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MoabSkinner Class Reference

Skins the [Mesh] according to individual bins for temperature, density, and subdomain ID. More...

#include <MoabSkinner.h>

Inheritance diagram for MoabSkinner:


struct  VolData
 Encode MOAB information about volumes needed when creating surfaces. More...

Public Member Functions

 MoabSkinner (const InputParameters &parameters)
virtual void execute () override
virtual void initialize () override
virtual void finalize () override
virtual void threadJoin (const UserObject &) override
virtual moab::ErrorCode check (const moab::ErrorCode input) const
std::string materialName (const unsigned int &block, const unsigned int &density, const unsigned int &temp) const
virtual void update ()
 Perform the skinning operation. More...
virtual void setMaterialNames (std::vector< std::string > names)
unsigned int nBins () const
virtual unsigned int getTemperatureBin (const Elem *const elem) const
virtual unsigned int getDensityBin (const Elem *const elem) const
virtual unsigned int getSubdomainBin (const Elem *const elem) const
virtual void setScaling (const Real &scale)
virtual void setVerbosity (const bool &verbose)
virtual void makeDependentOnExternalAction ()
unsigned int getAuxiliaryVariableNumber (const std::string &name, const std::string &param_name) const
void reset ()
 Clear mesh data. More...
virtual unsigned int getBin (const unsigned int &temp_bin, const unsigned int &density_bin, const unsigned int &subdomain_bin) const
virtual const bool & hasGraveyard () const
void setGraveyard (bool build)
virtual unsigned int nDensityBins () const
virtual bool hasDensitySkinning () const
const std::shared_ptr< moab::Interface > & moabPtr () const

Static Public Member Functions

static InputParameters validParams ()

Protected Types

enum  Sense { BACKWARDS = -1, FORWARDS = 1 }
 Encode the whether the surface normal faces into or out of the volume. More...

Protected Member Functions

MooseMesh & getMooseMesh ()
 Moose mesh. More...
void createMOABElems ()
virtual void createTags ()
 Helper method to create MOAB tags. More...
void createGroup (const unsigned int &id, const std::string &name, moab::EntityHandle &group_set)
void createVol (const unsigned int &id, moab::EntityHandle &volume_set, moab::EntityHandle group_set)
 Helper method to create MOAB volume entity set. More...
void createSurf (const unsigned int &id, moab::EntityHandle &surface_set, moab::Range &faces, const std::vector< VolData > &voldata)
 Helper method to create MOAB surface entity set. More...
void createSurfaces (moab::Range &reversed, VolData &voldata, unsigned int &surf_id)
 Helper method to create MOAB surfaces with no overlaps. More...
void createSurfaceFromBox (const BoundingBox &box, const VolData &voldata, unsigned int &surf_id, bool normalout, const Real &factor)
std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > createNodesFromBox (const BoundingBox &box, const Real &factor) const
void createCornerTris (const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > &verts, unsigned int corner, unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3, bool normalout, moab::Range &surface_tris)
 Create 3 tri faces stemming from one corner of a cude (an open tetrahedron) More...
moab::EntityHandle createTri (const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > &vertices, unsigned int v1, unsigned int v2, unsigned int v3)
 Create MOAB tri surface element. More...
void updateSurfData (moab::EntityHandle surface_set, const VolData &data)
 Add parent-child metadata relating a surface to its volume. More...
void setTags (moab::EntityHandle ent, std::string name, std::string category, unsigned int id, int dim)
 Generic method to set the tags that DAGMC requires. More...
void setTagData (moab::Tag tag, moab::EntityHandle ent, std::string data, unsigned int SIZE)
 Helper function to wrap moab::tag_set_data for a string. More...
void setTagData (moab::Tag tag, moab::EntityHandle ent, void *data)
 Helper function to wrap moab::tag_set_data for a generic pointer. More...
const std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > & getTetSets (ElemType type) const
void buildGraveyard (unsigned int &vol_id, unsigned int &surf_id)
 Build a graveyard volume around the domain. More...
virtual void findBlocks ()
 Store a mapping from [Mesh] subdomain IDs to an index, to be used for binning by block ID. More...
virtual void sortElemsByResults ()
 Sort all the elements in the [Mesh] into bins for temperature, density, and subdomain. More...
void findSurfaces ()
 Group the binned elems into local temperature regions and find their surfaces. More...
void groupLocalElems (std::set< dof_id_type > elems, std::vector< moab::Range > &localElems)
bool resetMOAB ()
 Clear MOAB entity sets. More...
void findSurface (const moab::Range &region, moab::EntityHandle group, unsigned int &vol_id, unsigned int &surf_id, moab::EntityHandle &volume_set)
 Find the surfaces for the provided range and add to group. More...
virtual void write ()
 Write MOAB volume and/or skin meshes to file. More...

Protected Attributes

std::unique_ptr< NumericVector< Number > > _serialized_solution
std::shared_ptr< moab::Interface > _moab
 MOAB interface. More...
bool _verbose
 Whether to print diagnostic information. More...
const std::string & _temperature_name
 Name of the temperature variable. More...
const Real & _temperature_min
 Lower bound of temperature bins. More...
const Real & _temperature_max
 Upper bound of temperature bins. More...
const unsigned int & _n_temperature_bins
 Number of temperature bins. More...
const Real _temperature_bin_width
 Temperature bin width. More...
const bool _bin_by_density
 Whether elements are binned by density (in addition to temperature and block) More...
std::vector< std::string > _material_names
const Real & _faceting_tol
 Faceting tolerence needed by DAGMC. More...
const Real & _geom_tol
 Geometry tolerence needed by DAGMC. More...
const Real & _graveyard_scale_inner
 Multiplier on bounding box for inner surface of graveyard. More...
const Real & _graveyard_scale_outer
 Multiplier on bounding box for outer surface of graveyard. More...
const bool & _output_skins
 Whether to output the MOAB mesh skins to a .h5m file. More...
const bool & _output_full
 Whether to output the MOAB mesh to a .h5m file. More...
bool _build_graveyard
const bool & _use_displaced
 Whether the skinned mesh should be generated from a displaced mesh. More...
Real _scaling
 Length multiplier to get from [Mesh] units into OpenMC's centimeters. More...
unsigned int _n_write
 Count number of times output files have been written. More...
bool _standalone
 Whether this class runs by itself, or is controlled by an external class. More...
std::unique_ptr< moab::Skinner > skinner
 Moab skinner for finding temperature surfaces. More...
std::unique_ptr< moab::GeomTopoTool > gtt
 Topology tool for setting surface sense. More...
std::map< dof_id_type, std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > > _id_to_elem_handles
 Map from libmesh id to MOAB element entity handles. More...
moab::EntityHandle offset
 Save the first tet entity handle. More...
std::string _density_name
 Name of the MOOSE variable containing the density. More...
Real _density_min
 Lower bound of density bins. More...
Real _density_max
 Upper bound of density bins. More...
Real _density_bin_width
 Density bin width. More...
unsigned int _n_density_bins
 Number of density bins. More...
unsigned int _n_block_bins
 Number of block bins. More...
std::vector< std::set< dof_id_type > > _elem_bins
 Mapping from total bin ID to a set of elements sorted into that bin. More...
std::map< SubdomainID, unsigned int > _blocks
 Blocks in the [Mesh]. More...
moab::EntityHandle _all_tets
 Entity handle to represent the set of all tets. More...
std::map< moab::EntityHandle, std::vector< VolData > > surfsToVols
 Save some topological data: map from surface handle to vol handle and sense. More...
moab::Tag geometry_dimension_tag
 Tag for dimension for geometry. More...
moab::Tag id_tag
 Tag for entitiy set ID. More...
moab::Tag faceting_tol_tag
 Tag for faceting tolerance. More...
moab::Tag geometry_resabs_tag
 Tag needed by DAGMC. More...
moab::Tag category_tag
 Tag for type of entity set. More...
moab::Tag name_tag
 Tag for name of entity set. More...
std::vector< Real > _temperature_bin_bounds
 Bounds of the temperature bins. More...
std::vector< Real > _density_bin_bounds
 Bounds of the density bins. More...
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > _tet4_nodes
 Node ordering for a TET4 MOAB element, based on libMesh node numberings. More...
std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > _tet10_nodes
unsigned int _temperature_var_num
 Auxiliary variable number for temperature. More...
unsigned int _density_var_num
 Auxiliary variable number for density. More...
const unsigned int NODES_PER_MOAB_TET = 4
 Number of nodes per MOAB tet (which are first order, so TET4) More...
const Real BIN_TOLERANCE = 1e-6
 Tolerance to use for comparing values to bin bounds. More...

Detailed Description

Skins the [Mesh] according to individual bins for temperature, density, and subdomain ID.

Skins a [Mesh] according to temperature, density, and subdomain. The MOAB surfaces bounding those grouped elements are then generated, providing geometry information needed for DAGMC to then track particles on this new geometry.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Sense

enum MoabSkinner::Sense

Encode the whether the surface normal faces into or out of the volume.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MoabSkinner()

MoabSkinner::MoabSkinner ( const InputParameters &  parameters)

Member Function Documentation

◆ buildGraveyard()

void MoabSkinner::buildGraveyard ( unsigned int &  vol_id,
unsigned int &  surf_id 

Build a graveyard volume around the domain.

The graveyard is a containing volume which bounds the volume of interest. This is only needed if the skinned geometry is going to be input into a Monte Carlo solver. For performance reasons, a cubic shell is optimal. So, here we build two cubic surfaces, both larger than the bounding box of the "actual" geometry. We name this region "mat:Graveyard", so that when OpenMC parses the geometry it knows to assign "void" to this region, and set vacuum BCs on the outer surfaces of the cubic shell. The remaining space between the "actual" geometry and the inner graveyard surface is treated as the implicit complement of the rest of the geometry (e.g. a transmissive region).

◆ check()

virtual moab::ErrorCode MoabSkinner::check ( const moab::ErrorCode  input) const

Wrap the error handling in MOAB to print errors to user

[in]inputMOAB error code
error mode

◆ createCornerTris()

void MoabSkinner::createCornerTris ( const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > &  verts,
unsigned int  corner,
unsigned int  v1,
unsigned int  v2,
unsigned int  v3,
bool  normalout,
moab::Range &  surface_tris 

Create 3 tri faces stemming from one corner of a cude (an open tetrahedron)

◆ createGroup()

void MoabSkinner::createGroup ( const unsigned int &  id,
const std::string &  name,
moab::EntityHandle &  group_set 

Helper method to create MOAB group entity set

[in]idID for the group
[in]namename for the group
[in]group_setgroup of entities

◆ createMOABElems()

void MoabSkinner::createMOABElems ( )

Copy the libMesh [Mesh] into a MOAB mesh. This first loops through all of the nodes, and rebuilds each as a MOAB vertex. Then, we loop over all of the elements and rebuild each as a TET4 (if the libMesh mesh has TET10 elements, they are each rebuilt into 8 TET4 elements).

◆ createNodesFromBox()

std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> MoabSkinner::createNodesFromBox ( const BoundingBox &  box,
const Real &  factor 
) const

Create MOAB nodes from a bounding box

[in]boxbounding box
[in]factormultiplicative factor to resize the bounding box sides

◆ createSurf()

void MoabSkinner::createSurf ( const unsigned int &  id,
moab::EntityHandle &  surface_set,
moab::Range &  faces,
const std::vector< VolData > &  voldata 

Helper method to create MOAB surface entity set.

◆ createSurfaceFromBox()

void MoabSkinner::createSurfaceFromBox ( const BoundingBox &  box,
const VolData voldata,
unsigned int &  surf_id,
bool  normalout,
const Real &  factor 

Create a MOAB surface from a bounding box

◆ createSurfaces()

void MoabSkinner::createSurfaces ( moab::Range &  reversed,
VolData voldata,
unsigned int &  surf_id 

Helper method to create MOAB surfaces with no overlaps.

◆ createTags()

virtual void MoabSkinner::createTags ( )

Helper method to create MOAB tags.

◆ createTri()

moab::EntityHandle MoabSkinner::createTri ( const std::vector< moab::EntityHandle > &  vertices,
unsigned int  v1,
unsigned int  v2,
unsigned int  v3 

Create MOAB tri surface element.

◆ createVol()

void MoabSkinner::createVol ( const unsigned int &  id,
moab::EntityHandle &  volume_set,
moab::EntityHandle  group_set 

Helper method to create MOAB volume entity set.

◆ execute()

virtual void MoabSkinner::execute ( )

◆ finalize()

virtual void MoabSkinner::finalize ( )

◆ findBlocks()

virtual void MoabSkinner::findBlocks ( )

Store a mapping from [Mesh] subdomain IDs to an index, to be used for binning by block ID.

◆ findSurface()

void MoabSkinner::findSurface ( const moab::Range &  region,
moab::EntityHandle  group,
unsigned int &  vol_id,
unsigned int &  surf_id,
moab::EntityHandle &  volume_set 

Find the surfaces for the provided range and add to group.

◆ findSurfaces()

void MoabSkinner::findSurfaces ( )

Group the binned elems into local temperature regions and find their surfaces.

◆ getAuxiliaryVariableNumber()

unsigned int MoabSkinner::getAuxiliaryVariableNumber ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  param_name 
) const

Get variable number in the auxiliary system

[in]namevariable name
[in]param_nameparameter name, for printing a helpful error message
variable number

◆ getBin()

virtual unsigned int MoabSkinner::getBin ( const unsigned int &  temp_bin,
const unsigned int &  density_bin,
const unsigned int &  subdomain_bin 
) const

Get total bin index given individual indices for the temperature, density, and subdomain bins

[in]temp_bintemperature bin
[in]density_bindensity bin
[in]subdomain_binsubdomain ID bin
total bin index

◆ getDensityBin()

virtual unsigned int MoabSkinner::getDensityBin ( const Elem *const  elem) const

Get the bin index for the density

density bin index

◆ getMooseMesh()

MooseMesh& MoabSkinner::getMooseMesh ( )

Moose mesh.

◆ getSubdomainBin()

virtual unsigned int MoabSkinner::getSubdomainBin ( const Elem *const  elem) const

Get the bin index for the subdomain

subdomain bin index

◆ getTemperatureBin()

virtual unsigned int MoabSkinner::getTemperatureBin ( const Elem *const  elem) const

Get the bin index for the temperature

temperature bin index

◆ getTetSets()

const std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> >& MoabSkinner::getTetSets ( ElemType  type) const

Get the node numberings for the MOAB TET4 elements to build for each [Mesh] element

[in]typeelement type

◆ groupLocalElems()

void MoabSkinner::groupLocalElems ( std::set< dof_id_type >  elems,
std::vector< moab::Range > &  localElems 

Group a given bin into local regions NB elems in param is a copy, localElems is a reference

◆ hasDensitySkinning()

virtual bool MoabSkinner::hasDensitySkinning ( ) const

Whether density skinning is applied

using density skinning

◆ hasGraveyard()

virtual const bool& MoabSkinner::hasGraveyard ( ) const

Whether the skinner builds a graveyard

whether a graveyard is built

◆ initialize()

virtual void MoabSkinner::initialize ( )

◆ makeDependentOnExternalAction()

virtual void MoabSkinner::makeDependentOnExternalAction ( )

Indicate whether this userobject is run by itself (for testing purposes) or controlled by some other class.

◆ materialName()

std::string MoabSkinner::materialName ( const unsigned int &  block,
const unsigned int &  density,
const unsigned int &  temp 
) const

◆ moabPtr()

const std::shared_ptr<moab::Interface>& MoabSkinner::moabPtr ( ) const

Get pointer to underlying moab interface

pointer to moab interface

◆ nBins()

unsigned int MoabSkinner::nBins ( ) const

Get the total number of bins

total number of bins

◆ nDensityBins()

virtual unsigned int MoabSkinner::nDensityBins ( ) const

Number of density bins; if greater than 1, this means we must be re-generating OpenMC materials during the course of the simulation.

number of density bins

◆ reset()

void MoabSkinner::reset ( )

Clear mesh data.

◆ resetMOAB()

bool MoabSkinner::resetMOAB ( )

Clear MOAB entity sets.

◆ setGraveyard()

void MoabSkinner::setGraveyard ( bool  build)

Set the graveyard setting

[in]buildwhether to build a graveyard

◆ setMaterialNames()

virtual void MoabSkinner::setMaterialNames ( std::vector< std::string >  names)

Set the names to be used for naming the subdomains in the skinned mesh; there should be one name per subdomain.

[in]namesnames for subdomains

◆ setScaling()

virtual void MoabSkinner::setScaling ( const Real &  scale)

Set the length multiplier to get from [Mesh] units into centimeters


◆ setTagData() [1/2]

void MoabSkinner::setTagData ( moab::Tag  tag,
moab::EntityHandle  ent,
std::string  data,
unsigned int  SIZE 

Helper function to wrap moab::tag_set_data for a string.

◆ setTagData() [2/2]

void MoabSkinner::setTagData ( moab::Tag  tag,
moab::EntityHandle  ent,
void *  data 

Helper function to wrap moab::tag_set_data for a generic pointer.

◆ setTags()

void MoabSkinner::setTags ( moab::EntityHandle  ent,
std::string  name,
std::string  category,
unsigned int  id,
int  dim 

Generic method to set the tags that DAGMC requires.

◆ setVerbosity()

virtual void MoabSkinner::setVerbosity ( const bool &  verbose)

Set the verbosity level

[in]verbosewhether to print diagnostic information

◆ sortElemsByResults()

virtual void MoabSkinner::sortElemsByResults ( )

Sort all the elements in the [Mesh] into bins for temperature, density, and subdomain.

◆ threadJoin()

virtual void MoabSkinner::threadJoin ( const UserObject &  )

◆ update()

virtual void MoabSkinner::update ( )

Perform the skinning operation.

◆ updateSurfData()

void MoabSkinner::updateSurfData ( moab::EntityHandle  surface_set,
const VolData data 

Add parent-child metadata relating a surface to its volume.

◆ validParams()

static InputParameters MoabSkinner::validParams ( )

◆ write()

virtual void MoabSkinner::write ( )

Write MOAB volume and/or skin meshes to file.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _all_tets

moab::EntityHandle MoabSkinner::_all_tets

Entity handle to represent the set of all tets.

◆ _bin_by_density

const bool MoabSkinner::_bin_by_density

Whether elements are binned by density (in addition to temperature and block)

◆ _blocks

std::map<SubdomainID, unsigned int> MoabSkinner::_blocks

Blocks in the [Mesh].

◆ _build_graveyard

bool MoabSkinner::_build_graveyard

Whether to build a graveyard as two additional cube surfaces surrounding the mesh. This is only needed if the skinned geometry is fed into a Monte Carlo code.

◆ _density_bin_bounds

std::vector<Real> MoabSkinner::_density_bin_bounds

Bounds of the density bins.

◆ _density_bin_width

Real MoabSkinner::_density_bin_width

Density bin width.

◆ _density_max

Real MoabSkinner::_density_max

Upper bound of density bins.

◆ _density_min

Real MoabSkinner::_density_min

Lower bound of density bins.

◆ _density_name

std::string MoabSkinner::_density_name

Name of the MOOSE variable containing the density.

◆ _density_var_num

unsigned int MoabSkinner::_density_var_num

Auxiliary variable number for density.

◆ _elem_bins

std::vector<std::set<dof_id_type> > MoabSkinner::_elem_bins

Mapping from total bin ID to a set of elements sorted into that bin.

◆ _faceting_tol

const Real& MoabSkinner::_faceting_tol

Faceting tolerence needed by DAGMC.

◆ _geom_tol

const Real& MoabSkinner::_geom_tol

Geometry tolerence needed by DAGMC.

◆ _graveyard_scale_inner

const Real& MoabSkinner::_graveyard_scale_inner

Multiplier on bounding box for inner surface of graveyard.

◆ _graveyard_scale_outer

const Real& MoabSkinner::_graveyard_scale_outer

Multiplier on bounding box for outer surface of graveyard.

◆ _id_to_elem_handles

std::map<dof_id_type, std::vector<moab::EntityHandle> > MoabSkinner::_id_to_elem_handles

Map from libmesh id to MOAB element entity handles.

◆ _material_names

std::vector<std::string> MoabSkinner::_material_names

Material names corresponding to each subdomain. These are used to name the new skinned volumes in MOAB

◆ _moab

std::shared_ptr<moab::Interface> MoabSkinner::_moab

MOAB interface.

◆ _n_block_bins

unsigned int MoabSkinner::_n_block_bins

Number of block bins.

◆ _n_density_bins

unsigned int MoabSkinner::_n_density_bins

Number of density bins.

◆ _n_temperature_bins

const unsigned int& MoabSkinner::_n_temperature_bins

Number of temperature bins.

◆ _n_write

unsigned int MoabSkinner::_n_write

Count number of times output files have been written.

◆ _output_full

const bool& MoabSkinner::_output_full

Whether to output the MOAB mesh to a .h5m file.

◆ _output_skins

const bool& MoabSkinner::_output_skins

Whether to output the MOAB mesh skins to a .h5m file.

◆ _scaling

Real MoabSkinner::_scaling

Length multiplier to get from [Mesh] units into OpenMC's centimeters.

◆ _serialized_solution

std::unique_ptr<NumericVector<Number> > MoabSkinner::_serialized_solution

◆ _standalone

bool MoabSkinner::_standalone

Whether this class runs by itself, or is controlled by an external class.

◆ _temperature_bin_bounds

std::vector<Real> MoabSkinner::_temperature_bin_bounds

Bounds of the temperature bins.

◆ _temperature_bin_width

const Real MoabSkinner::_temperature_bin_width

Temperature bin width.

◆ _temperature_max

const Real& MoabSkinner::_temperature_max

Upper bound of temperature bins.

◆ _temperature_min

const Real& MoabSkinner::_temperature_min

Lower bound of temperature bins.

◆ _temperature_name

const std::string& MoabSkinner::_temperature_name

Name of the temperature variable.

◆ _temperature_var_num

unsigned int MoabSkinner::_temperature_var_num

Auxiliary variable number for temperature.

◆ _tet10_nodes

std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > MoabSkinner::_tet10_nodes

Node ordering for eight TET4 MOAB elements, based on libMesh node numberings for a TET10 element. We re-build the libMesh element into first-order MOAB elements.

◆ _tet4_nodes

std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > MoabSkinner::_tet4_nodes

Node ordering for a TET4 MOAB element, based on libMesh node numberings.

◆ _use_displaced

const bool& MoabSkinner::_use_displaced

Whether the skinned mesh should be generated from a displaced mesh.

◆ _verbose

bool MoabSkinner::_verbose

Whether to print diagnostic information.


const Real MoabSkinner::BIN_TOLERANCE = 1e-6

Tolerance to use for comparing values to bin bounds.

◆ category_tag

moab::Tag MoabSkinner::category_tag

Tag for type of entity set.

◆ faceting_tol_tag

moab::Tag MoabSkinner::faceting_tol_tag

Tag for faceting tolerance.

◆ geometry_dimension_tag

moab::Tag MoabSkinner::geometry_dimension_tag

Tag for dimension for geometry.

◆ geometry_resabs_tag

moab::Tag MoabSkinner::geometry_resabs_tag

Tag needed by DAGMC.

◆ gtt

std::unique_ptr<moab::GeomTopoTool> MoabSkinner::gtt

Topology tool for setting surface sense.

◆ id_tag

moab::Tag MoabSkinner::id_tag

Tag for entitiy set ID.

◆ name_tag

moab::Tag MoabSkinner::name_tag

Tag for name of entity set.


const unsigned int MoabSkinner::NODES_PER_MOAB_TET = 4

Number of nodes per MOAB tet (which are first order, so TET4)

◆ offset

moab::EntityHandle MoabSkinner::offset

Save the first tet entity handle.

◆ skinner

std::unique_ptr<moab::Skinner> MoabSkinner::skinner

Moab skinner for finding temperature surfaces.

◆ surfsToVols

std::map<moab::EntityHandle, std::vector<VolData> > MoabSkinner::surfsToVols

Save some topological data: map from surface handle to vol handle and sense.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: