Graph Extension
MooseDocs uses plotly for creating interactive graphs. Graphs are invoked with the !plot
command, the available sub-commands are detailed in the following sections. Table 1 lists the configuration options for the extension.
Table 1: Available configuration options for the PlotlyExtension
Key | Default | Description |
active | True | Toggle for disabling the extension. This only changes the initial active state, use setActive to control at runtime. |
prefix | Figure | The caption prefix (e.g., Fig.). |
draft | False | Enable draft mode for LaTeX output. |
The syntax for the support chart types is defined in a manner that allows for all plotly settings to be available for defining the data as well as the chart layout. For a complete list of available options refer to the reference manual.
Scatter and Line Plots
Scatter and line plots are create with the scatter
sub-command. As shown in the plotly documentation the plot command accepts a single JSON data structure that contains the data and settings for each line. For simplicity and to remain consistent with the library this same data structure is used within MooseDocs, as shown in Example 1.
In most circumstances it is desired to load scatter data from a file, this is done using the "filename" setting. When used the "x" and "y" data should contain the column name rather than the actual data, as shown in Example 2. All other aspects of the data field remain the same.
Example 2: Example scatter plot using file-based data.
A complete list of settings available to the plot scatter
command are included in Table 2.
Table 2: Available settings for the plot scatter
Key | Default | Description |
style | None | The style settings that are passed to rendered HTML tag. |
class | None | The class settings to be passed to rendered HTML tag. |
id | None | The class settings to be passed to the rendered tag. |
data | None | Directly supply a list of dict items (i.e., JSON data) to the plotly plot command, see additional details. |
layout | dict() | Plotly layout settings for the chart, refer to for available options. |
filename | None | The name of a CSV file for extracting data, when used the 'x' and 'y' fields of the 'data' setting should be replaced by column names or numbers. |
caption | None | The caption text for the float object. |
prefix | Figure | The numbered caption label to include prior to the caption text. |