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OpenMCProblemBase Class Reference

#include <OpenMCProblemBase.h>

Inheritance diagram for OpenMCProblemBase:

Public Types

typedef std::pair< int32_t, int32_t > cellInfo

Public Member Functions

 OpenMCProblemBase (const InputParameters &params)
virtual ~OpenMCProblemBase () override
std::string subdomainName (const SubdomainID &id) const
void catchOpenMCError (const int &err, const std::string descriptor) const
bool isHeatingScore (const std::string &score) const
unsigned int addExternalVariable (const std::string &name, const std::vector< SubdomainName > *block=nullptr)
const Real & scaling () const
bool hasScaling () const
std::string enumToTallyScore (const std::string &score) const
std::string tallyScoreToEnum (const std::string &score) const
virtual void geometryType (bool &has_csg_universe, bool &has_dag_universe) const
bool firstSolve () const
 Whether this is the first time OpenMC is running. More...
openmc::TriggerMetric triggerMetric (trigger::TallyTriggerTypeEnum trigger) const
openmc::TriggerMetric triggerMetric (std::string trigger) const
openmc::TallyEstimator tallyEstimator (tally::TallyEstimatorEnum estimator) const
std::string estimatorToString (openmc::TallyEstimator estimator) const
void externalSolve () override
 Run a k-eigenvalue OpenMC simulation. More...
void importProperties () const
 Import temperature and density from a properties.h5 file. More...
xt::xtensor< double, 1 > tallySum (openmc::Tally *tally, const unsigned int &score) const
 Compute the sum of a tally within each bin. More...
double tallySumAcrossBins (std::vector< openmc::Tally * > tally, const unsigned int &score) const
double tallyMeanAcrossBins (std::vector< openmc::Tally * > tally, const unsigned int &score) const
bool cellIsVoid (const cellInfo &cell_info) const
bool cellHasZeroInstances (const cellInfo &cell_info) const
std::string materialName (const int32_t index) const
xt::xtensor< double, 1 > relativeError (const xt::xtensor< double, 1 > &sum, const xt::xtensor< double, 1 > &sum_sq, const int &n_realizations) const
const Real & densityConversionFactor () const
int nParticles () const
int nTotalParticles () const
int32_t cellID (const int32_t index) const
int32_t materialID (const int32_t index) const
std::string printPoint (const Point &p) const
std::string printMaterial (const int32_t &index) const
void writeSourceBank (const std::string &filename)
unsigned int numElemsInSubdomain (const SubdomainID &id) const
bool isLocalElem (const Elem *elem) const
unsigned int globalElemID (const unsigned int &id) const
virtual void setCellTemperature (const int32_t &id, const int32_t &instance, const Real &T, const cellInfo &cell_info) const
virtual void setCellDensity (const Real &density, const cellInfo &cell_info) const
virtual std::string printCell (const cellInfo &cell_info, const bool brief=false) const
virtual std::vector< int32_t > cellFill (const cellInfo &cell_info, int &fill_type) const
bool materialFill (const cellInfo &cell_info, int32_t &material_index) const
long unsigned int numCells () const
template<typename T >
void checkDuplicateEntries (const std::vector< T > &var, const std::string &name) const
void checkDuplicateVariableName (const std::string &name) const
bool stringHasEnding (std::string const &full, std::string const &ending) const

Static Public Member Functions

static InputParameters validParams ()

Protected Member Functions

void getOpenMCUserObjects ()
 Find all userobjects which are changing OpenMC data structures. More...
void sendNuclideDensitiesToOpenMC ()
 Set the nuclide densities for any materials being modified via MOOSE. More...
void sendTallyNuclidesToOpenMC ()
 Set the tally nuclides for any tallies being modified via MOOSE. More...
void fillElementalAuxVariable (const unsigned int &var_num, const std::vector< unsigned int > &elem_ids, const Real &value)
std::string sourceBankFileName () const

Protected Attributes

const bool & _verbose
 Whether to print diagnostic information about model setup and the transfers. More...
const Real * _power
 Power by which to normalize the OpenMC results, for k-eigenvalue mode. More...
const Real * _source_strength
 Source strength by which to normalize the OpenMC results, for fixed source mode. More...
bool _reuse_source
const bool _specified_scaling
 Whether a mesh scaling was specified by the user. More...
const Real & _scaling
const bool & _skip_statepoint
 Whether to skip writing statepoints from OpenMC. More...
int _fixed_point_iteration
unsigned int _total_n_particles
 Total number of particles simulated. More...
long unsigned int _n_openmc_cells
 Total number of unique OpenMC cell IDs + instances combinations. More...
int _n_cell_digits
openmc::RunMode _run_mode
 OpenMC run mode. More...
std::vector< OpenMCNuclideDensities * > _nuclide_densities_uos
 Userobjects for changing OpenMC material compositions. More...
std::vector< OpenMCTallyNuclides * > _tally_nuclides_uos
 Userobjects for changing OpenMC tally nuclides. More...
std::vector< unsigned int > _local_to_global_elem
 Mapping from local element indices to global element indices for this rank. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static constexpr Real _density_conversion_factor {0.001}
 Conversion unit to transfer between kg/m3 and g/cm3. More...
static constexpr int MATERIAL_VOID {-1}
 ID used by OpenMC to indicate that a material fill is VOID. More...

Detailed Description

Base class for all MOOSE wrappings of OpenMC

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ cellInfo

typedef std::pair<int32_t, int32_t> OpenMCProblemBase::cellInfo

Type definition for storing the relevant aspects of the OpenMC geometry; the first value is the cell index, while the second is the cell instance.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OpenMCProblemBase()

OpenMCProblemBase::OpenMCProblemBase ( const InputParameters &  params)

◆ ~OpenMCProblemBase()

virtual OpenMCProblemBase::~OpenMCProblemBase ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addExternalVariable()

unsigned int OpenMCProblemBase::addExternalVariable ( const std::string &  name,
const std::vector< SubdomainName > *  block = nullptr 

Add a constant monomial auxiliary variable

[in]namename of the variable
[in]blockoptional subdomain names on which to restrict the variable
numeric index for the variable in the auxiliary system

◆ catchOpenMCError()

void OpenMCProblemBase::catchOpenMCError ( const int &  err,
const std::string  descriptor 
) const

Print a full error message when catching errors from OpenMC

[in]errOpenMC error code
[in]descriptordescriptive message for error

◆ cellFill()

virtual std::vector<int32_t> OpenMCProblemBase::cellFill ( const cellInfo cell_info,
int &  fill_type 
) const

Get the fill of an OpenMC cell

[in]cell_infocell ID, instance
[out]fill_typefill type of the cell, one of MATERIAL, UNIVERSE, or LATTICE
indices of what is filling the cell

◆ cellHasZeroInstances()

bool OpenMCProblemBase::cellHasZeroInstances ( const cellInfo cell_info) const

Whether this cell has zero instances

[in]cell_infocell info
whether this cell has zero instances

◆ cellID()

int32_t OpenMCProblemBase::cellID ( const int32_t  index) const

Get the cell ID from the cell index

[in]indexcell index
cell ID

◆ cellIsVoid()

bool OpenMCProblemBase::cellIsVoid ( const cellInfo cell_info) const

Whether a cell is filled with VOID (vacuum)

[in]cell_infocell ID, instance
whether cell is void

◆ checkDuplicateEntries()

template<typename T >
void CardinalProblem::checkDuplicateEntries ( const std::vector< T > &  var,
const std::string &  name 
) const

Check for duplicate entries in a 1-d vector

[in]varinput vector
[in]namestring to use for printing error message

◆ checkDuplicateVariableName()

void CardinalProblem::checkDuplicateVariableName ( const std::string &  name) const

Check whether the user has already created a variable using one of the protected names that the wrapping is using.

[in]namevariable name

◆ densityConversionFactor()

const Real& OpenMCProblemBase::densityConversionFactor ( ) const

Get the density conversion factor (multiplicative factor)

density conversion factor from kg/m3 to g/cm3

◆ enumToTallyScore()

std::string OpenMCProblemBase::enumToTallyScore ( const std::string &  score) const

Convert from a MOOSE-type enum into a valid OpenMC tally score string

[in]scoreMOOSE-type enum string
OpenMC tally score string

◆ estimatorToString()

std::string OpenMCProblemBase::estimatorToString ( openmc::TallyEstimator  estimator) const

Convert a tally estimator to a string (for output purposes).

[in]estimatorOpenMC tally estimator enum
a string form of the OpenMC tally estimator enum

◆ externalSolve()

void OpenMCProblemBase::externalSolve ( )

Run a k-eigenvalue OpenMC simulation.

◆ fillElementalAuxVariable()

void OpenMCProblemBase::fillElementalAuxVariable ( const unsigned int &  var_num,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  elem_ids,
const Real &  value 

Set an auxiliary elemental variable to a specified value

[in]var_numvariable number
[in]elem_idselement IDs to set
[in]valuevalue to set

◆ firstSolve()

bool OpenMCProblemBase::firstSolve ( ) const

Whether this is the first time OpenMC is running.

◆ geometryType()

virtual void OpenMCProblemBase::geometryType ( bool &  has_csg_universe,
bool &  has_dag_universe 
) const

Find the geometry type in the OpenMC model

[out]has_csg_universewhether there is at least 1 CSG universe
[out]has_dag_universewhether there is at least 1 DagMC universe

◆ getOpenMCUserObjects()

void OpenMCProblemBase::getOpenMCUserObjects ( )

Find all userobjects which are changing OpenMC data structures.

◆ globalElemID()

unsigned int OpenMCProblemBase::globalElemID ( const unsigned int &  id) const

Get the global element ID from the local element ID

[in]idlocal element ID
global element ID

◆ hasScaling()

bool OpenMCProblemBase::hasScaling ( ) const

Whether the problem has user defined scaling or not.

whether the user has set the problem scaling or not

◆ importProperties()

void OpenMCProblemBase::importProperties ( ) const

Import temperature and density from a properties.h5 file.

◆ isHeatingScore()

bool OpenMCProblemBase::isHeatingScore ( const std::string &  score) const

Whether the score is a heating-type score

whether tally from OpenMC has units of eV/src

◆ isLocalElem()

bool OpenMCProblemBase::isLocalElem ( const Elem *  elem) const

Whether the element is owned by this rank

whether element is owned by this rank

◆ materialFill()

bool OpenMCProblemBase::materialFill ( const cellInfo cell_info,
int32_t &  material_index 
) const

Whether the cell has a material fill (if so, then get the material index). Void counts as a material, with a material index of -1.

[in]cell_infocell ID, instance
[out]material_indexmaterial index in the cell
whether the cell is filled by a material

◆ materialID()

int32_t OpenMCProblemBase::materialID ( const int32_t  index) const

Get the material ID from the material index; for VOID cells, this returns -1

[in]indexmaterial index
cell material ID

◆ materialName()

std::string OpenMCProblemBase::materialName ( const int32_t  index) const

Get the material name given its index. If the material does not have a name, return the ID.

material name

◆ nParticles()

int OpenMCProblemBase::nParticles ( ) const

Get the number of particles used in the current Monte Carlo calculation

number of particles

◆ nTotalParticles()

int OpenMCProblemBase::nTotalParticles ( ) const

Total number of particles run (not multiplied by batches)

total number of particles

◆ numCells()

long unsigned int OpenMCProblemBase::numCells ( ) const

Calculate the number of unique OpenMC cells (each with a unique ID & instance)

number of unique OpenMC Cells in entire model

◆ numElemsInSubdomain()

unsigned int OpenMCProblemBase::numElemsInSubdomain ( const SubdomainID &  id) const

Get the total (i.e. summed across all ranks, if distributed) number of elements in a given block

[in]idsubdomainID return number of elements in block

◆ printCell()

virtual std::string OpenMCProblemBase::printCell ( const cellInfo cell_info,
const bool  brief = false 
) const

Get a descriptive, formatted, string describing a cell

[in]cell_infocell index, instance pair
[in]briefwhether to print a shorter string
descriptive string describing cell

◆ printMaterial()

std::string OpenMCProblemBase::printMaterial ( const int32_t &  index) const

Get a descriptive, formatted, string describing a material

[in]indexmaterial index
descriptive string

◆ printPoint()

std::string OpenMCProblemBase::printPoint ( const Point &  p) const

Print point coordinates with a neater formatting than the default MOOSE printing

formatted point string

◆ relativeError()

xt::xtensor<double, 1> OpenMCProblemBase::relativeError ( const xt::xtensor< double, 1 > &  sum,
const xt::xtensor< double, 1 > &  sum_sq,
const int &  n_realizations 
) const

Compute relative error

[in]sumsum of scores
[in]sum_sqsum of scores squared
[in]n_realizationsnumber of realizations

◆ scaling()

const Real& OpenMCProblemBase::scaling ( ) const

Get the scaling value applied to the [Mesh] to convert to OpenMC's centimeters units

scaling value

◆ sendNuclideDensitiesToOpenMC()

void OpenMCProblemBase::sendNuclideDensitiesToOpenMC ( )

Set the nuclide densities for any materials being modified via MOOSE.

◆ sendTallyNuclidesToOpenMC()

void OpenMCProblemBase::sendTallyNuclidesToOpenMC ( )

Set the tally nuclides for any tallies being modified via MOOSE.

◆ setCellDensity()

virtual void OpenMCProblemBase::setCellDensity ( const Real &  density,
const cellInfo cell_info 
) const

Set the cell density, and print helpful error message if a failure occurs

[in]cell_infocell info for which we are setting the density

◆ setCellTemperature()

virtual void OpenMCProblemBase::setCellTemperature ( const int32_t &  id,
const int32_t &  instance,
const Real &  T,
const cellInfo cell_info 
) const

Set the cell temperature, and print helpful error message if a failure occurs; this sets the temperature for the id + instance, which could be one of N cells filling the 'cell_info' parent cell (which is what we actually use for error printing)

[in]idcell ID
[in]instancecell instance
[in]cell_infocell info for which we are setting interior temperature, for error printing

◆ sourceBankFileName()

std::string OpenMCProblemBase::sourceBankFileName ( ) const

Get name of source bank file to write


◆ stringHasEnding()

bool CardinalProblem::stringHasEnding ( std::string const &  full,
std::string const &  ending 
) const

Whether a string ends in a particular sub-string

[in]fullfull string
[in]endingsub-string ending
whether full string has ending

◆ subdomainName()

std::string OpenMCProblemBase::subdomainName ( const SubdomainID &  id) const

Get the subdomain name for a given ID. If not named, we return the ID

[in]idsubdomain ID

◆ tallyEstimator()

openmc::TallyEstimator OpenMCProblemBase::tallyEstimator ( tally::TallyEstimatorEnum  estimator) const

Convert from a MooseEnum for tally estimator to an OpenMC enum

[in]estimatorMOOSE estimator enum
OpenMC enum

◆ tallyMeanAcrossBins()

double OpenMCProblemBase::tallyMeanAcrossBins ( std::vector< openmc::Tally * >  tally,
const unsigned int &  score 
) const

Compute the mean of a tally across all of its bins

[in]tallyOpenMC tallies (multiple if repeated mesh tallies)
[in]scoretally score
tally mean

◆ tallyScoreToEnum()

std::string OpenMCProblemBase::tallyScoreToEnum ( const std::string &  score) const

Convert into a MOOSE-type enum from a valid OpenMC tally score string

[in]scoreOpenMC tally score string
MOOSE-type enum string

◆ tallySum()

xt::xtensor<double, 1> OpenMCProblemBase::tallySum ( openmc::Tally *  tally,
const unsigned int &  score 
) const

Compute the sum of a tally within each bin.

For example, suppose we have a cell tally with 4 bins, one for each of 4 different cells. This function will return the sum of the tally in each of those bins, so the return xtensor will have a length of 4, with each value representing the sum for that bin.

[in]tallyOpenMC tally
[in]scoretally score
tally sum within each bin

◆ tallySumAcrossBins()

double OpenMCProblemBase::tallySumAcrossBins ( std::vector< openmc::Tally * >  tally,
const unsigned int &  score 
) const

Compute the sum of a tally across all of its bins

[in]tallyOpenMC tallies (multiple if repeated mesh tallies)
[in]scoretally score
tally sum

◆ triggerMetric() [1/2]

openmc::TriggerMetric OpenMCProblemBase::triggerMetric ( std::string  trigger) const

◆ triggerMetric() [2/2]

openmc::TriggerMetric OpenMCProblemBase::triggerMetric ( trigger::TallyTriggerTypeEnum  trigger) const

Convert from a MooseEnum for a trigger metric to an OpenMC enum

[in]triggertrigger metric
OpenMC enum

◆ validParams()

static InputParameters OpenMCProblemBase::validParams ( )

◆ writeSourceBank()

void OpenMCProblemBase::writeSourceBank ( const std::string &  filename)

Write the source bank to HDF5 for postprocessing or for use in subsequent solves

[in]filenamefile name

Member Data Documentation

◆ _density_conversion_factor

constexpr Real OpenMCProblemBase::_density_conversion_factor {0.001}

Conversion unit to transfer between kg/m3 and g/cm3.

◆ _fixed_point_iteration

int OpenMCProblemBase::_fixed_point_iteration

Fixed point iteration index used in relaxation; because we sometimes run OpenMC in a pseudo-transient coupling with NekRS, we simply increment this by 1 each time we call openmc::run(). This uses a zero indexing, so after the first iteration, we have finished iteration 0, and so on.

◆ _local_to_global_elem

std::vector<unsigned int> OpenMCProblemBase::_local_to_global_elem

Mapping from local element indices to global element indices for this rank.

◆ _n_cell_digits

int OpenMCProblemBase::_n_cell_digits

Number of digits to use to display the cell ID for diagnostic messages; this is estimated conservatively based on the total number of cells, even though there may be distributed cells such that the maximum cell ID is far smaller than the total number of cells.

◆ _n_openmc_cells

long unsigned int OpenMCProblemBase::_n_openmc_cells

Total number of unique OpenMC cell IDs + instances combinations.

◆ _nuclide_densities_uos

std::vector<OpenMCNuclideDensities *> OpenMCProblemBase::_nuclide_densities_uos

Userobjects for changing OpenMC material compositions.

◆ _power

const Real* OpenMCProblemBase::_power

Power by which to normalize the OpenMC results, for k-eigenvalue mode.

◆ _reuse_source

bool OpenMCProblemBase::_reuse_source

Whether to take the starting fission source from iteration \(n\) as the fission source converged from iteration \(n-1\). Setting this to true will in most cases lead to improved convergence of the initial source as iterations progress because you don't "start from scratch" each iteration and do the same identical (within a random number seed) converging of the fission source.

◆ _run_mode

openmc::RunMode OpenMCProblemBase::_run_mode

OpenMC run mode.

◆ _scaling

const Real& OpenMCProblemBase::_scaling

Multiplicative factor to apply to the mesh in the [Mesh] block in order to convert whatever units that mesh is in into OpenMC's length scale of centimeters. For instance, it is commonplace to develop fuel performance models with a length scale of meters. Rather than onerously convert all MOOSE inputs to which OpenMC will be coupled to units of centimeters, this parameter allows us to scale the mesh we couple to OpenMC. Note that this does not actually scale the mesh itself, but simply multiplies the mesh coordinates by this parameter when identifying the mapping between elements and cells.

By default, this parameter is set to 1.0, meaning that OpenMC is coupled to another MOOSE application with an input written in terms of centimeters. Set this parameter to 100 if the coupled MOOSE application is in units of meters, for instance.

To summarize by example - if the MOOSE application uses units of meters, with a mesh named mesh.exo, then the OpenMC-wrapped input file should also use that mesh (with units of meters) in its [Mesh] block (or perhaps a coarser version of that mesh if the resolution of coupling does not need to match - the units just have to be the same). Then, you should set 'scaling = 100.0' so that the mapping is performed correctly.

◆ _skip_statepoint

const bool& OpenMCProblemBase::_skip_statepoint

Whether to skip writing statepoints from OpenMC.

◆ _source_strength

const Real* OpenMCProblemBase::_source_strength

Source strength by which to normalize the OpenMC results, for fixed source mode.

◆ _specified_scaling

const bool OpenMCProblemBase::_specified_scaling

Whether a mesh scaling was specified by the user.

◆ _tally_nuclides_uos

std::vector<OpenMCTallyNuclides *> OpenMCProblemBase::_tally_nuclides_uos

Userobjects for changing OpenMC tally nuclides.

◆ _total_n_particles

unsigned int OpenMCProblemBase::_total_n_particles

Total number of particles simulated.

◆ _verbose

const bool& OpenMCProblemBase::_verbose

Whether to print diagnostic information about model setup and the transfers.


constexpr int OpenMCProblemBase::MATERIAL_VOID {-1}

ID used by OpenMC to indicate that a material fill is VOID.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: