels/simple_diffusion/simple_diffusion.i block=Kernels id=input-block caption=Code listing of [MOOSE] input file block. !listing moose/test/tests/kernels/simple_diffusion/simple_diffusion.i remove=left Executioner/petsc_options_iname Executioner/petsc_options_value id=input-remove caption=Code listing of a [MOOSE] input file with blocks and parameters removed.
The settings given in Table 3 are available to all HIT formatted listings, including test specification files.
Table 3: Settings available for input file listings.
Key | Default | Description |
style | None | The style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag. |
class | None | The class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag. |
id | None | The class settings to be passed to the rendered tag. |
caption | None | The caption text for the float object. |
prefix | None | The numbered caption label to include prior to the caption text. |
max-height | 350px | The default height for listing content. |
language | None | The language to use for highlighting, if not supplied it will be inferred from the extension (if possible). |
diff | None | Path to a file to diff against |
before_link_prefix | - | Prefix for the modal link to the diffed "before" file |
after_link_prefix | + | Prefix for the modal link to the diffed "after" file |
link | True | Show the complete file via a link; overridden by SourceExtension |
prepend | None | Text to include prior to each line of the included text. |
append | Text to include after each line of the included text. | |
header | None | Text to include prior to the included text. |
header-newlines | 1 | The number of newlines after the header. |
footer | Text to include after the included text. | |
footer-newlines | 1 | The number of newlines before the footer. |
indent | 0 | The level of indenting to apply to the included text. |
strip-header | True | When True the MOOSE header is removed for display. |
fix-moose-header | True | In C/h files within MOOSE the '//*' is used for the header at the top. This breaks the highlighting, this option removes these and replaces them with '//'. |
strip-extra-newlines | True | Removes extraneous new lines from the text. |
strip-leading-whitespace | False | When True leading white-space is removed from the included text. |
line | None | A portion of text that unique identifies a single line to include. |
re | None | Extract content via a regex, if the 'content' group exists it is used as the desired content; if 'remove' group exists it is extracted; otherwise group 0 is used for the content. |
re-flags | re.M|re.S|re.U | Python re flags. |
start | None | A portion of text that unique identifies the starting location for including text, if not provided the beginning of the file is utilized. |
end | None | A portion of text that unique identifies the ending location for including text, if not provided the end of the file is used. By default this line is not included in the display. |
include-start | True | When False the text captured by the 'start' setting is excluded in the displayed text. |
include-end | False | When True the text captured by the 'end' setting is included in the displayed text. |
replace | None | List of replacement string pairs: ['foo','bar', 'boom','baam'] replaces 'foo' with 'bar' and 'boom' with 'baam'. |
block | None | Space separated list of input file block names to include. |
remove | None | Space separated list of input file block and/or parameter names to remove. The full path to parameters must be used, e.g., `Kernels/diffusion/variable`. |
Diffing Content
You can produce a diffed listing between two files using the "diff" setting.
The prefixes for the links after the listing (when using the "link" option, which defaults to true) can be modified using the "before_link_prefix" and "after_link_prefix" settings.