Optional Environment Variables

To figure out what environment variables Cardinal also supports, open up Cardinal's Makefile and check out the environment variables listed at the beginning.

Some of the more common variables you might want to use include:

  • HDF5_ROOT: top-level directory containing HDF5 (this directory should contain an include and a lib directory). If not set, this will default to the HDF5 downloaded by PETSc.

  • METHODS: optimization method(s) to use for building Cardinal's libMesh dependency. Multiple libMesh libraries with different settings will be built if specifying more than one method, such as wth METHODS='opt dbg'. Options are:

    • opt: optimized mode, for production runs

    • oprof: very slightly slower, instrumented for performance analysis with tools like "oprofile" or "perf"

    • dbg: debugging mode, much slower, with debugging symbols, optimization disabled, slow internal assertions enabled, and very slow libstdc++ range-checking and consistency checks enabled

  • METHOD: optimization method to use when building Cardinal. MOOSE currently only supports building one Cardinal executable at a time, such as via METHOD='opt'. If you want to build multiple Cardinal executables with different optimization methods, you will need to run make multiple times with different METHOD values.